Hi david, we tried it two years ago and the performance of the USB stick
was so dismal we stopped.
Le 16 nov. 2013 15:13, "David Tinker" a écrit :
> Our hosting provider has a cost effective server with 2 x 4TB disks
> with a 16G (or 64G) USB thumb drive option. Would it make sense to put
I run raises the IOs to 80%
utilization of the SSD drives even though I'm running the same query over
and over (no cache??)
Any ideas on how to troubleshoot this, or better, how to solve this ?
Le 5 juin 2011 16:55, "Jonathan Ellis" a écrit :
> You may be swapping.
> http://spyced.blogspot.com/2010/01/linux-performance-basics.html
> explains how to check this as well as how to see what threads are busy
> in the Java process.
> On Sat, Jun 4, 2011
ery in a rollup table that was originally in MySQL and it
doesn't look like the performance to query by key is better. So I'm betting
I'm doing something wrong here... but what ?
Any ideas ?
2011/6/6 Philippe
> hum..no, it wasn't swapping. cassandra was the only
howing during the slow down ?
>> - exactly how much data are you asking for ? how many rows and what sort
>> slice
>> - has their been a lot of deletes or TTL columns used ?
>> Hope that helps.
>> Aaron
>> -
>> Aaron Mort
ng to be a read-heavy, update-heavy cluster.
No TTL columns, no counter columns
One question : when nodetool cfstats says the average read latency is 5ms,
is that counted once the query is being executed or does that include the
time spent "pending" ?
> Ho
So what are my options ? My rows are very small at the moment (like well < 4
kBytes). Should I reduce the read buffer ? Should I reduce the number of SST
tables ?
> Hope that helps.
> -
> Aaron Morton
> Freelance Cassandra D
Have you been able to measure the performance penalty of running at CL=ALL ?
Right now I'm spreading updates over such counter columns across workers so
they don't overlap keys and that way I don't go to CL=ALL but maybe that's
not worth it? Any input?
More info below
> I just loaded 4.8GB of similar data in another keyspace and ran the same
> process as in my previous tests but on that data.
> I started with three threads hitting cassandra. No I/O, hardly any CPU (15%
> on a 4 core server)
> After an hour or so, I raised it to 6 threads in par
Hi all,
I am having trouble reconciling various metrics regarding reads so I'm
hoping someone here can help me understand what's going on.
I am running tests on a single node cluster with 16GB of RAM. I'm testing on
the following column family:
I am trying to understand the way cassandra reads data. I've been reading a
lot and here is what I understand.
Can I get some feedback on the following claims ? Which are right and which
are wrong?
A) Upon opening an SSTTable for read, Cassandra samples one key in 100 to
speed up disk acce
a quick followup on this : when using Byte ordered partitioner. how does a
short key get mapped to the 128bit token ? what about keys longer than 128 ?
does Cassandra just pad and truncate ?
Le 24 juin 2011 04:53, "Maki Watanabe" a écrit :
> A little addendum
> Key := Your data to identi
if i write at ALL and read at ONE,is that setting required ?
Le 27 juin 2011 17:22, "Donal Zang" a écrit :
> On 27/06/2011 17:04, Artem Orobets wrote:
>> Hi!
>> As I know, we use counter column only with replication factor ALL, so
>> is it mean that we can't read data while any replic
I'm testing using a 2 node cluster. My CF only has counters and I have
I loaded data into the CF using CL=ALL.
At some point, it couldn't write anymore (looked like a GC froze one of the
machines) which makes sense.
However, I happened to run nodetool repair it is h
Hi Jonathan,
Thanks for the answer, I wanted to report on the improvements I got because
someone else is bound to run into the same questions...
> > C) I want to access a key that is at the 50th position in that table,
> > Cassandra will seek position 0 and then do a sequential read of the file
i believe it's because it needs to read the whole row to get to your super
you might have to reconsider your model.
Le 26 juil. 2011 17:39, "Priyanka" a écrit :
> Hello All,
> I am doing some read tests on Cassandra on a single node.But they
> are turning up to be very slow.
> Here is
I have a 3-node ring at RF=3 that is doing reads & writes. I am using two
types of consistency levels.
