Re: Flink ML Use cases

2019-05-25 Thread Abhishek Singh
Thanks for the confirmation, Fabian. *Regards,* *Abhishek Kumar Singh* *Search Engine Engineer* *Mob :+91 7709735480 * *...* On Sat, May 25, 2019 at 8:55 PM Fabian Hueske wrote: > Hi Abhishek, > > Your observation is correct. Right now, the Flink ML module is in a > half-baked state and is

How can I add config file as classpath in taskmgr node when submitting a flink job?

2019-05-25 Thread
When starting a single node java application, I can add some config file to it. How can i implenment it when submitting a flink job? The config file need to be read from taskMgr node and used to initialize some classess.

Re: Flink ML Use cases

2019-05-25 Thread Fabian Hueske
Hi Abhishek, Your observation is correct. Right now, the Flink ML module is in a half-baked state and is only supported in batch mode. It is not integrated with the DataStream API. FLIP-23 proposes a feature that allows to evaluated an externally trained model (stored as PMML) on a stream of data.

Re: Job cluster and HA

2019-05-25 Thread Boris Lublinsky
I understand this. What I am not sure about is the sequence: It will come back and restore from ZK/HDFS And then it will try to start a job specified in the class, right? Which will overwrite (potentially) the restored job. How does it know not to start the job defined in the class, once the previo

Re: Job crashing cluster

2019-05-25 Thread Timothy Victor
Thanks for the reply Sushant. I think this was a dumb error on my part. Even though I was catching the exception in main, I was calling sys.exit (as I would normally in a standalone app) and this was causing JM to exit. Tim On Fri, May 24, 2019, 1:29 PM Sushant Sawant wrote: > Hi, > Could you

How to run Graph algorithms

Respected All, I am a new learner of Apache Flink. I want to run existing Graph algorithms (examples) given in Flink download software with my own data. But I am not getting how to run those existing example algos on my input data. Kindly suggest me a solution. From: "bastien dine" To: "Bo

Re: Job cluster and HA

2019-05-25 Thread bastien dine
Hello Boris, I think you are confused by the name of the shell script "" Which basically means that we start a "standalone job manager" as stated in the first comment of This is a