I use remote persistence, and I have a dozen objects in the context,
and I would like to try to check if one of them can be deleted.
Can I just call recordToBeDeleted.validateForDelete() before I call
context.deleteRecord( recordToBeDeleted ) ?
From my understanding context.deleteRecord wi
Hi Michael ,
Here is more of my code:
I did not understand your statement
public class Schedules extends _Schedules {
public int getSchedule_id() {
return DataObjectUtils.intPKForObject(this);
private String getProvider(long pid) {
if (records.size() > -1) {
Schedules s =
Try using a java.lang.Long or even a java.math.BigInteger. If you use the
BigInteger, use String.valueOf(yourLong) to pass into the constructor
(BigInteger() will take a String, but not a long).
On 3/19/07, Frank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I am getting hung up on passing int
I am getting hung up on passing int and long values to cayenne.
In my MySQL database, all PK fields are defined as BIGINT.
The PK in my cayenne schemas are defined as long.
ExpressionFactory.matchDbExp is looking for an object, I am passing in a long.
What is the best way to handle this?
BTW, JPA spec defines a concept of a "transient" attribute, so this
will be coming to Cayenne as well. Although as others noticed this is
primarily a non-functional (although useful) convenience.
On Mar 18, 2007, at 2:33 PM, Juergen Saar wrote:
The actual way for cayenne is the defi