Error creating pool to / Pool was closed during initialization

2018-06-25 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
Hello Folks, I’m looking for possible reasons and solution for these frequently appearing warning messages I’m seeing in spark <>cassandra job’s log file. The message suggest Cassandra host server machine is acting up and throwing messages like: 18/06/25 14:07:44 WARN Session: Error creating po

RE: Problem with dropped mutations

2018-06-26 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
Are you also seeing time-outs on certain Cassandra operations?? If yes, you may have to tweak *request_timeout parameter in order to get rid of dropped mutation messages if application data model is not upto mark! You can also check if network isn't dropping packets (ifconfig -a tool) + stora

RE: Maximum SSTable size

2018-06-27 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
With Leveled compaction strategy , you can set target size with sstable_size_in_mb attribute however actual size can still be larger than target given large partition size. Thanks/Asad From: Lucas Benevides [mailto:lu...@m

Cassandra 3.11 with NFS mounted system

2018-08-28 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
Hello Folks, I've an virtualized environment running with VMware where Cassandra is humming on NFS mounted storage. As the application load increases ,they increase number of nodes in data center however writes are getting slower, nodes are flapping and application complains in write performan

RE: Upgrade from 2.1 to 3.11

2018-08-28 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
You may want to check if coincidentally you’re having expired cells in heap. GC log should be able to tell you OR look for tombstones in system.log file. See your compactions are under control and normal. This may not be related to upgrade at all! From: Pradeep Chhetri [mailto:prad...@stashaw

RE: SSTable Compression Ratio -1.0

2018-08-28 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
Compression ratio is ratio of compression to its original size - smaller is better; see it like compressed/uncompressed 1 would mean no change in size after compression! -Original Message- From: Vitaliy Semochkin [] Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2018 12:03 PM To

RE: Decommissioning a new node when the state is JOINING

2019-04-30 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
Just stop the server/kill C* process as node never fully joined the cluster yet – that should be enough. You can safely remove the data i.e. streamed-in on new node so you can use the node for other new cluster. From: Akshay Bhardwaj [] Sent: Tuesday, April

RE: cassandra node was put down with oom error

2019-05-01 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
Is there any chance partition size has grown over time and taking much allocated memory - if yes, that could also affect compaction thread as they'll too take more heap and kept in heap longer - leaving less for other processes . You can check partition size if they are manageable using nodetoo

RE: Bootstrapping to Replace a Dead Node vs. Adding a New Node:Consistency Guarantees

2019-05-01 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
The article you mentioned here clearly says “For new users to Cassandra, the safest way to add multiple nodes into a cluster is to add them one at a time. Stay tuned as I will be following up with another post on bootstrapping.” When extending cluster it is indeed recommended to go slow & seri

RE: postmortem on 2.2.13 scale out difficulties

2019-06-12 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
Adding one node at a time – is that successful? Check value of streaming_socket_timeout_in_ms parameter in cassandra.yaml and increase if needed. Have you tried Nodetool bootstrap resume & jvm option i.e. JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -Dcassandra.consistent.rangemovement=false" ? From: Carl Mueller [m

node re-start delays , busy Deleting mc-txn-compaction/ Adding log file replica

2019-06-18 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
I’m on environment with apache Cassandra 3.11.1 with java 1.8.0_144. One Node went OOM and crashed. Re-starting this crashed node is taking long time. Trace level debug log is showing messages like: Debug.log trace excerpt: TRACE [main] 2019-06-18 21:30:43,449 LogTr

RE: Rebooting one Cassandra node caused all the application nodes go down

2019-07-19 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
“aws asked to set nvme_timeout to higher number in etc/grub.conf.” Did you ask AWS if setting higher value is real solution to bug - Is there not any patch available to address the bug? - just curios to know From: Rahul Reddy [] Sent: Friday, July 19, 2019 10:49

RE: Rebooting one Cassandra node caused all the application nodes go down

2019-07-19 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
grafana. Zaidi, In latest aws Linux Ami they took care of this bug . And also changing the Ami needs rebuild of all the nodes so didn't took that route. On Fri, Jul 19, 2019, 12:32 PM ZAIDI, ASAD A>> wrote: “aws asked to set nvme_timeout to higher number in et

Performance impact with ALLOW FILTERING clause.

2019-07-25 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
Hello Folks, I was going thru documentation and saw at many places saying ALLOW FILTERING causes performance unpredictability. Our developers says ALLOW FILTERING clause is implicitly added on bunch of queries by spark-Cassandra connector and they cannot control it; however at the same time w

RE: Performance impact with ALLOW FILTERING clause.

