I'm running Cassandra 0.7 and I'm trying to get Pig integration to work
correctly. I'm using Pig 0.8 running against Hadoop 20.2, I've also tried this
running against CDH2.
I can log into the grunt shell, and execute scripts, but when they run, they
don't read all of the data from Cassandra.
I noticed in the jobtracker log that when the pig job kicks off, I get the
following info message:
2011-02-02 09:13:07,269 INFO org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobInProgress: Input size
for job job_201101241634_0193 = 0. Number of splits = 1
So I looked at the job.split file that is created for the P
Unless you need your user identifiers to be sequential for some reason, I would
save yourself the headache of this kind of complexity and just use UUIDs if you
have to generate an identifier.
On Feb 3, 2011, at 2:03 PM, Aklin_81 wrote:
> Hi all,
> To generate new keys/ UserIds for new users on