Accessing metadata from my Cayenne app is not an issue at the moment—I am doing
the same thing you suggest and providing the default metadata class. That works
well, and I’m able to store/retrieve metadata other than comments. However, it
appears that metadata, specifically DataChannelMetaData,
Hi all,
I have a field in the DB that once set should never change (specifically, never
be set to null).
For … reasons … however, it will sometimes be set to null as part of changing
some relationships (where it takes part in one of many joins)
I've worked around this on the SQL side, by creati
For accessing the metadata, I looked into this a bit. At runtime in an app
this information isn't accessible by default, so if you wanted to use it at
runtime you would have to configure the runtime to access it with a DI
module like this:
*public* *class* MyModule *implements* Module {
I have been using the Postgres JSONB type as an entity attribute (mapped as
jdbc type OTHER) for some time, both with Lists and Maps. You can define an
ExtendedType subclass to read the value as a string and parse into a
map/list using Jackson's ObjectMapper.
On Mon, May 4, 2020 at 11:23 PM Malcol