I have this situation where a few (like, 3-4 out of 84) nodes misbehave.
Very long GC pauses, dropping out of cluster etc.
This happens while loading data (via CQL), and analyzing metrics it
looks like on these few nodes, a lot of hints are being generated close
to the time when they start to
I have a 2.0.13 cluster which I need to do two things with:
* Extend it
* Upgrade to 2.1.14
I'm pondering in what order to do things. Is it a supported operation to
extend a partially upgraded cluster, i.e. a cluster upgraded to 2.0
where not all sstables have been upgraded?
If I do tha
radesstables before you try to
extend the cluster.
On 5/18/16, 11:17 AM, "Erik Forsberg" wrote:
I have a 2.0.13 cluster which I need to do two things with:
* Extend it
* Upgrade to 2.1.14
I'm pondering in what order to do things. Is it a supported operation to
extend a partia
I have a 2.0.13 cluster which I have just extended, and I'm now looking
into upgrading it to 2.1.
* The cleanup after the extension is partially done.
* I'm also looking into changing a few tables into Leveled Compaction
In the interest of speeding up things by avoiding unnece
How are writes handled while I'm adding a node to a cluster, i.e. while
the new node is in JOINING state?
Are they queued up as hinted handoffs, or are they being written to the
joining node?
In the former case I guess I have to make sure my max_hint_window_in_ms
is long enough for the node
I have this problem where 3 of my 84 nodes misbehave with too long GC
times, leading to them being marked as DN.
This happens when I load data to them using CQL from a hadoop job, so
quite a lot of inserts at a time. The CQL loading job is using
TokenAwarePolicy with fallback to DCAwareR
On 2016-04-19 15:54, sai krishnam raju potturi wrote:
do we see any hung process like Repairs on those 3 nodes? what
does "nodetool netstats" show??
No hung process from what I can see.
root@cssa02-06:~# nodetool tpstats
Pool NameActive Pending Completed B
If I use sstableloader to load data to a cluster, and the source
sstables contain some columns where the TTL has expired, i.e. the
sstable has not yet been compacted - will those entries be properly
removed on the destination side?
I'm looking into moving some data from one Cassandra cluster to another,
both of them running Cassandra 1.2.13 (or maybe some later 1.2 version
if that helps me avoid some fatal bug). Sstableloader will probably be
the right thing for me, and given the size of my tables, I will want to
run the
I'm bulkloading via streaming from Hadoop to my Cassandra cluster. This
results in a rather large set of relatively small (~1MiB) sstables as
the number of mappers that generate sstables on the hadoop cluster is high.
With SizeTieredCompactionStrategy, the cassandra cluster would quickly
On 2014-08-18 19:52, Robert Coli wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 6:21 AM, Erik Forsberg <mailto:forsb...@opera.com>> wrote:
> Is there some configuration knob I can tune to make this happen faster?
> I'm getting a bit confused by the description for min_sstab
We have unfortunately managed to put ourselves in a situation where we are
really close to full disks on our existing 27 nodes.
We are now trying to add 15 more nodes, but running into problems with out
of disk space on the new nodes while joining.
We're using vnodes, on Cassandra 1.2.18 (ye
On the same subject as before - due to full disk during bootstrap, my
joining nodes are stuck. What's the correct procedure here, will a plain
restart of the node do the right thing, i.e. continue where bootstrap
stopped, or is it better to clean the data directories before new start of
I have some data in a table created using thrift. In cassandra-cli, the
'show schema' output for this table is:
create column family Users
with column_type = 'Standard'
and comparator = 'AsciiType'
and default_validation_class = 'UTF8Type'
and key_validation_class = 'LexicalUUIDType'
On 2014-11-11 19:40, Alex Popescu wrote:
> On Tuesday, November 11, 2014, Erik Forsberg <mailto:forsb...@opera.com>> wrote:
> You'll have better chances to get an answer about the Python driver on
> its own mailing
> list
> https://groups.google.com
as been around since
2011. So CF was probably created in Cassandra 0.7 or 0.8 via thrift
calls from pycassa, and I don't think there has been any schema changes
to it since.
> On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 2:06 AM, Erik Forsberg <mailto:forsb...@opera.com>> wrote:
On 2014-11-17 09:56, Erik Forsberg wrote:
> On 2014-11-15 01:24, Tyler Hobbs wrote:
>> What version of cassandra did you originally create the column family
>> in? Have you made any schema changes to it through cql or
>> cassandra-cli, or has it always been exactly the s
On 2014-11-19 01:37, Robert Coli wrote:
> Thanks, I can reproduce the issue with that, and I should be able to
> look into it tomorrow. FWIW, I believe the issue is server-side,
> not in the driver. I may be able to suggest a workaround once I
> figure out what's going on.
