We do this. Take a look at the qualifiers you can add within the model... a
great way to enforce data selection by one customer at a time. But that
approach is to have all the data in one database with just a column to
discriminate. Not separate databases.
What you are wanting to do is switch
I am currently trying to do the following in Cayenne 3.0.2:
* fetch an object A
* delete some related objects which are related to A in an n:m relation
* add new objects to A (same n:m relation)
I have undergone a couple of java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
and org.apache.cayenn
I am looking around for a multi tenancy ORM tool to use in my Java
I have the following situartion
a primary customer table
Customer ID Customer Name Jndi Datasource
1 Mrxjndi 1
2 Mryjndi 2
at run time
Thanks MRG. It is clear now.
I am now getting another problem now. Below is the code [code part 1] based
upon your inputs. However after initiating an object from the context -
there is no ID in the objects [code part 2]. When I debug all the id's are
temp ids and "*lf.getLogicalFolderId()*" in co