Re: going down from RF=3 to RF=2, repair constantly falls over with JVM OOM

2013-07-04 Thread Michał Michalski
I don't think you need to run repair if you decrease RF. At least I wouldn't do it. In case of *decreasing* RF have 3 nodes containing some data, but only 2 of them should store them from now on, so you should rather run cleanup, instead of repair, toget rid of the data on 3rd replica. And I g

Re: Restart node => hinted handoff flood

2013-07-04 Thread Michał Michalski
My blind guess is: In our case the only sensible solution was to pause hints delivery and disable storing them (both done with a nodetool: pausehandoff and disablehandoff). Once they TTL'd (3 hours by default I believe?) I turned HH on again

Re: CorruptBlockException - recover?

2013-07-05 Thread Michał Michalski
I think I'd try removing "broken" SSTables (when node is down) and running repair then. M. W dniu 05.07.2013 09:10, Jan Kesten pisze: Hi, i tried to scrub the keyspace - but with no success either, the process threw an exception when hitting the corrupt block and stopped then. I will rebootst

Re: too many open files

2013-07-15 Thread Michał Michalski
It doesn't tell you anything if file ends it with "ic-###", except pointing out the SSTable version it uses ("ic" in this case). Files related to secondary index contain something like this in the filename: -., while in "regular" CFs do not contain any dots except the one just before file exte

Re: Deletion use more space.

2013-07-16 Thread Michał Michalski
Deletion is not really "removing" data, but it's adding tombstones (markers) of deletion. They'll be later merged with existing data during compaction and - in the end (see: gc_grace_seconds) - removed, but by this time they'll take some space.

Re: manually removing sstable

2013-07-17 Thread Michał Michalski
Hi Aaron, > * Tombstones will only be purged if all fragments of a row are in the SStable(s) being compacted. According to my knowledge it's not necessarily true. In a specific case this patch comes into play: "We could however purge tom

Re: is there a key to sstable index file?

2013-07-17 Thread Michał Michalski
SSTables are immutable - once they're written to disk, they cannot be changed. On read C* checks *all* SSTables [1], but to make it faster, it uses Bloom Filters, that can tell you if a row is *not* in a specific SSTable, so you don't have to read it at all. However, *if* you read it in case

Re: is there a key to sstable index file?

2013-07-18 Thread Michał Michalski
Thanks! :-) M. W dniu 18.07.2013 08:42, Jean-Armel Luce pisze: @Michal : look a this for the improvement of read performance : Best regards. Jean Armel 2013/7/18 Michał Michalski SSTables are immutable - once they're written to

Re: Cassandra 2 vs Java 1.6

2013-07-22 Thread Michał Michalski
I believe it won't run on 1.6. Java 1.7 is required to compile C* 2.0+ and once it's done, you cannot run it using Java 1.6 (this is what "Unsupported major.minor version" error tells you about; java version 50 is 1.6 and 51 is 1.7). M. W dniu 22.07.2013 10:06, Andrew Cobley pisze: I know it

Re: memtable overhead

2013-07-22 Thread Michał Michalski
Not sure how up-to-date this info is, but from some discussions that happened here long time ago I remember that a minimum of 1MB per Memtable needs to be allocated. The other constraint here is memtable_total_space_in_mb setting in cassandra.yaml, which you might wish to tune when having a lo

Re: cassandra disk access

2013-08-07 Thread Michał Michalski
2. when cassandra lookups a key in sstable (assuming bloom-filter and other "stuff" failed, also assuming the key is located in this single sstable), cassandra DO NOT USE sequential I/O. "She" probably will read the hash-table slot or similar structure, then cassandra will do another disk seek i

Re: cassandra disk access

2013-08-07 Thread Michał Michalski
s unable to find anything ? On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 11:27 AM, Michał Michalski wrote: 2. when cassandra lookups a key in sstable (assuming bloom-filter and other "stuff" failed, also assuming the key is located in this single sstable), cassandra DO NOT USE sequential I/O. "She&

Re: Why don't you start off with a “single & small” Cassandra server as you usually do it with MySQL?

2013-09-18 Thread Michał Michalski
You might be interested in this: M. W dniu 18.09.2013 15:34, Ertio Lew pisze: For any website just starting out, the load initially is minimal & grows wit

Re: Row size in cfstats vs cfhistograms

2013-09-19 Thread Michał Michalski
I believe the reason is that cfhistograms tells you about the sizes of the rows returned by given node in a response to the read request, while cfstats tracks the largest row stored on given node. M. W dniu 19.09.2013 11:31, Rene Kochen pisze: Hi all, I use Cassandra 1.0.11 If I do cfstats

Re: Recommended hardware

2013-09-23 Thread Michał Michalski
Hi Tim, Not sure if you've seen this, but I'd start from DataStax's documentation: Taking a look at

Re: Cassandra Heap Size for data more than 1 TB

2013-10-03 Thread Michał Michalski
I was experimenting with 128 vs. 512 some time ago and I was unable to see any difference in terms of performance. I'd probably check 1024 too, but we migrated to 1.2 and heap space was not an issue anymore. M. W dniu 02.10.2013 16:32, srmore pisze: I changed my index_interval from 128 to ind

Re: Cassandra Heap Size for data more than 1 TB

2013-10-03 Thread Michał Michalski
1.2. Just curious, has anyone tried 1.2 with large data set, around 1 TB ? Thanks ! On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 7:20 AM, Michał Michalski wrote: I was experimenting with 128 vs. 512 some time ago and I was unable to see any difference in terms of performance. I'd probably check 1024 too, but

Re: DELETE does not delete :)

2013-10-06 Thread Michał Michalski
W dniu 07.10.2013 08:02, Alexander Shutyaev pisze: * We have not modified any *consistency settings* in our app, so I assume we have the *default QUORUM* (2 out of 3 in our case) consistency *for reads and writes*. cqlsh uses ONE by default, pycassa uses ONE by default too. I have no experienc

Re: Disappearing index data.

2013-10-07 Thread Michał Michalski
I had similar issue (reported many times here, there's also a JIRA issue, but people reporting this problem were unable to reproduce it). What I can say is that for me the solution was to run major compaction on the index CF via JMX. To be clear - we're not talking about compacting the CF that