CommitLog replay

2011-06-21 Thread Stephen Pope
Hi there. This is my first message to the mailing list, so let me know if I'm doing it wrong. :) I've got a single node deployment of 0.8 set up on my windows box. When I insert a bunch of data into it, the commitlogs directory doesn't clear upon completion (should it?). As a result, when I sto

RE: CommitLog replay

2011-06-21 Thread Stephen Pope
I've only got one cf, and haven't changed the default flush expiry period. I'm not sure the node had fully started or not. I had to restart my data insertion (for other reasons), so I can check the system log upon restart when the data is finished inserting. Do you know off-hand how long the

Keys-only query

2011-06-21 Thread Stephen Pope
We just recently switched to 0.8 (from 0.7.4), and it looks like key-only queries are broken (number of columns = 0). The same query works if we switch the number of columns to 1. Is there a new mechanism for getting key-only? We can't use CQL yet since we're using .NET for our development. Che

bulk load

2011-06-22 Thread Stephen Pope
According to the README.txt in examples/bmt BinaryMemtable is being deprecated. What's the recommended way to do bulk loading? Cheers, Steve

RE: bulk load

2011-06-22 Thread Stephen Pope
rowse/CASSANDRA-1278 0.8.1 is being voted on now and will hopefully be out in the next day or two. You can try it out with the 0.8-branch if you want - looking near the bottom of the comments on the ticket, it has impressive performance. On Jun 22, 2011, at 2:00 PM, Stephen Pope wrote: > Accordin


2011-07-12 Thread Stephen Pope
Hey there. I'm trying to convert one of my sstables to json, but it doesn't appear to be escaping quotes. As a result, I've got a line in my resulting json like this: "3230303930373139313734303236efbfbf3331313733": [["6d6573736167655f6964", ""<66AA9165386616028BD3FECF893BBAC204347F3BAF@CONFLIC

RE: sstabletojson

2011-07-13 Thread Stephen Pope
Perfect, thanks! -Original Message- From: Jonathan Ellis [] Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 5:53 PM To: Subject: Re: sstabletojson You can upgrade to 0.8.1 to fix this. :) On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 1:03 PM, Stephen Pope wrote: >  Hey th


2011-07-13 Thread Stephen Pope
I'm trying to figure out how to use the BulkLoader, and it looks like there's no way to run it against a local machine, because of this: Set hosts = Gossiper.instance.getLiveMembers(); hosts.remove(FBUtilities.getLocalAddress()); if (hosts.isEmpty(

RE: BulkLoader

2011-07-13 Thread Stephen Pope
I think I've solved my own problem here. After generating the sstable using json2sstable it looks like I can simply copy the created sstable into my data directory. Can anyone think of any potential problems with doing it this way? -Original Message- From: Stephen

RE: BulkLoader

2011-07-13 Thread Stephen Pope
oader Sure, that will work fine with a single machine. The advantage of bulkloader is it handles splitting the sstable up and sending each piece to the right place(s) when you have more than one. On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 7:47 AM, Stephen Pope wrote: >  I think I've solved my own proble

RE: BulkLoader

2011-07-13 Thread Stephen Pope
er process, not Cassandra. You'd need to run the bulkloader from a different IP, than Cassandra. On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 8:22 AM, Stephen Pope wrote: >  Fair enough. My original question stands then. :) > >  Why aren't you allowed to talk to a local installation using BulkLoad

cqlsh error using assume

2011-07-21 Thread Stephen Pope
I'm trying to use cqlsh (on Windows) to get some values from my database using secondary indexes. I'm not sure if it's something I'm doing or not (I can't seem to find any syntactical help for assume). I'm running: assume TransactionLogs comparator as ascii where TransactionLogs is my column fa

Modeling troubles

2011-07-21 Thread Stephen Pope
For a side project I'm working on I want to store the entire set of possible Reversi boards. There are an estimated 10^28 possible boards. Each board (from the best way I could think of to implement it) is made up of 2, 64-bit numbers (black pieces, white pieces...pieces in neither of those are