2019-07-25 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
load into RDDs, and it probably does it by slicing up the range, doing a bunch of range scans. It's doing that so it can get ALL of the data and do the filtering / joining / searching in-memory in spark, rather than relying on cassandra to do the scanning/searching on disk. On Thu, Jul

RE: Jmx metrics shows node down

2019-07-29 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
Another way to purge gossip info from each node is to: 1. Gracefully stop cassandra i.e. nodetool drain; kill Casandra PID 2. Move/delete files from $DATADIR/system/peers/ 3. Add JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS -Dcassandra.load_ring_state=false" in jvm.options file 4. Restart Cassandra service. 5.

RE: Repair / compaction for 6 nodes, 2 DC cluster

2019-07-31 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
Did you get chance to look at tlp reaper tool i.e. It is pretty awesome – Thanks to TLP team. From: Martin Xue [] Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2019 12:09 AM To: Subject: Repair / compaction for 6 nodes, 2 DC cluster He

RE: Repair failed and crash the node, how to bring it back?

2019-08-01 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
I don’t think anyone can predict with certainty if instance won’t crash but there are good chances it will - unless you take remedial actions. If you are not doing subrange repair, a lot of merkle tree data can potentially be scanned/streamed taking toll on memory resources – that , taking acco

RE: Datafile Corruption

2019-08-08 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
Did you check if packets are NOT being dropped for network interfaces Cassandra instances are consuming (ifconfig –a) internode compression is set for all endpoint – may be network is playing any role here? is this corruption limited so certain keyspace/table | DCs or is that wide spread – the l

RE: Slow writes and Frequent timeouts

2017-04-25 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
Would you please share what changes you made that proves helpful for you? From: Akshay Suresh [] Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2017 7:33 AM To: Subject: Re: Slow writes and Frequent timeouts Hi It turned out to be an issue in my yaml file

Apache Cassandra - Configuration Management

2017-05-17 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
Good Morning Folks – I’m running 14 nodes Cassandra cluster in two data centers , each node is has roughly 1.5TB. we’re anticipating more load therefore we’ll be expanding cluster with additional nodes. At this time, I’m kind of struggling to keep consistent cassandra.yaml file on each server –

Cassandra Node Density thresholds

2017-05-19 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
Hello Folks - I'm using open source apache Cassandra 2.2 .My cluster is spread over 14 nodes in cluster in two data centers. My DC1 data center nodes are reaching 2TB of consumed volume. we don't have much space left on disk. I am wondering if there is guideline available that can point me to ce

MemtablePostFlush pending

2017-06-01 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
Hello Folks, I'm adding another node on my 14 node open source apache cassandra 2.2.8 cluster. New node is taking long time to join the cluster. I see there are bunch of pending [memtablepostflush] threads. I did increase memtable_flush_writers from 8 to 24 , though it is not helping with situa

RE: Convert single node C* to cluster (rebalancing problem)

2017-06-08 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
Did you make sure auto_bootstrap property is indeed set to [true] when you added the node? From: Junaid Nasir [] Sent: Monday, June 05, 2017 6:29 AM To: Akhil Mehra Cc: Vladimir Yudovin ; Subject: Re: Convert single node C* to cluster (rebalancing p

RE: Local_serial >> Adding nodes

2017-06-08 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
Please share exact timeout error message text to get idea what type of timeout you're facing. From: Nitan Kainth [] Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2017 7:24 AM To: vasu gunja Cc: Subject: Re: Local_serial >> Adding nodes What is in system log? Does

RE: Data in multi disks is not evenly distributed

2017-06-08 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
Check status of load with nodetool status command. Make sure your there isn’t huge number of pending compactions for your tables. Ideally speaking data distribution should be even across your nodes. you should have reserved extra 15% of free space relative to your maximum size of your table i.e

Apache Cassandra - Memory usage on server

2017-06-14 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
Hi folks, I’m using apache Cassandra 2.2. Instance is configured with max_heap_size set at 16G, memtable_allocation_type is offheap_objects – total available memory is 62G on the server. There is nothing but Cassandra is running on my Linux server. My Cassandra instance is consuming all availa

RE: Question: Large partition warning

2017-06-14 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
Check partition size of your table’s partitions ( nodetool tablehistograms tsg_ae logs_by_user). You may need to reduce partition size of your table using guidelines given in [] & [https://stac

RE: Secondary Index

2017-06-19 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
If you’re only creating index so that your query work, think again! You’ll be storing secondary index on each node , queries involving index could create issues (slowness!!) down the road the when index on multiple node Is involved and not maintained! Tables involving a lot of inserts/delete

