Hi Chesnay,
I saw the code about hbase here:
it seems including both input and output.
On Sep 6, 2019, at 17:45, Chesnay Schepler
mailto:ches...@apache.org>> wrote:
Where d
Ravi, have you looked at the io operation(iops) rate of the disk? You can
monitoring the iops performance and tune it accordingly with your work load.
This helped us in our project when we hit the wall tuning prototype much all
the parameters.
From: Ravi
Hi Dipanjan,
Sorry that I didn’t make it clear. The ’standalone cluster’ could be fully
distributed. It refers to a static cluster deployed without any cluster
managers (or other related tools), such as YARN and Kubernetes.
For more information, please check the documentation [1].
Hi Rafi,
Thank you for your quick response.
I have tested with rocksdb state backend. Rocksdb required significantly
more taskmanager to perform as compare to filesystem state backend. The
problem here is that checkpoint process is not fast enough to complete.
Our requirement is to do checkout a
Hi Ravi,
Consider moving to RocksDB state backend, where you can enable incremental
checkpointing. This will make you checkpoints size stay pretty much
constant even when your state becomes larger.
Hi All,
I am writing a streaming application using Flink 1.9. This application
consumes data from kinesis stream which is basically avro payload.
Application is using KeyedProcessFunction to execute business logic on the
basis of correlation id using event time characteristics with below
Hi Xingcan,
Thanks a lot for this info and this verifies my suspect , so if i want to
reuse the SQL client to implement an API based framework , it will not work in
Flink cluster running in cluster mode, is there any plan in near future to
support that, if its planned is there any expected
Hi Dipanjan,
Here the ’standalone’ is short for ’standalone cluster mode’, which means you
can setup a standalone Flink cluster and submit your SQL queries (via SQL
client) to the cluster.
As far as I know, the current SQL client can only connect to a Flink cluster
deployed in standalone mode.