- write ALL,read ONE for one set of column families
- write QUORUM, read ONE for another set of families
Every day, I have a cron job that runs a nodetool repair on each node. The
I have a 3-node, RF=3, cluster configured to write at CL.ALL and read at
CL.ONE. When I take one of the nodes down, writes fail which is what I
When I run a repair, I see data being streamed from those column families...
that I didn't expect. How can the nodes diverge ? Does this mea
I see lines like this in my log file
INFO [ScheduledTasks:1] 2011-08-06 00:51:57,650 MessagingService.java (line
586) 358 MUTATION messages dropped in server lifetime
INFO [ScheduledTasks:1] 2011-08-06 00:51:57,658 MessagingService.java (line
586) 297 READ messages dropped in server lifetime
> On 6 Aug 2011, at 10:53, Philippe wrote:
> Hi,
> I see lines like this in my log file
> INFO [ScheduledTasks:1] 2011-08-06 00:51:57,650 MessagingService.java
> (line 586) 358 MUTATION messages dropped in server lifetime
> INFO [ScheduledTas
A question regarding batch mutates and how others might be throttling the
system to prevent timeouts.
My 3-node, RF=3 cluster has been performing ok while bulk loading data
(applying counter updates). I've been able to run 16 threads in parallel
that each perform about 400 mutates/s on a loaded cl
I've got new errors showing up in my cassandra log file since I starting
testing batch mutates (and it failed).
I have done a rolling restart and they are not disappearing.
How can I fix this ? What is this really saying about my data and my cluster
ERROR [ReplicateOnWriteStage:35
Quick followup.
I have pushed the RPC timeout to 30s. Using Hector, I'm doing 1 thread doing
batches of 10 mutates at a time so that's even slower than when I was doing
16 threads in parallel doing non-batched mutations.
After a couple hundred execute() calls, I get a timeout for every node; I
setting "cassandraThriftSocketTimeout"
> of hector. https://github.com/rantav/hector/wiki/User-Guide
> On Mon, Aug 8, 2011 at 6:54 AM, Philippe wrote:
>> Quick followup.
>> I have pushed the RPC timeout to 30s. Using Hector, I'm doing 1 thread
>> doing batches of 10
le weeks now so it will
take a while to sanitize stuff before posting it.
This is now hitting me in another part of the app where I had batched
stuff... oh well
On Mon, Aug 8, 2011 at 12:34 AM, Philippe wrote:
> > Hi Boris,
> > Thanks for the suggestion, I didn't know there was on
... 3 more
> On Mon, Aug 8, 2011 at 12:34 AM, Philippe wrote:
> > Hi Boris,
> > Thanks for the suggesti
thanks sylvain. I'd ended up finding that issue.
and you answered my subsequent questions. Merci
Le 8 août 2011 19:32, "Sylvain Lebresne" a écrit :
Hello, I've been fighting with my cluster for a couple days now... Running, using Hector and loadblancing requests across all nodes.
My question is : how do I get my node back under control so that it runs
like the other two nodes.
It's a 3 node, RF=3 cluster with reads & writes at LC=QUO
SST tables went back to normal for the other keyspace.
The first repair is still not over.
2011/8/14 Philippe
> Hello, I've been fighting with my cluster for a couple days now... Running
>, using Hector and loadblancing requests across all nodes.
> My question is : how do
Hi I'm getting the following at startup on one of the nodes on my 3 node
cluster with RF=3.
I have 6 keyspaces each with 10 column families that contain supercolumns
that contain only counter columns.
Looking at
see that
No it depends on the consistency level. It's different : for example, QUORUM
= 2 for RF=3
Anyway, anyone have an answer to my real issue ?
2011/8/14 Stephen Connolly
> oh i know you can run rf 3 on a 3 node cluster. more i thought that if you
> have one fail you have less nodes than the
to me like that's
independent from the write throughput, just a question of how long it takes.
What am I missing ?
@Teijo : thanks for the procedure, I hope I won't have to do that
Peter, I'll answer inline. Thanks for the detailed answer.
> > the number of SSTables for some keyspaces goes dramatically up (from 3 or
> 4
> > to several dozens).
> Typically with a long running compaction, such as that trigge
data because of out of sync nodes.
> On Sun, Aug 14, 2011 at 12:28 PM, Philippe wrote:
> > Hi I'm getting the following at startup on one of the nodes on my 3 node
> > cluster with RF=3.