RE: Partition range incremental repairs

2017-06-19 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
Few options that you can consider to improve repair time are: § Un-throttle streamthroughput & interdcstreamthroughput , at least for the duration of repair. § Increase number of job threads i.e. to use –j option § Use subrange repair options § implement jumbo frames on your internode- com

RE: Adding nodes and cleanup

2017-06-19 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
I think the token ranges that are clean/completed and potentially streamed down to additional node , won’t be cleaned again so potentially you’ll need to run cleanup once again. Can you can stop cleanup, add additional node and start cleanup over again so to get nodes clean in single shot! F

RE: Secondary Index

2017-06-20 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
. performance will eventually get a hit cause index rebuilding is expensive operation on CPU .. See please From: techpyaasa . [] Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2017 2:30 AM To: ZAIDI, ASAD A Cc: user

RE: Best practice to add(bootstrap) multiple nodes to cluster at once

2017-06-20 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
adding multiple nodes at once tax system more and caused me issues on existing nodes. I prefer to add one node at a time … From: techpyaasa . [] Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2017 9:32 AM To: Subject: Best practice to add(bootstrap) multiple nodes t


2017-06-21 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
Is it possible for you to share tracing info for the query? You can enable tracing at cqlsh prompt with command Cqlsh > TRACING ON Cqlsh> run your query Tracing session info should be printed on screen Tracing will enable us to know where most of the time is spent! From: web master [mailto:sock

Cassandra Cluster Expansion Criteria

2017-06-29 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
Hello Folks, I’m on Cassandra 2.2.8 cluster with 14 nodes , each with around 2TB of data volume. I’m looking for a criteria /or data points that can help me decide when or if I should add more nodes to the cluster and by how many nodes. I’ll really appreciate if you guys can share your insight

RE: Node failure Due To Very high GC pause time

2017-07-03 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
>> here my is doubt is that does all the deleted 3.3Million row will be >> loaded in my on-heap memory? if not what will be object that occupying those >> memory ? It depends on your queries what data they’re fetching from your database. Assuming you’re using CMS garbage colle

RE: Understanding of cassandra metrics

2017-07-07 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
What exactly does mean CoordinatorScanLatency for example CoordinatorScanLatency is a timer metric that present coordinator range scan latency for table. Is it latency on full table scan or maybe range scan by clustering key? It is range scan.. clustering key is used to only stor

RE: READ Queries timing out.

2017-07-07 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
>> I analysed the GC logs not having any issues with major GC's If you don’t have issues on GC , than why do you want to [tune] GC parameters ? Instead focus on why select queries are taking time.. may be take a look on their trace? From: Pranay akula [mailto:pranay.akula2...@gmail.

reduced num_token = improved performance ??

2017-07-11 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
Hi Folks, Pardon me if I’m missing something obvious. I’m still using apache-cassandra 2.2 and planning for upgrade to 3.x. I came across this jira [] that suggests reducing num_token may improve general performance of Cassandra like having

MUTATION messages were dropped in last 5000 ms for cross node timeout

2017-07-20 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
Hello Folks - I'm using apache-cassandra 2.2.8. I see many messages like below in my system.log file. In Cassandra.yaml file [ cross_node_timeout: true] is set and NTP server is also running correcting clock drift on 16node cluster. I do not see pending or blocked HintedHandoff in tpstats out

RE: MUTATION messages were dropped in last 5000 ms for cross node timeout

2017-07-21 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
optimal. Thank you again. From: Anuj Wadehra [] Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2017 12:17 PM To: ZAIDI, ASAD A ; Subject: Re: MUTATION messages were dropped in last 5000 ms for cross node timeout Hi Asad, You can do following things: 1

RE: MUTATION messages were dropped in last 5000 ms for cross node timeout

2017-07-21 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
cross node timeout In a cloud environment, cross_node_timeout = true can cause issues; we had this issue in our environment and it is set to false now. Dropped messages is an another issue Subroto On Jul 20, 2017, at 8:27 AM, ZAIDI, ASAD A>> wrote: Hello Folks – I’m

RE: MUTATION messages were dropped in last 5000 ms for cross node timeout

2017-07-21 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
sm used by Cassandra. Is you cluster under heavy load? Regards, Akhil On 21/07/2017, at 3:27 AM, ZAIDI, ASAD A>> wrote: Hello Folks – I’m using apache-cassandra 2.2.8. I see many messages like below in my system.log file. In Cassandra.yaml file [ cross_node_timeout:

RE: MUTATION messages were dropped in last 5000 ms for cross node timeout

2017-08-03 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
770pwTtqLs&e=>) can be used to increase the mutation timeout. By default it is set to 2000ms. I hope that helps. Regards, Akhil On 22/07/2017, at 2:46 AM, ZAIDI, ASAD A>> wrote: Hi Akhil, Thank you for your reply. Previously, I did ‘tune’ various timeouts – bas

