We do something similar to this. Here is a snippet that will prefetch all
the relationships on a given entity. If you want to do this via compound
keypaths, you would need to parse the keys and do this recursively, but
that might be a little dangerous in terms of fetching lots of data.
inside, so we can store
> temporary state in it behind users backs (such as the ObjectId of a
> target object). Could be a good improvement, although a pretty
> fundamental one that will require extensive testing.
> Cheers,
> Andrus
> On Dec 11, 2007, at 9:06 PM,
eshoot performance problems in
WebObjects applications, and the described behavior is often a big
culprit (along with excessive fault tripping generally), as well as
being confusing for new users. I would be curious to hear other
opinions, but my request is to make the out of the box behavior match
above description.
Daniel Abrams