Re: Flink Avro Kafka Reading/Writing

2016-11-12 Thread Niels Basjes
In Avro 1.8.2 (which is close to being released) we built a new feature that allows serializing Avro records into a byte array that still contains the schema information. So even if you keep messages for weeks and the schema of your application changes you can still read the messages at the consume

Re: Flink Avro Kafka Reading/Writing

2016-11-12 Thread Robert Metzger
Hi, yes, Flink can read and write Avro schema to Kafka, using a custom serialization / deser schema. On Fri, Nov 11, 2016 at 6:05 AM, daviD wrote: > Hi All, > > Does anyone know if Flink can read and write Avro schema to Kafka? > > Thanks > > daviD >

Re: Flink - Nifi Connectors - Class not found

2016-11-12 Thread Robert Metzger
Hi, the problem is that Flink's YARN code is not available in the Hadoop 1.2.1 build. How do you try to execute the Flink job to trigger this error message? On Fri, Nov 11, 2016 at 12:23 PM, PACE, JAMES wrote: > I am running Apache Flink 1.1.3 – Hadoop version 1.2.1 with the NiFi > connector.

Compile for Java 1.8

2016-11-12 Thread Alberto Ramón
bash> git Clone POM> 1.8 bash> java -version ==> java version "1.8.0_111" *Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:compile (default-compile) on project flink-core: Compilation failure[ERROR] . . . /flink1.2 _10_Nov/flink-core/src/main/java/org/apache/flink/api/ja

Re: Task managers cant start on YARN cluster

2016-11-12 Thread Gyula Fóra
Hi, What happened is that I compiled Flink with the wrong hadoop version... Sorry :) Gyula Gyula Fóra ezt írta (időpont: 2016. nov. 12., Szo, 13:11): > Hi, > > I am running into some strange issues on yarn with Flink 1.1.3 & 4. For > some reason I started getting this error (see under text.) >

Re: Last event of each window belongs to the next window - Wrong

2016-11-12 Thread Samir Abdou
Hi Aljoscha, Yes, the same user ID can originate from different sources. You are right, it would not be possible to guarantee ordering if you consider user IDs cross the sources. However, when you key by source ID we isolate all the user IDs within each source ID. So I believe it should be fine.

Task managers cant start on YARN cluster

2016-11-12 Thread Gyula Fóra
Hi, I am running into some strange issues on yarn with Flink 1.1.3 & 4. For some reason I started getting this error (see under text.) The job manager starts and the application is in Accepted state but cannot seem to be able to communicate with the scheduler. ( seems strange) I didn'

Re: Csv to windows?

2016-11-12 Thread Felix Neutatz
Hi everybody, I found a new problem. The algorithm I want to implement needs a global ReducingState. What do I mean with that: I want to calculate a local aggregation for each task and then combine all these local aggregates to one global aggregate and push this global aggregate to all nodes and c

"Too many open files" in Job Manager

2016-11-12 Thread static-max
Hi, I get a ton of these messages in my Job Manager's logfile. This makes Flink unstable, as I cannot list or cancel/stop the jobs. I run Flink in YARN under a default Horton HDP 2.5 installation. HDP sets the hard and soft limit of open files to 32768 for the user "yarn" that runs the Flink JVMs,