> > I have 6 keyspaces each with 10 column families that contain superco
by doing that !
> Cheers
> -
> Aaron Morton
> Freelance Cassandra Developer
> @aaronmorton
> http://www.thelastpickle.com
> On 15 Aug 2011, at 05:28, Philippe wrote:
> Hi I'm getting the following at startup on one of the nodes on
Adding nodes every couple of weeks ?
Forgot to mention that stopping & restarting the server brought the data
directory down to 283GB in less than 1 minute.
2011/8/15 Philippe
> It's another reason to avoid major / manual compactions which create a
>> single big SSTable. Minor compactions keep things
Hello, what are the guarantees regarding truncates issued through the CLI ?
I have a 3 node ring at RF=3. No writes going to the keyspace at issue here.
I go to the CLI on one of the nodes and issue a truncate on all CF of the
keyspace. I run a list [CF] and make sure there is no data.
When I run
with column_type = Super
with comparator = UTF8Type
with subcomparator = BytesType
and min_compaction_threshold=2 and read_repair_chance=0
and keys_cached = 20
and rows_cached = 50
and default_validation_class = CounterColumnType and
2011/8/16 Teij
t 8:45 AM, Philippe wrote:
> > Hello, what are the guarantees regarding truncates issued through the CLI
> ?
> > I have a 3 node ring at RF=3. No writes going to the keyspace at issue
> here.
> > I go to the CLI on one of the nodes and issue a truncate on all CF of the
> > ke
> successfully on all nodes. Is this 0.8.4? Can you reproduce with a
> toy cluster using https://github.com/pcmanus/ccm ?
> On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 9:44 AM, Philippe wrote:
> > The title and the comments describe a node restarting. This is not my
> case.
> > could it
g up my compactions hence the huge pile up of compactions until
the disk fulls.
I know there's an issue related to failed streams & repairs, could I be
hitting it ?
2011/8/14 Philippe
> @Teijo : thanks for the procedure, I hope I won't have to do that
> Peter
acknowledged, node A doesn't ?
2011/8/16 Philippe
> I'm still trying different stuff. Here are my latest findings, maybe
> someone will find them useful:
>- I have been able to repair some small column families by issuing a
>repair [KS] [CF]. When testing on the ri
Thanks for the pointers, responses inline.
On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 3:48 PM, Philippe wrote:
> > I have been able to repair some small column families by issuing a repair
> > [KS] [CF]. When testing on the ring with no writes at all, it still takes
> > about 2 repairs to get &qu
One last thought : what happens when you ctrl-c a nodetool repair ? Does it
stop the repair on the server ? If not, then I think I have multiple repairs
still running. Is there any way to check this ?
2011/8/16 Philippe
> Even more interesting behavior : a repair on a CF
t; Aaron Morton
> Freelance Cassandra Developer
> @aaronmorton
> http://www.thelastpickle.com
> On 17/08/2011, at 10:09 AM, Philippe wrote:
> One last thought : what happens when you ctrl-c a nodetool repair ? Does it
> stop the repair on the server ? If not, then I think
http://www.datastax.com/dev/blog/bulk-loading indicates that "it is
perfectly reasonable to load data into a live, active cluster."
So lets say my cluster has a single KS & CF and it contains a key "test"
with a SC named "Cass" and a normal subcolumn named "Data" that has value 1.
If I SSTLoad da
> What if the column is a counter ? Does it overwrite or increment ? Ie if
> the SST I am loading has the exact same setup but value 2, will my value
> change to 3 ?
> Counter columns only know how to increment (assuming no deletes), so you
> will get 3. See
> https://github.com/apache/cassandr
Look at my last two or three threads. I've encountered the same thing and
got some pointers/answers.
On Aug 17, 2011 4:03 PM, "Huy Le" wrote:
> Hi,
> After upgrading to cass 0.8.4 from cass 0.6.11. I ran scrub. That worked
> fine. Then I ran nodetool repair on one of the nodes. The disk usage on
Looking at the logs, I see that repairs stream data TO and FROM a node to
its replicas.
So on a 3-node RF=3 cluster, one only needs to launch repairs on a single
node right ?
, I'm guessing it's neither the hardware or the network.
