Running a query over multiple Databases?

2007-03-16 Thread Christian Mittendorf
Hi! I've found the mutiple database example on cayennes homepage: That example is a pretty good resemblance of our current problem. What we would like to do is to run a single query over both databases, like i.e. SelectQuery selec

Re: how to call a custom query

2007-02-01 Thread Christian Mittendorf
Please check out the documentation at the great new Cayenne homepage: ...especially the part on SQLTemplates Christian P.S. The link to the API ( org/objectstyle/cayenne/query/package-summary.html) from th

Re: New user PK id question

2007-02-01 Thread Christian Mittendorf
Hi! Do not add the id to the properties exposed by the autogenerated object. Just add the id property to the class extending your autogenerated class and use DataObjectUtils.pkForObject(this); to return the pk for the object (may or may not work, I'm not sure how auto_increment is handl