I am trying to use CloseableIterator, but next() operation reliably generates
the following error:
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: org.apache.flink.util.FlinkException:
Coordinator of operator 4596fb32cad14208ec80c1cae8623e11 does not exist or the
job vertex this operator belong
The application mode indeed has a sticky jobId (at least when we are
performing a last-state upgrade, otherwise a new jobId is generated during
stateless deployments). But that's only part of the story and arguably the
less important bit. The last-state upgrade mechanism for running/failing
(but ot
Hi Gyula,
Thanks for your reply! Good suggestion on JIRA ticket, I created a JIRA
ticket for tracking it: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-35279.
We could be interested in working on it because of our own requirement, I
will check you and the community again once we have some updates.
Some more context: Our job graph has 5 different Tasks/operators/flink
functions of which we are seeing this issue every time in a particular
We’re using Unaligned checkpoints. With aligned checkpoint we don’t see
this issue but the checkpoint duration in that case is very high and causes
Hi Flink folks,
Our team has been working on a Flink service. After completing the service
development, we moved on to the Job Stabilisation exercises at the
production load.
During high load, we see that if the job restarts (mostly due to the
"org.apache.flink.util.FlinkExpectedException: The Task