RE: Small typo in conf/cassandra.yaml

2011-05-10 Thread Gert van der Spoel
> . inside quotations is correct in English. Caused by: org.yaml.snakeyaml.error.YAMLException: Cannot create property=commitlog_sync for JavaBean=org.apache.cassandra.config.Config@1fd5e2; Unable to find enum value 'batch.' for enum class: org.apache.cassandra.config.Config$CommitLogSync That's

RE: 0.7.4 no longer installable?

2011-04-26 Thread Gert van der Spoel
Alternatively you could get the deb file at: and go for dpkg -i cassandra_0.7.4_all.deb CU, Gert > -Original Message- > From: Watanabe Maki [] > Sent: dinsdag 26 april 2011 13:46 > To: