Re: Kafka Schema registry

2020-01-14 Thread aj
ConfluentRegistryAvroDeserializationSchema.forGeneric() is require reader schema .How we can used it deseralize using writer schema. On Fri, Sep 13, 2019 at 12:04 AM Lasse Nedergaard wrote: > Hi Elias > > Thanks for letting me know. I have found it but we also need the option to > register Avro

Re: Slots Leak Observed when

2020-01-14 Thread Xintong Song
Hi, It would be helpful for understanding the problem if you could share the logs. Thank you~ Xintong Song On Wed, Jan 15, 2020 at 12:23 AM burgesschen wrote: > Hi guys, > > Out team is observing a stability issue on our Standalone Flink clusters. > > Background: The kafka cluster our flink

Question about Scala Case Class and List in Flink

2020-01-14 Thread Utopia
Hi folks, I have two questions about types in Flink when using Scala: 1. scala case class: This my case class define: case class SensorReading(var id: String , var timestamp: Long, var temperature: Double) In documentation, Scala case class is supported: `Scala case classes (including Scala tu

Re: PubSub source throwing grpc errors

2020-01-14 Thread Itamar Syn-Hershko
Thanks! I was able to track this down. Essentially it was a deserialization error which propagated and might have prevented the channel from closing down properly. This could be considered as a problem, but I'm not further down the rabbit hole chasing down a solution for the original deserializati

Re: Understanding watermark

2020-01-14 Thread Till Rohrmann
Hi Cam, could you share a bit more details about your job (e.g. which sources are you using, what are your settings, etc.). Ideally you can provide a minimal example in order to better understand the program. >From a high level perspective, there might be different problems: First of all, Flink d

Re: [BULK]Re: Incorrect Physical Plan when unioning two different windows, giving incorrect SQL query results

2020-01-14 Thread Till Rohrmann
Great, thanks a lot for looking into the problem and fixing it. I assume that your PR will be merged very soon. Cheers, Till On Tue, Jan 14, 2020 at 7:18 PM Benoit Hanotte wrote: > Hello Till, > thanks for your reply! > I have been able to debug the issue and reported it in > https://issues.apa

Re: Custom File Sink using EventTime and defined custom file name for parquet file

2020-01-14 Thread Till Rohrmann
Hi David, I'm pulling in Kostas who worked on the StreamingFileSink and might be able to answer some of your questions. Cheers, Till On Mon, Jan 13, 2020 at 2:45 PM Leonard Xu wrote: > Hi, David > > For you first description, I’m a little confused about duplicated records > when backfilling, c

Re: PubSub source throwing grpc errors

2020-01-14 Thread Till Rohrmann
Hi Itamar, for further debugging it would be helpful to get the full logs of Flink and more information about your environment. Since I'm not too familiar with Flink's PubSub connector, I have pulled in Richard (original author), Becket and Robert (both helped with reviewing and merging this conne

Re: [BULK]Re: Incorrect Physical Plan when unioning two different windows, giving incorrect SQL query results

2020-01-14 Thread Benoit Hanotte
Hello Till, thanks for your reply! I have been able to debug the issue and reported it in It seems the old planner does not add the window specs to the Logical nodes' digests, leading the HepPlanner to consider the aggregations to be equivalent,

Re: Incorrect Physical Plan when unioning two different windows, giving incorrect SQL query results

2020-01-14 Thread Till Rohrmann
Hi Benoit, thanks for reporting this issue. Since I'm not too familiar with the SQL component I've pulled in Timo and Jingsong who know much better what could be wrong than I do. Cheers, Till On Mon, Jan 13, 2020 at 11:48 AM Benoit Hanotte wrote: > Hello, > > We seem to be facing an issue with

Slots Leak Observed when

2020-01-14 Thread burgesschen
Hi guys, Out team is observing a stability issue on our Standalone Flink clusters. Background: The kafka cluster our flink jobs read from/ write to have some issues and every 10 to15 mins one of the partition leaders switch. This causes jobs that write to/ read from that topic fail and restart. U

Re: Is there a way to clean up the state based on custom/business logic?

2020-01-14 Thread Dawid Wysakowicz
Hi, What you are asking is certainly possible with the DataStream API. Table API/SQL is a declarative API, where say what to want to compute not how. As a rule of thumb I would say whenever you need to manually handle your state or timers the DataStream API and ProcessFunction[1] will be a better

Is there a way to clean up the state based on custom/business logic?

2020-01-14 Thread kant kodali
Hi All, I read through the doc below and I am wondering if I can clean up the state based on custom logic rather min and max retention time? For example, I want to say clean up all the state where the key = foo or say the value = bar. so until the keys reach a particular value just keep accumulat