Flink 1.11 Sql client environment yaml

2020-07-17 Thread Lian Jiang
Hi, I am experimenting Flink SQL by following https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.11/dev/table/sqlClient.html. I want to set up an environment yaml to query Kafka data (json in avro format). Where can I find the information below? 1. use GenericInMemoryCatalog (e.g. type, se

Are files in savepoint still needed after restoring if turning on incremental checkpointing

2020-07-17 Thread Lu Niu
Hi, Flink Users Assuming one flink job turns incremental checkpointing and restores from a savepoint. It runs fine for a while and commits one checkpoint and then it fully restarts because of one error. At this time, is it possible that the job still needs files in the original savepoint for recov

RE: Backpressure on Window step

2020-07-17 Thread Nelson Steven
First off, thanks for your reply! I have an assumption that I should probably verify first: When determining the source of the backpressure we look (in the WebUI) for the first operator in our pipeline that is not showing backpressure. That’s what we consider to be the source of the backpressure

Flink Sinks

2020-07-17 Thread Prasanna kumar
Hi , I did not find out of box flink sink connector for http and SQS mechanism. Has anyone implemented it? Wanted to know if we are writing a custom sink function , whether it would affect semantic exactly one guarantees ? Thanks , Prasanna

Global Hashmap & global static variable.

2020-07-17 Thread Annemarie Burger
Hi, I have two questions: 1. In the first part of my pipeline using Flink DataStreams processing graph edges, I'm filling up Hashmap. In it goes a vertex id and the partition this vertex is assigned to. Later in my pipeline I want to query this Hashmap again, to see in which partition exactly I c

Re: Flink 1.11 throws Unrecognized field "error_code"

2020-07-17 Thread Lian Jiang
Thanks Chesnay. Flink UI port 8081 conflicts with Confluent schema registry, causing cluster to fail to start. After changing the port, the cluster can start and the job can be submitted. Thanks. On Fri, Jul 17, 2020 at 12:40 AM Chesnay Schepler wrote: > Please double-check that the client and

Parquet batch table sink in Flink 1.11

2020-07-17 Thread Flavio Pompermaier
Hi to all, is there a way to write out Parquet-Avro data using BatchTableEnvironment with Flink 1.11? At the moment I'm using the hadoop ParquetOutputFormat but I hope to be able to get rid of it sooner or later..I saw that there's the AvroOutputFormat but no support for it using Parquet. Best, Fl

DynamoDB sink

2020-07-17 Thread Lorenzo Nicora
Hi I was wondering whether there is any reasonably optimised DynamoDB Sink I am surprised I only found some old, partial discussions about implementing your own one. Am I the only one with the requirement of sending output to DynamoDB? Am I missing something obvious? I am obviously looking for an

org.aspectj.lang.annotation annotation not working with flink

2020-07-17 Thread Manish G
I have created a custom annotation to log time consumed by a method using aspectj library. I tested it in a spring boot application for one of the rest endpoint and it works fine. But when I annotate map method in my flink job class, it doesn't work. Anyone having any inputs on it? With regards

Re: Backpressure on Window step

2020-07-17 Thread David Anderson
Backpressure is typically caused by something like one of these things: * problems relating to i/o to external services (e.g., enrichment via an API or database lookup, or a sink) * data skew (e.g., a hot key) * under-provisioning, or competition for resources * spikes in traffic * timer storms I

Flink FsStatebackend is giving better performance than RocksDB

2020-07-17 Thread Vijay Bhaskar
Hi While doing scale testing we observed that FSStatebackend is out performing RocksDB. When using RocksDB, off heap memory keeps growing over a period of time and after a day pod got terminated with OOM. Whereas the same data pattern FSStatebackend is running for days without any memory spike an

Re: How to write junit testcases for KeyedBroadCastProcess Function

2020-07-17 Thread David Anderson
You could approach testing this in the same way that Flink has implemented its unit tests for KeyedBroadcastProcessFunctions, which is to use a KeyedTwoInputStreamOperatorTestHarness with a CoBroadcastWithKeyedOperator. To learn how to use Flink's test harnesses, see [1], and for an example of test

Re: Performance test Flink vs Storm

2020-07-17 Thread Theo Diefenthal
Hi Prasanna , >From my experience, there is a ton of stuff which can slow down even a simple >pipeline heavily. One thing directly coming to my mind: "object reuse" is not >enabled. Even if you have a very simple pipeline with just 2 map steps or so, >this can lead to a ton of unneceesary deep

Re: CEP use case ?

2020-07-17 Thread David Anderson
If the rules can be implemented by examining events in isolation (e.g., temperature > 25), then the DataStream API is all you need. But if you want rules that are looking for temporal patterns that play across multiple events, then CEP or MATCH_RECOGNIZE (part of Flink SQL) will simplify the implem

Is there a way to use stream API with this program?

2020-07-17 Thread Flavio Pompermaier
Hi to all, I was trying to port another job we have that use dataset API to datastream. The legacy program was doing basically a dataset.mapPartition().reduce() so I tried to replicate this thing with a final BasicTypeInfo columnType = BasicTypeInfo.DOUBLE_TYPE_INFO; final DataStream input = en

Re: Flink 1.11 throws Unrecognized field "error_code"

2020-07-17 Thread Chesnay Schepler
Please double-check that the client and server are using the same Flink version. On 17/07/2020 02:42, Lian Jiang wrote: Hi, I am using java 1.8 and Flink 1.11 by following https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.11/try-flink/local_installation.html on my MAC Mojave 10.14.6.