Re: Understanding CVD Output

2018-06-19 Thread Ewan Mellor
SofA == Subject of Analysis. It's the input that you've given cTakes, the document text (or audio file if you're doing speech-to-text, or whatever). So this tab is just showing you what cTakes knows about your input. Ewan. On Tue, Jun 19, 2018 at 02:17:45PM +, Tiffany Buu wrote: > Hello, >

Re: Apache JCAS Term Annotator Error

2018-06-19 Thread Ewan Mellor
The important thing is that the folder structure, rooted at the org/ folder, needs to be on your classpath. If you're using the standard install instructions[1] then /resources is put on your classpath for you, so that means you should end up with /resources/org/apache/ctakes/dictionary/lookup/fas

Re: Packaging cTAKES in a Jar - LVG Related Configuration Error

2018-03-29 Thread Ewan Mellor
If you unpack the LVG resources onto your classpath, then LvgAnnotator won't copy them to /tmp, it'll use them from where it found them (see the top of LvgAnnotator.createAnnotatorDescription). That's what I'm doing -- unpacking it in advance so that you get SOME.CLASSPATH.DIR\org\apache\ctakes\lv

Re: Leveraging cTAKES without a UMLS Credential Check

2018-03-10 Thread Ewan Mellor
There was a thread about this on dev@ctakes recently. Cheers, Ewan. From: Michael Trepanier>> Reply-To:>> Date: Frid

Re: Leveraging cTAKES without a UMLS Credential Check

2018-03-10 Thread Ewan Mellor
There was a thread about this on dev@ctakes recently. Cheers, Ewan. On Fri, Mar 09, 2018 at 01:42:03PM -0800, Michael Trepanier wrote: > Hi All, > Is it possible to avoid t