Re: Job Manager becomes irresponsive if the size of the session cluster grows

2019-07-17 Thread Biao Liu
Hi, It seems to be good based on your GC metrics. You could double check the GC log if you enable it. The GC log is more direct. I'm not sure what's happening in your JobManager. But I'm pretty sure that Flink could support far more larger scale cluster than yours. Have you ever checked the log f

Re: Checkpoints timing out for no apparent reason

2019-07-17 Thread Congxian Qiu
Hi The image did not show. incremental checkpoint includes: 1) flush memtable to sst files; 2) checkpoint of RocksDB; 3) snapshot metadata; 4) upload needed sst files to remote, all the first three steps are in sync part, and the fourth step in async part, could you please check whether the sync o

Re: Job Manager becomes irresponsive if the size of the session cluster grows

2019-07-17 Thread Biao Liu
Hi Prakhar, Have you ever checked the garbage collection of master? Which version of Flink are you using? How many TaskManagers in your cluster? Prakhar Mathur 于2019年7月18日周四 下午1:54写道: > Hello, > > We have deployed multiple Flink clusters on Kubernetess with 1 replica of > Jobmanager and multip

Re: yarn-session vs cluster per job for streaming jobs

2019-07-17 Thread Maxim Parkachov
Hi Haibo, thanks for tip, I almost forgot about max-attempts. I understood implication of running with one AM. Maybe my question was incorrect, but what would be faster (with regards to downtime of each job): 1. In case of yarn-session: Parallel cancel all jobs with savepoints, restart yarn-sess

Job Manager becomes irresponsive if the size of the session cluster grows

2019-07-17 Thread Prakhar Mathur
Hello, We have deployed multiple Flink clusters on Kubernetess with 1 replica of Jobmanager and multiple of Taskmanager as per the requirement. Recently we are observing that on increasing the number of Taskmanagers for a cluster, the Jobmanager becomes irresponsive. It stops sending statsd metric

Re: Cannot access the data from Hive-Tables in Blink

2019-07-17 Thread Bowen Li
Hi Yebgenya, This is caused by Hive version mismatch, you are either not using the right Hive version (double check your Hive version is supported by Blink), or not specifying the right version in yaml config (e.g. you use 2.3.4 but specify it as 1.2.1). Bowen On Tue, Jul 16, 2019 at 11:22 AM Ye

Re:Re: Job leak in attached mode (batch scenario)

2019-07-17 Thread Haibo Sun
There should be no JIRA about the requirement. If you have a strong need for this feature, you can create one. In addition, you can also go to and search with keywords to confirm whether there are the relevant JIRA. Best, Haibo At 2019-07-18 10:31:22, "qi luo" wrote: Than

Re:yarn-session vs cluster per job for streaming jobs

2019-07-17 Thread Haibo Sun
Hi, Maxim For the concern talking on the first point: If HA and checkpointing are enabled, AM (the application master, that is the job manager you said) will be restarted by YARN after it dies, and then the dispatcher will try to restore all the previously running jobs correctly. Note that th

Re: [DISCUSS] Create a Flink ecosystem website

2019-07-17 Thread Congxian Qiu
Robert and Daryl, thanks for the great work, I tried the website and filed some issues on Github. Best, Congxian Robert Metzger 于2019年7月17日周三 下午11:28写道: > Hey all, > > Daryl and I have great news to share. We are about to finish adding the > basic features to the ecosystem page. > We are at a s

ValueState in SessionWindows

2019-07-17 Thread 艾毅
I implemented a class, the class extends MergingWindowAssigner, In the trigger, I use ValueState, when windows is merged, I want to get ValueState in merged windows. now I can't get the ValueState.

[no subject]

2019-07-17 Thread tangkailin
Hello, I am trying to use HashMap In my window function of flink job. if the parallelism change, is this hashmap still a singleton? Shouldn’t I do something similar here? 发送自 Windows 10 版邮件应用

Re: Job leak in attached mode (batch scenario)

2019-07-17 Thread qi luo
Thanks Haibo for the response! Is there any community issue or plan to implement heartbeat mechanism between Dispatcher and Client? If not, should I create one? Regards, Qi > On Jul 17, 2019, at 10:19 AM, Haibo Sun wrote: > > Hi, Qi > > As far as I know, there is no such mechanism now. To ac

Re: table toRetractStream missing last record and adding extra column (True)

2019-07-17 Thread sri hari kali charan Tummala
yes even the delimiter can be replaced, have to test what happens if the data itself has a comma in it I need to test. table.toRetractStream(TypeInformation.of(classOf[Row])) .map(_._2.toString.replaceAll(",","~")) .writeAsText("/Users/kalit_000/Downloads/FlinkStreamAndSql/src/main/resources/

Re: table toRetractStream missing last record and adding extra column (True)

2019-07-17 Thread sri hari kali charan Tummala
Amazing all issues resolved in one go thanks Cheng , one issue though I can't write map.(_._2) to CSV looks like it doesn't support right now have to be TextFile. below is a full code if someone wants in Scala. Git Code is here:- package

