Hello, friend:
How to get the DB Table Name from a data object ?
Thanks ! ! ! !
We are the best ! ! ! !
Thank you ! ! ! !
Hello, friend:
When use MySQL and the internal Connection Pool of Cayenne, how to set
"autoReconnect" of Connect/J ?
I mean how to resolve the db Connection of in the Connection Pool to
[500ErrorPage.jsp] Exception caught in 500 page [v.3.0 Apr 26 2010
09:59:17] Error performing qu
Thank you very much ! ! ! !
But i have an other question:
*Be Careful*
If you alter a record's primary key value and other records reference that
value, you need to ensure those other records pick up the change to the key,
Please give me a example of how to implement it ?
Hello, friend:
I`m a newer of Cayenne, i have a question:
How to generate the "PK Property" for the data object when use
CayenneModeler to generate code (e.g. a property for the "id" column of a
table) , please ?
We are the best ! ! ! !
Thanks to all the workers ! ! ! !