Hi Andrew,
This exception means that Cayenne was unable to resolve some foreign
key referred to Address.id
because this primary key wasn't there at the referring entity commit time.
You could check if the Address entity commits ok. If it is then
something wrong with the relationship setup.
I have never come across this error before.
save error->->[v.4.1.RC2 Oct 25 2019 07:58:09] Can't extract a master
key. Missing key (id), master ID (TEMP:01BDF4F9150A>)**Exception==>org.apache.cayenne.CayenneRuntim
Hi Michael,
Doing a generic EntitySorter would be great but my project is already
delayed so I decided to create a specific EntitySorter for my project. I
was able to create a static sorting for all my tables according to their
foreign keys and now everything works :) This is information that shou
Hi Bruno,
The entity sorting in Cayenne is currently handled by the Ashwood
Entity Sorter. For the most part this works fine, but in some
situations (long graph cycles), it does not compute the correct
insertion order or fails to throw an exception to make it easier to
debug the problem. I had s
Hi Michael,
They are all AUTO INCREMENT from MySQL. But when I check the queryLogger
this happens because Cayenne tries to insert Object A before Object B when
A has a foreign key to B and so B still has its OBjectId as TEMP.It seems
to me Cayenne is failing to sort the objects for insertion corre
Hi Bruno,
I believe that should be OK, so there must be something else going on.
How are you generating your PKs?
On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 5:15 AM, Bruno René Santos wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> We dont have cyclic tables but we have some redundant paths like:
> A -> B -> C -> D
Hi Michael,
We dont have cyclic tables but we have some redundant paths like:
A -> B -> C -> D
A -> E -> C -> D
Is this problematic?
On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 6:12 PM, Michael Gentry wrote:
> Hi Bruno,
> The last time I saw this problem we had cyclic tables. Something like:
Hi Bruno,
The last time I saw this problem we had cyclic tables. Something like:
Table A -> Table B -> Table C -> Table D -> Table A
Given this situation, Cayenne isn't able to properly do the inserts.
I *believe* this only applies to using autogenerated keys (are you
using MySQL?), though.
Hello all,
I am getting this error on my application:
org.apache.cayenne.CayenneRuntimeException: [v.3.0.1 Aug 25 2010 19:38:17]
Can't extract a master key. Missing key (id), master ID
I can see on the logs that Cayenne is trying to insert an object that needs
a foreign key from another objec