I could provide the data directories privately to a commiter if that
helps... I assume an eighth repair would also stream stuff around. The data
directories are : 8.3GB, 3.3GB and 3.1GB
2011/8/17 Philippe
> ctrl-c
t in on of the threads that the
>> issue is not reprocible, but multiple users have the same issue. This there
>> anything that I should do to determine the cause of this issue for I do a
>> rolling restart and try to run repair again? Thanks!
>> Huy
> Almost, but not quite: if you have nodes A,B,C and repair A, it will
> transfer A<->B, A<->C, but not B<->C.
But on a 3 node cluster once you do A<->B & A<->C, why don't you
transitively get B<->C ?
> Because they are occurring in parallel.
So if a range is out of sync between A<->B and A<->C, A will receive the
repairing stream from both (in any order) and will apply mutations based on
that and the usual overwrite rules so necessarily exclude one of the
repairing stream and that data will
> Because they are occurring in parallel.
> So if a range is out of sync between A<->B and A<->C, A will receive the
> repairing stream from both (in any order) and will apply mutations based on
> that and the usual overwrite rules so necessarily exclude one of the
> repairing stream and that
Unfortunately repairing one cf at a time didn't help in my case because it
still streams all CF and that triggers lots of compactions
On Aug 18, 2011 3:48 PM, "Huy Le" wrote:
In our case they get created exclusively during repairs. Compactionstats
showed a huge number of sstable build compactions
On Aug 20, 2011 1:23 AM, "Peter Schuller"
>> Is there any chance that the entire file from source node got streamed to
>> destination node even though only smal
> Do you have an indication that at least the disk space is in fact
> consistent with the amount of data being streamed between the nodes? I
> think you had 90 -> ~ 450 gig with RF=3, right? Still sounds like a
> lot assuming repairs are not running concurrently (and compactions are
> able to run
Have you run repair on the nodes ? Maybe some data was lost and not repaired
yet ?
2011/8/23 Chris Marino
> Hi, we're running some performance tests against some clusters and I'm
> curious about some of the numbers I see.
> I'm running the stress t
> Sort of. There's some fine print, such as the 50% number is only if
> you're manually forcing major compactions, which is not recommended,
> but a bigger thing to know is that 1.0 will introduce "leveled
> compaction" [1] inspired by leveldb. The free space requirement will
> then be a small
We're currently running on a 3-node RF=3 cluster. Now that we have a better
grip on things, we want to replace it with a 12-node RF=3 cluster of
"smaller" servers. So I wonder what the best way to move the data to the new
cluster would be. I can afford to stop writing to the current cluster
> Aaron Morton
> Freelance Cassandra Developer
> @aaronmorton
> http://www.thelastpickle.com
> On 22/09/2011, at 10:27 AM, Philippe wrote:
>> Hello,
>> We're currently running on a 3-node RF=3 cluster. Now that we have a
better grip on things, we want t
> @aaronmorton
> http://www.thelastpickle.com
> On 22/09/2011, at 7:23 PM, Philippe wrote:
>> Hi Aaron
>> Thanks for the reply
>> I should hhave mentionned that all current nodes are running 0.8.4.
>> All current and future services have 2TB disks of which i
It sure looks like what I'm seeing on my cluster where a 100G commit lot
partition fills up in 12 hours (0.8.x)
Le 23 sept. 2011 03:45, "Yang" a écrit :
> in 1.0.0 we don't have memtable_throughput for each individual CF ,
> and instead
> which memtable/CF to flush is determined by "largest
> getT
I've seen a couple of these in my logs, running 0.8.4.
This is a RF=3, 3-node cluster. 2 nodes including this one are on 0.8.4 and
one is on 0.8.5
The node is still functionning hours later. Should I be worried ?
ERROR [ReadStage:94911] 2011-09-24 22:40:30,043 AbstractCassandraDaem
I'm deploying my cluster with Puppet so it's actually easier for me to add
all cassandra nodes to the seed list in the YAML file than to choose a few.
Would there be any reason NOT to do this ?
I have this happening on 0.8.x It looks to me as this happens when the node
is under heavy load such as unthrottled compactions or a huge GC.
2011/9/24 Yang
> I'm using 1.0.0
> there seems to be too many node Up/Dead events detected by the failure
> detector.
> I'm using a 2 node cluster on
> On Sun, Sep 25, 2011 at 2:27 AM, Philippe wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I've seen a couple of these in my logs, running 0.8.4.
