Re: on YARN question

2020-04-12 Thread Yang Wang
Hi jieluo, I think you need to check the network connectivity between Flink client(local machine) and JobManager rest endpoint(YARN cluster). Usually, you could use the "telnet" to test. Moreover, it will be easier for others the help with debugging if you could provide the JobManager logs. BTW,

Re: Re: fink sql client not able to read parquet format table

2020-04-12 Thread Jingsong Li
Thanks, looks well, nice job! Best, Jingsong Lee On Fri, Apr 10, 2020 at 5:56 PM <> wrote: > > > > It is my first time to create a flink jira issue. > Just point it out and correct it if I write s

Re: Flink job consuming all available memory on host

2020-04-12 Thread Xintong Song
Hi Mitch, Have you configured 'state.backend.rocksdb.memory.managed'? The default should be 'true' and if you have set it to 'false', the RocksDB memory footprint might grow to more than configured task manager memory size. Besides, by any chance your UDFs use any native memory? E.g., launch anot

Re: upgrade flink from 1.9.1 to 1.10.0 on EMR

2020-04-12 Thread Yang Wang
Hi Anuj, It seems that you are using hadoop version 2.4.1. I think "L" could not be supported in this version. Could you upgrade your hadoop version to 2.8 and have a try? If your YARN cluster version is 2.8+, then you could directly remove the flink-shaded-hadoop in your lib directory. Otherwise,

Non-heap memory usage jumped after 1.7 -> 1.10 upgrade

2020-04-12 Thread Steven Wu
This is a stateful stream join application using RocksDB state backend with incremental checkpoint enabled. - JVM heap usage is pretty similar. Main difference is in non-heap usage, probably related to RocksDB state. - Also observed cgroup memory failure count showing up in the 1

Re: Setting different idleStateRetentionTime for different queries executed in the same TableEnvironment in Flink 1.10

2020-04-12 Thread Jiahui Jiang
Hey Jark, thank you so much for confirming! Out of curiosity, even though I agree that having too many config classes are confusing, not knowing when the config values are used during pipeline setup is also pretty confusing. For example, the name of 'TableConfig' makes me feel it's global to th

Question about EventTimeTrigger

2020-04-12 Thread Jiawei Wu
Hi, I have a quick question about the "EventTimeTrigger". I notice it's based on TimeWindow instead of Window. Is there any reason why this cannot apply to GlobalWindow? Thanks, Jiawei

Re: Flink incremental checkpointing - how long does data is kept in the share folder

2020-04-12 Thread Shachar Carmeli
Thank you for the quick response Your answer related to the checkpoint folder that contains the _metadata file e.g. chk-1829 What about the "shared" folder , how do I know which files in that folder are still relevant and which are left over from a failed checkpoint , they are not directly rel