I have been playing around this in a web context, and what I am
finding with a user created Transaction, if the DataContext commits
the changes, unless the Transaction explicitly performs a rollback the
changes will be committed to the database.
This is not what I was expecting, but I am wondering
On second thought,
there really is not version 3.0-SNAPSHOT at repo1. However there are
versions 3.0M1, 3.0M2 and 3.0M3. After correcting 3 poms from SNAPSHOT to
M3, the build (eclipse:eclipse) succeeded, but it did not download some libs
(hessian for example) as the repos locations are probably d
I think you have to modify the instructions at
Checking out with
svn co
and then running
C:\Users\Borut\Workarea\quick-start-rop>mvn eclipse:ec
Seriously :-)
The same logger definition is used to log all SQL, so there's no
_direct_ way to selectively enable/disable parts of this. I guess
another way is a custom Log4J appender that does grep internally.
Which may not be a bad option - Log4J is infinitely customizable.
How did I know someone was going to say that? :)
-Original Message-
From: Andrus Adamchik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, March 07, 2008 2:52 AM
To: user@cayenne.apache.org
Subject: Re: Can I disable SELECT logging?
Or just filter logs with 'grep'.
On Mar 7, 2008, at 1