RE: cqlsh error using assume

2011-07-21 Thread Stephen Pope
Boo-urns. Ok, thanks. -Original Message- From: Brandon Williams [] Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2011 9:10 AM To: Subject: Re: cqlsh error using assume 'assume' is only valid in the cli, not cql. On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 7:59 AM, St

Aggregation and Co-Processors

2011-07-28 Thread Stephen Pope
I just finished watching the video by Eric Evans on "CQL - Not just NoSQL. It's MoSQL", and I heard mention of aggregation queries. He said there's been some talk about it, and that you guys were calling it "co-processors". Can somebody give me the gist of what that's all about? I couldn't find


2011-08-15 Thread Stephen Pope
Hey, is there any documentation or examples of how to use the CompositeType? I can't find anything about it on the wiki or the datastax docs. Cheers, Steve

Column Family names

2011-08-25 Thread Stephen Pope
Using 0.8.2, I've created a column family called "_Schema" (without the quotes). For some reason, I can't seem to list the rows in it from the cli: I've tried: [default@BIM] list _Schema; Syntax error at position 5: unexpected "_" for `list _Schema;`. [default@BIM] list '_Schema'; Syntax error a

RE: Column Family names

2011-08-25 Thread Stephen Pope
Hmm...I've tried changing my column family name to "MySchema" instead. Now the cli is behaving normally, but the OOM error still occurs when I get_range_slices from my code. From: Stephen Pope [] Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2011 11:10 AM To: user@cassa

RE: Column Family names

2011-08-25 Thread Stephen Pope
Never mind. I've got a hard-coded Count on the KeyRange set to 2 billion, which is apparently beyond the maximum allowable. From: Stephen Pope [] Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2011 11:15 AM To: Subject: RE: Column Family names Hmm...I

cassandra.bat install

2011-10-06 Thread Stephen Pope
I've got the 1.0 rc2 binaries, but it looks like somebody forgot to include the Apache Daemon in the zip. According to the batch file there should be a bin\daemon directory, with a prunsrv executable in there. Cheers, Steve

Single node

2011-12-08 Thread Stephen Pope
Is there a way to set up a single node cluster without specifying anything about the specific machine in cassandra.yaml? I've cleared the values from listen_address and rpc_address, but it complains upon startup that no other nodes can be seen (presumably because the ip in the seeds doesn't matc

RE: Single node

2011-12-08 Thread Stephen Pope
with multiple IP's or something like a elastic ip which will keep switching between the active machines. or you can also write your custom seed provider class. Not sure if you will get a quorum when there dev's are on vacation :) Regards, On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 11:05 AM, St

RE: Suggestion about syntax of CREATE COLUMN FAMILY

2011-12-12 Thread Stephen Pope
I'd like to second this. I've been working with Cassandra for a good while now, but when I first started little things like this were confusing. From: Don Smith [] Sent: Friday, December 09, 2011 3:41 PM To: Subject: Suggestion about syntax of C

RE: Replacing supercolumns with composite columns; Getting the equivalent of retrieving a list of supercolumns by name

2012-01-03 Thread Stephen Pope
The bonus you're talking about here, how do I apply that? For example, my columns are in the form of such as 4.steve, 4.greg, 5.steve, Is there a way to query a slice of numbers with a list of ids? As in, I want all the columns with numbers between 4 and 10 which have ids

RE: Replacing supercolumns with composite columns; Getting the equivalent of retrieving a list of supercolumns by name

2012-01-04 Thread Stephen Pope
incase I replace them with composite columns? On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 4:01 AM, Stephen Pope>> wrote: The bonus you're talking about here, how do I apply that? For example, my columns are in the form of<> such as 4.steve,

RE: Get few rows by composite key.

2012-03-19 Thread Stephen Pope
I'm not sure about Hector code (somebody else can chime in here), but to find the keys you're after you can slice to get the keys from AA:BB to BB:AA. Cheers, Steve From: Michael Cherkasov [] Sent: Monday, March 19, 2012 9:30 AM To: Sub

RE: Get few rows by composite key.

2012-03-19 Thread Stephen Pope
Those are going to have to be separate queries, since the first is a slice, and the second is a fetch. Cheers, Steve From: Michael Cherkasov [] Sent: Monday, March 19, 2012 9:41 AM To: Subject: Re: Get few rows by composite key. Also o