that Benjamin referred to.
Hence, the two golden questions:
1) Are these issues already present in 3.0.x?
2) What would be the best 3.x version to put in production at this moment?
Many thanks for any help you can come up with,
Hugo José Pinto
> LeveledCompaction: Have you checked if
We're currently using Hazelcast ( as a distributed
in-memory data grid. That's been working sort-of-well for us, but going
solely in-memory has exhausted its path in our use case, and we're
considering porting our application to a NoSQL persistent store. After the
ggers is dangerous
> if you are not familiar with Cassandra internals. Indeed the trigger is on
> the write path and may hurt performance if you are doing complex and blocking
> tasks.
> That's the 2 solutions I can see, maybe the ML members will propose other
> inn
Thanks :)
Duly noted - this is all uncharted territory for us, hence the value of
seasoned advice.
Hugo José Pinto
No dia 03/01/2015, às 23:43, Peter Lin escreveu:
> listen to colin's advice, avoid the temptation of anti-patterns.
>> On Sat, Jan 3, 20
oducts that use streamSQL to do continuous
> queries. Espers comes to mind. Google to see what other products support
> streamSQL
>> On Sat, Jan 3, 2015 at 6:48 PM, Hugo José Pinto
>> wrote:
>> Thanks :)
>> Duly noted - this is all uncharted terr
as on what would be the best way to approach this in Cassandra CQL?
Many thanks for any help!
Hugo José Pinto