crash with OOM

2016-09-27 Thread xutom
Hi, all I have a C* cluster with 12 nodes. My cassandra version is 2.1.14; Just now two nodes crashed and client fails to export data with read consistency QUORUM. The following are logs of failed nodes: ERROR [SharedPool-Worker-159] 2016-09-26 20:51:14,124 - Unexpected excep

Re:Re: Cassandra Tuning Issue

2015-12-06 Thread xutom
Dear all, Thanks for ur reply! Now I`m using Apache Cassandra 2.1.1 and my JDK is 1.7.0_79, my keyspace replication factor is 2,and I do enable the "token aware". The GC configuration is default for such as: # GC tuning options JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -XX:+UseParNewGC" JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -X

Re:Re: Re: Cassandra Tuning Issue

2015-12-08 Thread xutom
generally more appropriate. -- Jack Krupansky On Sun, Dec 6, 2015 at 10:27 PM, xutom wrote: Dear all, Thanks for ur reply! Now I`m using Apache Cassandra 2.1.1 and my JDK is 1.7.0_79, my keyspace replication factor is 2,and I do enable the "token aware". The GC configuration is

Re:Re: Re: Re: Cassandra Tuning Issue

2015-12-08 Thread xutom
il list as well so that others know. -- Jack Krupansky On Tue, Dec 8, 2015 at 7:44 AM, xutom wrote: Dear Jack, Thank you very much! Now we have much better performance when we insert the same partition keys in the same batch. jerry At 2015-12-07 13:08:31, "Jack Krupansky&q

Fail to select ALL the datas in C*

2015-12-11 Thread xutom
Hi all, Now we insert 1 billion rows or more of datas into C*, and then we use select command to export datas into local files. but each time when we use such SELECT command : SELECT * from table where id = xxx and id2 > value1 and id2 <= value2; to query the datas in C* and then export the

cassandra full gc too long

2015-12-28 Thread xutom
Hi all, I have 5 nodes in my C* cluster, and each node has the same configuration file( MAX_HEAP_SIZE="32G" and HEAP_NEWSIZE="8G"), and My Cassandra version is 2.1.1. Now I want to export all data of one table, i am using select * from tablename, and set the bStatement.setF

Re:Re: cassandra full gc too long

2015-12-28 Thread xutom
the " modern CQL client with paging support" mean? Is there opensource CQL client ? I does not use any opensource CQL client and exporting data with my java code. 在 2015-12-29 11:38:51,"Robert Coli" 写道: On Mon, Dec 28, 2015 at 5:57 PM, xutom wrote: I have 5 nodes i

Fail to export all data in C* cluster

2016-01-04 Thread xutom
Hi all, I have a C* cluster with 6 nodes. My cassandra version is 2.1.1. I start 50 threads to insert datas into C* cluster, each thread inserts about up to 100 million rows with the same partition key. After inserting all the datas, I start another app with 50 threads to export all the dat

Re:Re: Fail to export all data in C* cluster

2016-01-04 Thread xutom
been inserted. 3. Lower your insert rate in your client so that the cluster can keep up with your inserts. Yes, Cassandra supports eventual consistency, but if you overload the cluster, the hinted handoff for nodes beyond the requested CL may timeout and be discarded, hence the need for repair. What

Re:Re: endless full gc on one node

2016-01-17 Thread xutom
Hi Kai Wang, I also encounter such issue a few days ago. I have 6 nodes, and I found 2 nodes do endless full gc when I export ALL datas from C* using "Select * from table". I remove all datas of the 2 nodes and install Cassandra again, and the problem gone away. At 2016-01-18 06:18:46, "K

Data export with consistency problem

2016-03-24 Thread xutom
Hi all, I have a C* cluster with five nodes and my cassandra version is 2.1.1 and we also enable "Hinted Handoff" . Everything is fine while we use C* cluster to store up to 10 billion rows of data. But now we have a problem. During our test, after we import up to 40 billion rows of data int

Re:Re: Data export with consistency problem

2016-03-25 Thread xutom
ngs, let's not bother those guys unless we find an issue :-). C*heers, --- Alain Rodriguez - France The Last Pickle - Apache Cassandra Consulting 2016-03-25 2:35 GMT+01:00 xutom : Hi all, I have a C* cluster