RE: Different data size between datacenters

2017-08-07 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
Are you using same number of token/vnodes in both data centers? From: Chuck Reynolds [] Sent: Monday, August 07, 2017 1:51 PM To: Subject: Different data size between datacenters I have a cluster that spans two datacenters running Cassandra 2

Cassandra upgrade from 2.2.8 to 3.10

2017-08-07 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
Hi folks, I’ve question on upgrade method I’m thinking to execute. I’m planning from apache-Cassandra 2.2.8 to release 3.10. My Cassandra cluster is configured like one rack with two Datacenters like: 1. DC1 has 4 nodes 2. DC2 has 16 nodes We’re adding another 12 nodes and would

RE: rebuild constantly fails, 3.11

2017-08-08 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
Is there any chance you've set streaming_socket_timeout_in_ms parameter set too low on failing node? -Original Message- From: Micha [] Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2017 3:01 AM To:; Subject: rebuild constantly

RE: rebuild constantly fails, 3.11

2017-08-08 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
causing the failure and network is supposedly stable. ~Asad -Original Message- From: Micha [] Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2017 8:35 AM To:; ZAIDI, ASAD A ; Subject: Re: rebuild constantly fails, 3.11 no, I have

MemtablePostFlush pending

2017-08-11 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
Hello Folks, I’m using Cassandra 2.2 on 14 node cluster. Now a days, I’m observing memtablepostflush pending number going high , this happens intermittently. I’m looking if Is there way to ‘tune’ memtablepostflush stage? Thanks/ASad

detail of compactionstats, pending tasks

2017-09-21 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
Hello Folks, Is it possible to findout detail of those 275 pending tasks compactionstats command output is showing? I’ve bumpedup concurrent_compactors to 25 though not all threads are compacting, only 8 threads are being used so i’m wondering how can I utilize all configured concurrent compact

table repair question

2017-10-04 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
Hello folk, I'm wondering if there is way to find out list of table(s) which need repair OR if there Is way to find out what %age of data would need to be repaired on a table? Is such information available from Cassandra db engine through some other means? TIA~ Asad

RE: Connection refused -

2017-12-06 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
Throwing my $ .002 Rpc_address defaults to localhosts that if not set, picks value from dns/hostname file. May be you can try setting rpc_address: - see if this helps! From: Marek Kadek -T (mkadek - CONSOL PARTNERS LTD at Cisco) [] Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2017 2

RE: [announce] Release of Cassandra Prometheus metrics exporter

2018-01-31 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
Hi Romain Gérard - Thanks for sharing Cassandra-exporter. Since you're already monitoring tons of Cassandra instances nodes - can you please let us know if you can share Prometheus dashboards/json code along with Cassandra-exporter. Thanks/Asad -Original Message- From: Romain Gera

RE: Old tombstones not being cleaned up

2018-02-01 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
Make data consistent (run repair), reduce gc_grace_seconds (try set it to 0 temporarily though careful as this can affect hinted handoff!) and set table’s compaction sub-property i.e. unchecked_tombstone_compaction to true. Compaction will take care of tombstones! From: Jonathan Haddad [mai

RE: Converting from Apache Cassandra 2.2.6 to 3.x

2018-02-01 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
You may want to upgrade python and java/JDK version with Cassandra upgrade. please refer to CHANGES.txt for all updates & improvement made in your selected 3.x version. From: William Boutin [] Sent: Thursday, February 01, 2018 4:49 PM To: user@cassandra.apache

RE: Old tombstones not being cleaned up

2018-02-01 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
the unchecked_tombstone_compaction force another type of compaction? tor. 1. feb. 2018 kl. 19.37 skrev ZAIDI, ASAD A>>: Make data consistent (run repair), reduce gc_grace_seconds (try set it to 0 temporarily though careful as this can affect hinted handoff!) and set table’s comp

RE: Cassandra Daemon not coming up

2018-02-27 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
Can you check if you’ve enough disk space available ? ~Asad From: mahesh rajamani [] Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2018 10:11 AM To: Subject: Cassandra Daemon not coming up I am using Cassandra 3.0.9 version on a 12 node cluster. I have mult

RE: Jon Haddad on Diagnosing Performance Problems in Production

2018-02-27 Thread ZAIDI, ASAD A
Perhaps Mr. Hadad himself will share it again somewhere; he was kind enough to share it once at datastax! From: Kenneth Brotman [] Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2018 10:39 AM To: Subject: RE: Jon Haddad on Diagnosing Performance Problem