Say I have a window state of List(("a", 1:00), ("b", 1:03), ("c", 1:06))
which is triggered to emit when watermark passes the timestamp of an
element. For example,
on watermark(1:01), List(("a", 1:00)) is emitted
on watermark(1:04), List(("a", 1:00), ("b", 1:03)) is emitted
on watermark(1:07)
Hi all,
I don't have much experience with Flink, so please forget me if I ask some
obvious questions. I was taking a look to the documentation on stateful
transformations in Flink at https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-
release-1.2/dev/state.html. I'm mostly interested in Flink for str