tion with addConfig() - and
> one
> >>> that cayenne runtime is complaining about in this case.
> >>>
> >>> I am trying to come up a connection configuration strategy that uses
> >>> cayanne best practices, as well as conforms to gradle and jen
mp; ServerModule):
ServerRuntime cayenneRuntime = ServerRuntime.builder()
.addModule(binder ->
ing to override for testing? If it's the database
>>> connection properties there are better ways to do that.
>>> On Wed, Jul 17, 2019 at 9:25 AM Joe Baldwin
>> wrote:
>>>> Goal:
>>>> My goal is to provide an unambigu
put the project file in the root of the
> > > classpath.
> > >
> > > What are you trying to override for testing? If it's the database
> > > connection properties there are better ways to do that.
> > >
> > > On Wed, Jul 17, 2019 at 9:25 A
t; wrote:
> >
> >> Goal:
> >> My goal is to provide an unambiguous (deterministic) path to my project
> >> xml file to ServerRuntime during automated testing (the plan is to have
> >> multiple stages of testing).
> >>
> >> My understanding is
multiple stages of testing).
>> My understanding is that 4.0.1 uses:
>> ServerRuntime.builder().addConfig()
>> to accomplish this normally.
>> Problems:
>> 1. While trying to understand the behavior of .addConfig(), I have had to
>> rely primari
provide an unambiguous (deterministic) path to my project
> xml file to ServerRuntime during automated testing (the plan is to have
> multiple stages of testing).
> My understanding is that 4.0.1 uses:
> ServerRuntime.builder().addConfig()
> to accomplish this normally.
My goal is to provide an unambiguous (deterministic) path to my project xml
file to ServerRuntime during automated testing (the plan is to have multiple
stages of testing).
My understanding is that 4.0.1 uses:
to accomplish this normally