Re: [IE] Re: passing environment variables to flink program

2015-12-05 Thread Robert Metzger
Just a little note, the feature requested in FLINK-2954 has been implemented and is available in 1.0-SNAPSHOT now. Please let me know if its working as expected. On Wed, Nov 4, 2015 at 6:35 PM, Jian Jiang wrote: > I have to continue the evaluat

Re: Any role for volunteering

2015-12-05 Thread Matthias J. Sax
Hi Deepak, the Flink community is always open to new people who want to contribute to the project. Please subscribe to the user- and dev-mailing list as a starting point: Furthermore, please read the following docs:

Re: Flink Storm

2015-12-05 Thread Matthias J. Sax
Hi Naveen, in you previous mail you mention that > Yeah, I did route the ³count² bolt output to a file and I see the output. > I can see the Storm and Flink output matching. How did you do this? Modifying the "count bolt" code? Or did you use some other bolt that consumes the "count bolt" output

Re: Read Kafka topic from the beginning

2015-12-05 Thread Robert Metzger
Hi Vladimir, Does current Kafka Consumer implementation allow to read all messages in a > topic from the beginning or from a specific offset. For reading from the beginning, setting "auto.offset.reset" to "smallest" will do the job. Reading from a specific offset is not yet supported yet, but it