If you have python available, a simple script can help you there.
> import requests # you might need to 'pip install requests' from command
> line
> uploadUrl = 'http://localhost:8081/jars/upload' # Replace localhost with
> your JobManager url
> jarName = '/path/to/jar/file.jar'
I have a streaming pipeline running on flink and I need to collect metrics
to identify how my algorithm is performing. The entire pipeline is
multi-tenanted and I also need metrics per tenant. Lets say there would be
around 20 metrics to be captured per tenant. I have the following ideas for
Hi Kostas,
Thank you for the suggestion.
But in our case we want to do either a component test that involves several
steps, where the CoFlatMap is one step in the middle, or integration test that
test the whole flow, which involves also the CoFlatMap.
And we trying to understand how to test such