Is there such a thing as the anonymous/unauthenticated user in the
cassandra permissions system?
What I would like to do is to grant select, i.e. provide read-only
access, to users which have not presented a username and password.
Then grant update/insert to other users which have presented
I was pleased to find out that cassandra 2.0.x has added support for
pluggable metrics export, which even includes a graphite metrics sender.
Question: Will changes to the metricsReporterConfigFile require a
restart of cassandra to take effect?
I.e, if I want to add a new exported metric to
On 2015-02-05 12:39, Carlos Rolo wrote:
> Hello Erik,
> It seems possible, refer to the following documentation to see if it
> fits your needs:
> http://www.datastax.com/documentation/cassandra/2.0/cassandra/security/secureInternalAuthenticationTOC.html
> http://www.datastax.com/documentation/ca
To elaborate a bit on what Marcin said:
* Once a node starts to believe that a few other nodes are down, it seems
to stay that way for a very long time (hours). I'm not even sure it will
recover without a restart.
* I've tried to stop then start gossip with nodetool on the node that
thinks several
We having problems with one node (out of 56 in total) misbehaving.
Symptoms are:
* High number of full CMS old space collections during early morning
when we're doing bulkloads. Yes, bulkloads, not CQL, and only a few
thrift insertions.
* Really long stop-the-world GC events (I've seen up to
I'm bulkloading from Hadoop to Cassandra. Currently in the process of
moving to new hardware for both Hadoop and Cassandra, and while
testrunning bulkload, I see the following error:
Exception in thread "Streaming to /2001:4c28:1:413:0:1:1:12:1"
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.io.EOFExc
On 2014-01-27 12:56, Erik Forsberg wrote:
This is on Cassandra 1.2.1. I know that's pretty old, but I would like
to avoid upgrading until I have made this migration from old to new
hardware. Upgrading to 1.2.13 might be an option.
Update: Exactly the same behaviour on Cassandra 1
I'm limiting the size of the total amount of
data in the largest CF at compaction to, hmm.. the free space on the
disk with most free space, correct?
Comments welcome!
Erik Forsberg
Developer, Opera Software - http://www.opera.com/
e the fastest way to get the node up to speed with the
rest of the cluster?
> On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 7:47 AM, Erik Forsberg
> wrote:
> > Hi!
> >
> > I'm considering setting up a small (4-6 nodes) Cassandra cluster on
> > machines that eac
Can the new BulkOutputFormat
(https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-3045) be used to load
data to servers running cassandra 0.8.7 and/or Cassandra 1.0.6?
I'm thinking of using jar files from the development version to load
data onto a production cluster which I want to keep on
We're experimenting with streaming from Hadoop to Cassandra using
BulkoutputFormat, on cassandra-1.1 branch.
Are there any specific settings we should tune on the Cassandra servers
in order to get the best streaming performance?
Our Cassandra hardware are 16 core (including HT cores) wi
If I run a hadoop job that uses BulkOutputFormat to write data to
Cassandra, and that hadoop job is aborted, i.e. streaming sessions are
not completed, it seems like the streaming sessions hang around for a
very long time, I've observed at least 12-15h, in output from 'nodetool
When setting ttl on columns, is there a maximum value (other than
MAXINT, 2**31-1) that can be used?
I have a very odd behaviour here, where I try to set ttl to 9 622 973
(~111 days) which works, but setting it to 11 824 305 (~137 days) does
not - it seems columns are deleted instantly
On 2012-02-20 21:20, aaron morton wrote:
Nothing obvious.
Samarth (working on same project) found that his patch to CASSANDRA-3754
was cleaned up a bit too much, which caused a negative ttl.
We're currently testing Cassandra with a large number of row keys per
node - nodetool cfstats approximated number of keys to something like
700M per node. This seems to have caused a very large heap consumption.
After reading
http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/LargeDataSetConsiderations I
We're using the bulkloader to load data to Cassandra. During and after
bulkloading, the minor compaction process seems to result in larger
sstables being created. An example:
INFO [CompactionExecutor:105] 2012-03-21 15:18:46,608
CompactionTask.java (line 115) Compacting [SSTableReader(p
On 2012-03-21 16:36, Erik Forsberg wrote:
We're using the bulkloader to load data to Cassandra. During and after
bulkloading, the minor compaction process seems to result in larger
sstables being created. An example:
This is on Cassandra 1.1, btw.
I was trying out the "truncate" command in cassandra-cli.
http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/CassandraCli08 says "A snapshot of the
data is created, which is deleted asyncronously during a 'graveyard'
When do "graveyard" compactions happen? Do I have to trigger them somehow?
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