It should. No objects registered with the context are returned from your
function, and context itself is registered in event mechanizms using weak
2009/3/10 Borut Bolčina
> Hi, just a sanity check:
> I have a this method in my PersistenceManager class:
>public Principal findPr
Hi, just a sanity check:
I have a this method in my PersistenceManager class:
public Principal findPrincipalByUsername(String username) {
DataContext context = DataContext.createDataContext();
Expression e =
ExpressionFactory.matchExp(User.USERNAME_PROPERTY, username);
The context is garbage collected once the context itself and all its
objects go out of scope. So make sure you don't retain references to
the objects registered in the context and you should be fine.
On Apr 10, 2007, at 11:18 AM, Marc Gabriel-Willem wrote:
In some situation,
In some situation, I'm creating a child data context.
Is there a good way to clean-up that child data context properly (in
order to facilitate the JVM GC process) when I finished with it ?
Thank you.