flink sql作业如何实现迟到数据侧输出?

2024-09-22 Thread casel.chen
flink sql使用起来直接明了,但针对迟到数据默认会直接drop掉,这在某些业务场景下是不合适的,我们需要进一步分析数据延迟的原因再进行数据修复。 有没有可能通过sql hint来实现迟到数据侧输出呢?

Re: Slack invitation link !!!

2024-09-22 Thread Hang Ruan
Hi, Apollo. Here is an invitation link : https://join.slack.com/t/apache-flink/shared_invite/zt-2r0p0hgp2-N1uS3hwwq6g33bsrRqvsjw Best, Hang Apollo Elon 于2024年9月21日周六 21:41写道: > Could you please send me an invitation link to the Flink Slack community > ?Thanks. >

Re:May I ask some questions about Flink ListView ?

2024-09-22 Thread Xuyang
Hi, Apollo. The processing of agg is generated by codegen. You can observe the processing log of the generated agg class by setting the following parameters: env.java.opts.taskmanager: "-Dorg.codehaus.janino.source_debugging.enable=true -Dorg.codehaus.janino.source_debugging.dir=/flink/log/"

Re: Flink 1.15.4 JobGraphs not compatible with 1.19.1

2024-09-22 Thread David Morávek
Hi Sachin, JobGraph is not meant to be compatible between Flink releases. To upgrade, please go through the regular process using Savepoints [1]. Best, D. [1] https://nightlies.apache.org/flink/flink-docs-release-1.20/docs/ops/state/savepoints/ On Wed, Sep 18, 2024 at 5:30 AM Sachin Sharma wro