+1 on all of that
On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 09:04, David Boxenhorn wrote:
> That would be a good time to get rid of the confusing "column" term, which
> incorrectly suggests a two-dimensional tabular structure.
> Suggestions:
> 1. A hypercube (or hypocube, if only two dimensions): replace "key"
On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 10:20, David Boxenhorn wrote:
> Don't think of it as getting rid of supercolum. Think of it as adding
> superdupercolums, supertriplecolums, etc. Or, in sparse array terminology:
> array[dim1][dim2][dim3].[dimN] = value
> Or, as said above:
> Type="UTF8
We are currently working on a prototype that is using Cassandra for
realtime-ish statistics system. This seems to be quite a common use
case. If people are interested - maybe it be worth collaborating on
this beyond design discussions on the list. But first let's me explain
our approach and where w
Is it possible to have columns in a super column sorted by value
rather than name?
I assume not but I thought I ask anyway.
What I would love to do is something along the lines of
/user//country/DE += 1
and then get the sorted result of "/user//country"
Sounds like you are not using an order preserving partitioner?
On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 13:48, David Boxenhorn wrote:
> Range search on keys is not working for me. I was assured in earlier threads
> that range search would work, but the results would not be ordered.
> I'm trying to get all the ro
We've also seen something like this. Will soon investigate and try
again with 0.6.2
On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 20:27, Paul Brown wrote:
> FWIW, I'm seeing similar issues on a cluster. Three nodes, Cassandra 0.6.1,
> SUN JDK 1.6.0_b20. I will try to get some heap dumps to see what's building
> u
I have a super column along he lines of
=> { => { att: value }}
Now I would like to process a set of rows [from_time..until_time] with Hadoop.
I've setup the hadoop job like this
> Yes, I know. And I might end up doing this in the end. I do though have
> pretty hard upper limits of how many rows I will end up with for each key,
> but anyways it might be a good idea none the less. Thanks for the advice on
> that one.
You set count to Integer.MAX. Did you try with say 300
As promised on IIRC we also have collected some information as we are
seeing (probably) the same problem.
On Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 14:11, aaron morton wrote:
> May be related to CASSANDRA-1014
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-10
> Anyways, I want to store some (alot of) Time Series data in Cassandra
> and would like to check if my assumptions are correct so far. So if
> someone with operational experience could confirm these I'd really
> appreciate it.
> Basically the structure I'm going for right now looks like this:
> If you were just inserting a lot of data fast, it may be that
> background compaction was unable to keep up with the insertion rate.
> Simply leaving the node(s) for a while after the insert storm will let
> it catch up with compaction.
> (At least this was the behavior for me on a recent trunk
Also think this looks really promising.
The fact that there are so many API wrappers now (3?) doesn't reflect
well on the native API though :)
/me ducks and runs
On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 11:55, Dominic Williams
> Hi Ran, thanks for the compliment. It is true that we benefited enormously
>> TBH while we are using super columns, the somehow feel wrong to me. I
>> would be happier if we could move what we do with super columns into
>> the row key space. But in our case that does not seem to be so easy.
> I'd be quite interested to learn what you are doing with super colu
I am trying to get the bulk loading example to work for simple CF.
List columnFamilies = new LinkedList();
while(...) {
String[] fields = ...
ColumnFamily columnFamily = ColumnFamily.create(keyspace, family);
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (i
> You should be using the thrift API, or a wrapper around the thrift API. It
> looks like you're using internal cassandra classes.
The goal is to get around using the overhead of the Thrift API for a
bulk import.
> There is a Java wrapper called Hector, and there was another talked about on
> t
Hey Dean ...and everyone else not managing to unsubscribe (and sending
mails to the list instead):
If you don't know how to unsubscribe you can always look at the
header of any of the list emails.
These days most of the time you will find that an "-unsubscribe"
suffix is used
I looked at the thrift service implementation and got it working.
(Much faster import!)
On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 13:09, Oleg Anastasjev wrote:
> Torsten Curdt vafer.org> writes:
>> First I tried with my one "cassandra -f" instance then I saw this
On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 04:35, Mubarak Seyed wrote:
> Where can i find the documentation for BinaryMemTable (btm_example in contrib)
> to use CassandraBulkLoader? What is the input to be supplied to
> CassandraBulkLoader?
> How to form the input data and what is the format of an input data?
> look at contrib/bmt_example, with the caveat that it's usually
> premature optimization
I wish that was true for us :)
>> Fact: It has always been straightforward to send the output of Hadoop jobs
>> to Cassandra, and Facebook, Digg, and others have been using Hadoop like
>> this as a Cassandra
> If you could can you please share the command line function (to load TSV)?
There is no command line function ... you have to write code for this.
> and Can you please help me on storing storage-conf.xml on HDFS part?
As I said. Maybe you better start with a simpler scenario and leave
out HDFS
> When i run bmt_example, M/R job gets executed, cassandra server gets the
> data but it goes as HintedHandoff to and it is trying to send data
> to as if is an actual node.
Well, it kind of becomes an actual node.
> Any idea, why does StorageService
> returns 127.0
21 matches
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