Andrus, et al...
I have an accountType enum, which has one of three values. I want two
values to generate one type of class, and 1 value to identify a different
class in the entity class panel of the modeler
accountTypeStr = ("A" or "B")
for example, however, the modeler doesn't like that on
Perfect that worked like a charm, only one small change, addModule, not
On Wed, Jan 9, 2019 at 10:58 AM Andrus Adamchik
> You may do something like this:
> ServerRuntime.builder()
>.module(b ->
> b.bind(SchemaUpdateStrategyFactory.class).toInstance(descriptor
This is going to be a pretty big task, because of the number of tables no
matter what you do. Is the problem that there are no foreign key
relationships between your tables?
If you have the mapping file, you can always open that map with the Cayenne
Modeler. It with that you can genera
about new records since the last run?
> * On a single instance, do you have an idea of "the main query time" vs
> "processing time + any extra queries and commits"?
> Andrus
> > On Dec 16, 2016, at 8:50 PM, Giaccone, Tony <
Right so I agree with the partitioning of the database, that's a thing that
can be done.
Andrus, I'm a bit less confident in the proposal you're suggesting. I want
to be able to spin up new instances potentially in new containers and run
them in different environments. If we're moving to a cloud b
Yes, I think that's fine. It's specific to the project.
On Sun, Jun 26, 2016 at 4:56 PM, Andrus Adamchik
> Fair enough. We do need to provide reverse engineering settings. I think
> those may be implemented as the properties of the DataMap, like default
> package, etc.
> Andrus
> >
I don't think that ETL is strictly devoted to data warehouse. We use ETL
transforms from and to our database to drive other processes including
external vendors. So ETL in our case is far removed from the warehouse.
Now, I will admit that data warehouse functions do an awful lot of ETL but
the need