My company has a product we’re about to deploy into AWS with Cassandra setup as
a two 3 node clusters in two availability zones (m4.2xlarge with 2 500GB EBS
volumes per node). We’re doing over a million writes per hour with the cluster
setup with R-2 and local quorum writes. We run successfully
Everyone, thank you for the responses
Jon, to answer your question we’re using the General Purpose SSD with IOPS of
1500/3000 so based on your definition I guess we’re using the awful ones since
they aren’t provisioned IOPS. We’re also trying G1 garbage collection.
I also just looked at our app
My development team has been trying to track down the cause of this Read
timeout (30 seconds or more at times) exception below. We’re running a 2 data
center deployment with 3 nodes in each data center. Our tables are setup with
replication factor = 2 and we have 16G dedicated to the heap with t
kind of
msgs. Are you able to connect?
From: Ney, Richard []
Sent: Monday, January 02, 2017 3:30 PM
Subject: Trying to find cause of exception
My development team has been trying to track down the cause of this Rea
y Managed Open
Source Data Technologies
+44(0)20 8123 4053 |<>
On 2 Jan 2017, at 18:59, Ney, Richard>> wrote:
Hi Amit,
I’m seeing “not marking as down” in the logs like this one,
WARN [GossipTasks:1] 20
4(0)20 8123 4053 |<>
On 2 Jan 2017, at 18:59, Ney, Richard>> wrote:
Hi Amit,
I’m seeing “not marking as down” in the logs like this one,
WARN [GossipTasks:1] 2016-12-29 08:48:02,665
We’ve collapsed our 2 DC – 3 node Cassandra clusters into a single 6 node
Cassandra cluster split between two AWS availability zones.
Are there any behaviors we need to take into account to ensure the Cassandra
cluster stability with this configuration?
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