>> This is a RF=3, 3-node cluster. 2 nodes including this one are on 0.8.4
>> one is on 0.8.5
>> The node is still functionn
Ever since upgrading to 0.8.6, my nodes' system.log is littered with
GCInspector logs such as these
INFO [ScheduledTasks:1] 2011-09-26 21:23:40,468 GCInspector.java (line 122)
GC for ParNew: 209 ms for 1 collections, 4747932608 used; max is 16838033408
INFO [ScheduledTasks:1] 2011-09-26 21:23:43,7
Have just ran into a new assertion error, again after upgrading a 2
month-old cluster to 0.8.6
Can someone explain what this means and the possible consequences ?
ERROR [AntiEntropyStage:2] 2011-09-27 06:07:41,960
AbstractCassandraDaemon.java (line 139) Fatal exception in thread
Is there a target date for the release. If not is it likely to be in
Le 27 sept. 2011 18:57, "Sylvain Lebresne" a écrit :
> The Cassandra team is pleased to announce the release of the first release
> candidate for the future Apache Cassandra 1.0.
> The warnings first: this i
Hi is there any reason why configuring a partitioner per keyspace wouldn't
be possible technically ?
No it was an upgrade from 0.8.4 or 0.8.5 depending on the nodes.
No cassandra-env files were changed during the update.
Any other ideas? The cluster has just been weird ever since running 0.8.6 :
has anyone else upgraded and not run into this?
Le 28 sept. 2011 09:32, "Peter Schuller" a
écrit :
I have my 3-node, RF=3 cluster acting strangely. Can someone shed a light as
to what is going on ?
It was stuck for a couple of hours (all clients TimedOut). nodetool tpstats
showed huge increasing MutationStages (in the hundreds of thousands).
I restarted one node and it took a while to rep
l what client are you using? And can you give a hint to your node
> hardware?
> 從我的 BlackBerry® 無線裝置
> --
> *From: * Philippe
> *Date: *Wed, 5 Oct 2011 10:33:21 +0200
> *To: *user
> *ReplyTo: * user@cassandra.apache.org
> *Subject: *Why is mutation
ween nodes, scrub fixes local
> issues with data. )
> Cheers
> -
> Aaron Morton
> Freelance Cassandra Developer
> @aaronmorton
> http://www.thelastpickle.com
> On 26/09/2011, at 12:53 PM, Philippe wrote:
> Juste did
> Could there be da
my cluster won't be too out of sync.
2011/10/5 Philippe
> Thanks for the quick responses.
> @Yi
> Using Hector 0.8.0-1
> Hardware is :
>- AMD Opteron 4174 6x 2.30+ GHz
>- 32 Go DDR3
>- 1 Gbps Lossless
> @aaron
> I
Dear all,
I've just fired up our production cluster : 12 nodes, RF=3 and I've run into
something I don't understand at all. Our test cluster was 3 nodes, RF=3
Test cluster was AMD opteron CPUs (6x2.33) w/ 32GB RAM while the production
cluster is core i5 (4x2.66) w/ 16 GB RAM.
I'm running the same
Dear all,
I'm working with a 12-node, RF=3 cluster on low-end hardware (core i5 with
16GB of RAM & SATA disks).
I'm using a BOP and each node has a load between 50GB and 100GB (yes, I
apparently did not set my tokens right... I'll fix that later).
I'm hitting the cluster with a little over 100 con
I am going to need to move some nodes to rebalance my cluster. How safe is
this to do on a cluster with writes & reads ?
Hello, I'd like to get some ideas on how to model counting uniques with
My use-case is that I have various counters that I increment based on data
received from multiple devices. I'd like to be able to know if at least X
unique devices contributed to a counter value.
I've thought of the
I'm trying to understand the network usage I am seeing in my cluster, can
anyone shed some light?
It's an RF=3, 12-node, cassandra 0.8.6 cluster. The nodes are
p13,p14,p15...p24 and are consecutive in that order on the ring.
Each node is only a cassandra database. I am hitting the cluster fr
chooses matching values and sends back data to p4
So if p13-p15 are outputting 80Mb/s why am I not seeing 80Mb/s coming into
p4 which is on the receiving end ?
2011/11/15 Philippe
> Hello,
> I'm trying to understand the network usage I am seeing in my cluster, can
> anyon
ware? Since those machines are sending
> data somewhere, maybe they are behind in replicating and are continuously
> catching up?
> Use a tool like tcpdump to find out where the data is going
> From: Philippe
> Reply-To: "user@cassandra.apache.org"
> Date: Tue,
Running on cassandra 0.8.(6|7), I have issued two moves in the same cluster
at the same time, on two different nodes. There are no writes being issued
to the cluster.
I saw a mailing post mentioning doing moves one node at a time.
Did I just trash my cluster ?
I'm using BOP.
Le 20 nov. 2011 13:09, "Boris Yen" a écrit :
> I am just curious about which partitioner you are using?
> On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 4:30 PM, Philippe wrote:
>> Hi Todd
>> Yes all equal hardware. Nearly no CPU usage and no memory issues.
I don't remember your exact situation but could it be your network
I know I've been upgrading mine because I'm maxing out fastethernet on a 12
node cluster.
Le 20 nov. 2011 22:54, "Jahangir Mohammed" a
écrit :
> Mostly, they are I/O and CPU intensive during major compaction. If gang
Oct 5, 2011 12:22 PM, "Philippe" wrote:
> A little feedback,
> I scrubbed on each server and I haven't seen this error again. The load on
> each server eems to be correct.
> nodetool compactionstats shows boat-load of "Scrub" at 100% on my 3rd
> node bu
While running a cleanup, Cassandra stopped with the following exception and
inspecting the logs revealed several exceptions such as below over the past
3 days.Given that it's dying on compactions, I'm really worried.
If a row was trashed, will the error propagate from node to node or will i
Didn't mention this is a 0.8.6 cluster with 5 nodes and RF=3
I bootstrapped a new node 2 days ago. What's weird is that it didn't pickup
the token i provided in the yaml file so i had to move it.
It looks like CASSANDRA-1992 but I'm not on 0.7.x
Le 29 nov. 2011 08:00,
I've got a batch process running every so often that issues a bunch of
counter increments. I have noticed that when this process runs without
being throttled it will raise the CPU to 80-90% utilization on the nodes
handling the requests. This in turns timeouts and general lag on queries
low). This happens every single time. And I can see the second
process gets paused during this timeout
Any ideas why this might be happening ?
0 0128 165472 8304 1434741200 0 0 289 281 0 0
100 0
5 0128 166452 8288 1433783600 232 4
Here's an example tpstats on one node in my cluster. I only issue
multigetslice reads to counter columns
Pool NameActive Pending Completed Blocked All
time blocked
ReadStage27 2166 3565927301 0
Was't that on the 1.0 branch ? I'm still running 0.8x ?
@Peter: investigating a little more before answering. Thanks
2011/12/10 Edward Capriolo
> There was a recent patch that fixed an issue where counters were hitting
> the same natural endpoint rather then being randomized across all of them.
Answer below
> > Pool NameActive Pending Completed Blocked
> All
> > time blocked
> > ReadStage27 2166 3565927301 0
> With the slicing, I'm not sure off the top of my head. I'm sure
> someone else can chime in. For e.g. a mult
Hi Peter,
I'm going to mix the response to your email along with my other email from
yesterday since they pertain to the same issue.
Sorry this is a little long, but I'm stomped and I'm trying to describe
what I've investigated.
In a nutshell, in case someone has encountered this and won't read it
for me is
: only batch if you gain something because it might break stuff.
Given this work-around, can anyone explain to me why this was happening ?
2011/12/11 Philippe
> Hi Peter,
> I'm going to mix the response to your email along with my other email from
> yesterday since they p
given the better results I've seen on my workload
with smaller batches, I'm going to do just that.
hiccup (e.g. dirty buffer flushing by linux) this should be visibly
> correlated with 'iostat -x -k 1'.
some CPU correlation in some cases (on one node)
no iostat correlation ever
You've got at least one row over 1GB, compacted !
Have you checked whether you are running out of heap ?
2011/12/12 Wojtek Kulik
> Hello everyone!
> I have a strange problem with Cassandra (v1.0.5, one node, 8GB, 2xCPU): a
> query asking for each key from a certain (super) CF results in timeou
1 - 100 of 152 matches
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