Hello all,
Our team encounter *akka.pattern.AskTimeoutException *when start
jobmanager. Base on the error message, we try to setup *akka.ask.timeout *
and* web.timeout *to 360s, but both of them doesn't work.
We guess the issue may cause by *FileSource.forRecordFileFormat.* The
application will l
Sorry, there are some typos that may be misleading.
The SourceFunction will be detected as* Streaming Mode.*
陳樺威 於 2021年6月3日 週四 下午1:29寫道:
> Hi,
> Currently, we want to use batch execution mode [0] to consume historical
> data and rebuild states for our streaming application.
Currently, we want to use batch execution mode [0] to consume historical
data and rebuild states for our streaming application.
The Flink app will be run on-demand and close after complete all the file
We implement a SourceFuntion [1] to consume bounded parquet files from GCS.
ax -
> Consumer lag
> flink_taskmanager_job_task_operator_KafkaConsumer_commit_latency_max -
> commit latency
> unsure if reactive mode makes any difference.
> On Mon, May 24, 2021 at 7:44 PM 陳樺威 wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Our team tries to test reacti
Our team tries to test reactive mode and replace FlinkKafkaConsumer with
the new KafkaSource.
But we can’t find the KafkaSource metrics list. Does anyone have any idea?
In our case, we want to know the Kafka consume delay and consume rate.