Flink Zookeeper HA: FileNotFoundException blob - Jobmanager not starting up

2019-07-17 Thread Richard Deurwaarder
Hello, I've got a problem with our flink cluster where the jobmanager is not starting up anymore, because it tries to download non existant (blob) file from the zookeeper storage dir. We're running flink 1.8.0 on a kubernetes cluster and use the google storage connector [1] to store checkpoints,

Re: Providing external files to flink classpath

2019-07-17 Thread Vishwas Siravara
Does the -yt option work for standalone cluster without dedicated resource manager ? So this property file is read by one of the dependencies inside my application as a file, so I can't really use Parameter tool to parse the config file. Thanks, Vishwas On Fri, Jun 28, 2019 at 11:08 PM Yun Tang

Flink and CDC

2019-07-17 Thread Flavio Pompermaier
Hi to all, I'd like to know whether it exists or not an example about how to leverage Debezium as a CDC source and to feed a Flink Table (From MySQL for example). Best, Flavio

Re: Questions about user doc.

2019-07-17 Thread Biao Liu
Hi Vishwas, > I am guessing this means that Flink executes successive tasks from different pipelines successively right ? As the document described, "Note that Flink often executes successive tasks concurrently: For Streaming programs, that happens in any case, but also for batch programs, it hap

yarn-session vs cluster per job for streaming jobs

2019-07-17 Thread Maxim Parkachov
Hi, I'm looking for advice on how to run flink streaming jobs on Yarn cluster in production environment. I tried in testing environment both approaches with HA mode, namely yarn session + multiple jobs vs cluster per job, both seems to work for my cases, with slight preference of yarn session mode

Re: Automatic deployment of new version of streaming stateful job

2019-07-17 Thread Maxim Parkachov
Hi Marc, thanks a lot for the tool. Unfortunately, I could not direcly use it, but I will take couple of ideas and will implement my own script. Nevertherless, I'm really surprised that such functionality doesn't exist out of the box. Regards, Maxim. On Tue, Jul 16, 2019 at 9:22 AM Marc Rooding

Re: [DISCUSS] Create a Flink ecosystem website

2019-07-17 Thread Robert Metzger
Hey all, Daryl and I have great news to share. We are about to finish adding the basic features to the ecosystem page. We are at a stage where it is ready to be reviewed and made public. You can either check out a development instance of the ecosystem page here: https://flink-ecosystem-demo.flink

Re: Does Flink support raw generic types in a merged stream?

2019-07-17 Thread John Tipper
Hi Chesnay, Yes, but the actual use case needs to support more than 2 streams, so if I go down the Either route then I have arbitrarily sized nested Eithers, i.e. Either, C> etc, which gets pretty messy very quickly. Many thanks, John Sent from my iPhone On 17 Jul 2019, at 13:29, Chesnay Sch

Re: table toRetractStream missing last record and adding extra column (True)

2019-07-17 Thread sri hari kali charan Tummala
Question 1:- I did tired map function end up having issue ( ) I am trying to convert a Tuple[Boolean,Row] to Row using map function, I am getting this error asking me for Inf

Re: table toRetractStream missing last record and adding extra column (True)

2019-07-17 Thread Hequn Cheng
Hi Sri, Question1: You can use a map to filter the "true", i.e, Note, it's ok to remove the "true" flag for distinct as it does not generate updates. For other query contains updates, such as a non-window group by, we should not filter the flag or the result is not correct. Question

Re: org.apache.flink.table.api.TableException: Only tables that originate from Scala DataStreams can be converted to Scala DataStreams.

2019-07-17 Thread Hequn Cheng
Hi Sri, For scala jobs, we should import the corresponding scala Environment and DataStream. e.g, import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.scala.{DataStream, StreamExecutionEnvironment} import org.apache.flink.table.api.scala.StreamTableEnvironment See example here[1]. Best, Hequn [1] https://gith

Re: Does Flink support raw generic types in a merged stream?

2019-07-17 Thread Chesnay Schepler
Have you looked at org.apache.flink.types.Either? If you'd wrap all elements in both streams before the union you should be able to join them properly. On 17/07/2019 14:18, John Tipper wrote: Hi All, Can I union/join 2 streams containing generic classes, where each stream has a different pa

Does Flink support raw generic types in a merged stream?

2019-07-17 Thread John Tipper
Hi All, Can I union/join 2 streams containing generic classes, where each stream has a different parameterised type? I'd like to process the combined stream of values as a single raw type, casting to a specific type for detailed processing, based on some information in the type that will allow


2019-07-17 Thread Kailash Kota
unsubscribe Thanks & Regards, Kailash Kota Product Development | JDA Software Pvt Ltd. Ph: +91 80 6101 8649 Think BIG > Start small > Run fast! Download JDA's AI/ML buyers guide and get started on your autonomous SCM journey! To the extent permitted by law, we may monito

[Table API] ClassCastException when converting a table to DataStream

2019-07-17 Thread Dongwon Kim
Hello, Consider the following snippet: > Table sourceTable = getKafkaSource0(tEnv); > DataStream stream = tEnv.toAppendStream(sourceTable, Row.class) > > * .map(a -> a) .returns(sourceTable.getSchema().toRowType());* > stream.print(); > where sourceTable.printSchema() shows: