Thanks Andrus. I had actually pulled the trunk and was toying around with
adding an hql-esque .id "magic" field that would automatically reference a
single PK using your synthetic PK ObjAttribute stuff. I nearly had it
working when I started hitting the problem mentioned in my other post. I
Yeah, in 3.0 EJBQL is somewhat of an implant from the JPA world, so it
lacks a few Cayenne conveniences. I am certainly in favor to add
support for "db:" expressions in the future versions (and the patches
are welcomed).
For now the option is to map PK column as the object property. Other
Hello all--
I am curious to know how (if possible) to reference a PK field using EJBQL.
I tried using the normal expression "db:" syntax but as I saw in the source
this won't work. EJBQLPathTranslator.processLastPathComponent() appears to
assume that the last part of any path will reference eith