Cassandra downgrade version

2018-04-25 Thread Elliott Sims
Looks like no major table version changes since 3.0, and a couple of minor changes in 3.0.7/3.7 and 3.0.8/3.8: 9d1adc3df9/doc/source/architecture/storage_engine.rst So, I suppose whether a revert is safe or not depends on whet

Re: Cassandra HEAP Suggestion.. Need a help

2018-05-24 Thread Elliott Sims
JVM GC tuning can be pretty complex, but the simplest solution to OOM is probably switching to G1GC and feeding it a rather large heap. Theoretically a smaller heap and carefully-tuned CMS collector is more efficient, but CMS is kind of fragile and tuning it is more of a black art, where you can ge

Re: Snapshot SSTable modified??

2018-05-25 Thread Elliott Sims
I've run across this problem before - it seems like GNU tar interprets changes in the link count as changes to the file, so if the file gets compacted mid-backup it freaks out even if the file contents are unchanged. I worked around it by just using bsdtar instead. On Thu, May 24, 2018 at 6:08 AM

Re: Snapshot SSTable modified??

2018-05-28 Thread Elliott Sims
ut it's the best I could come up with. :-/ > > Thanks Jeff & others for your responses. > > - Max > > On May 25, 2018, at 5:05pm, Elliott Sims wrote: > > I've run across this problem before - it seems like GNU tar interprets > changes in the link count as changes t

Re: Mongo DB vs Cassandra

2018-06-01 Thread Elliott Sims
I'd say for a large write-heavy workload like, Cassandra is a pretty clear winner over MongoDB. I agree with the commenters about understanding your query patterns a bit better before choosing, though. Cassandra's queries are a bit limited, and if you're loading all new data every day and discard

Re: 3.11.2 memory leak

2018-06-04 Thread Elliott Sims
Are you seeing significant issues in terms of performance? Increased garbage collection, long pauses, or even OutOfMemory? Which garbage collector are you using and with what settings/thresholds? Since the JVM's garbage-collected, a bigger heap can mean a problem or it can just mean "hasn't gott

Re: Restoring snapshot

2018-06-11 Thread Elliott Sims
It's possible that it's something more subtle, but keep in mind that sstables don't include the schema. If you've made schema changes, you need to apply/revert those first or C* probably doesn't know what to do with those columns in the sstable. On Sun, Jun 10, 2018 at 11:38 PM, wrote: > Dear C

Re: saving distinct data in cassandra result in many tombstones

2018-06-12 Thread Elliott Sims
If this is data that expires after a certain amount of time, you probably want to look into using TWCS and TTLs to minimize the number of tombstones. Decreasing gc_grace_seconds then compacting will reduce the number of tombstones, but at the cost of potentially resurrecting deleted data if the ta

Re: High load, low IO wait, moderate CPU usage

2018-06-15 Thread Elliott Sims
Do you have an actual performance issue anywhere at the application level? If not, I wouldn't spend too much time on it - load avg is a sort of odd indirect metric that may or may not mean anything depending on the situation. On Fri, Jun 15, 2018 at 6:49 AM, Igor Leão wrote: > Hi there, > > I ha

Re: JVM Heap erratic

2018-06-28 Thread Elliott Sims
It depends a bit on which collector you're using, but fairly normal. Heap grows for a while, then the JVM decides via a variety of metrics that it's time to run a collection. G1GC is usually a bit steadier and less sawtooth than the Parallel Mark Sweep , but if your heap's a lot bigger than neede

Re: JVM Heap erratic

2018-06-28 Thread Elliott Sims
not quite yet to the > heap size based on our partition sizes. > All queries use cluster key, so I'm not accidentally reading a whole > partition. > The last place I'm looking - which maybe should be the first - is > tombstones. > > sorry for the afternoon rant! thanks for

Re: Network throughput requirements

2018-07-10 Thread Elliott Sims
Among the hosts in a cluster? It depends on how much data you're trying to read and write. In general, you're going to want a lot more bandwidth among hosts in the cluster than you have external-facing. Otherwise things like repairs and bootstrapping new nodes can get slow/difficult. To put it

Re: Too many Cassandra threads waiting!!!

2018-08-01 Thread Elliott Sims
You might have more luck trying to analyze at the Java level, either via a (Java) stack dump and the "ttop" tool from Swiss Java Knife, or Cassandra tools like "nodetool tpstats" On Wed, Aug 1, 2018 at 2:08 AM, nokia ceph wrote: > Hi, > > i'm having a 5 node cluster with cassandra 3.0.13. > > i

Re: about cassandra..

2018-08-09 Thread Elliott Sims
Deflate instead of LZ4 will probably give you somewhat better compression at the cost of a lot of CPU. Larger chunk length might also help, but in most cases you probably won't see much benefit above 64K (and it will increase I/O load). On Wed, Aug 8, 2018 at 11:18 PM, Eunsu Kim wrote: > Hi all

Re: Huge daily outbound network traffic

2018-08-11 Thread Elliott Sims
Since it's at a consistent time, maybe just look at it with iftop to see where the traffic's going and what port it's coming from? On Fri, Aug 10, 2018 at 1:48 AM, Behnam B.Marandi <> wrote: > I don't have any external process or planed repair in that time period. > In

Re: upgrade 2.1 to 3.0

2018-08-11 Thread Elliott Sims
Might be a silly question, but did you run "nodetool upgradesstables" and convert to the 3.0 format? Also, which 3.0? Newest, or an earlier 3.0.x? On Fri, Aug 10, 2018 at 3:05 PM, kooljava2 wrote: > Hello, > > We recently upgrade C* from 2.1 to 3.0. After the upgrade we are seeing > increase i

Re: Improve data load performance

2018-08-15 Thread Elliott Sims
Step one is always to measure your bottlenecks. Are you spending a lot of time compacting? Garbage collecting? Are you saturating CPU? Or just a few cores? Or I/O? Are repairs using all your I/O? Are you just running out of write threads? On Wed, Aug 15, 2018 at 5:48 AM, Abdul Patel wrote:

Re: "minimum backup" in vnodes

2018-08-15 Thread Elliott Sims
Assuming this isn't an existing cluster, the easiest method is probably to use logical "racks" to explicitly control which hosts have a full replica of the data. with RF3 and 3 "racks", each "rack" has one complete replica. If you're not using the logical racks, I think the replicas are spread ran

Re: Improve data load performance

2018-08-15 Thread Elliott Sims
;> Is this a one-time or occasional load or more frequently? >> >> Is the data located in the same physical data center as the cluster? (any >> network latency?) >> >> >> >> On the client side, prepared statements and ExecuteAsync can really speed

Re: Huge daily outbound network traffic

2018-08-16 Thread Elliott Sims
gt;> >> On Thursday, August 16, 2018, 12:02:55 AM PDT, Behnam B.Marandi < >>> wrote: >> >> >> Actually I did. It seems this is a cross node traffic from one node to >> port 7000 (storage_port) of the other node. >> >> On Sun, Au

Re: benefits oh HBase over Cassandra

2018-08-24 Thread Elliott Sims
At the time that Facebook chose HBase, Cassandra was drastically less mature than it is now and I think the original creators had already left. There were already various Hadoop variants running for data analytics etc, so lots of operational and engineering experience around it available. So, prob

Re: Cluster CPU usage limit

2018-09-06 Thread Elliott Sims
It's interesting and a bit surprising that 256 write threads isn't enough. Even with a lot of cores, I'd expect you to be able to saturate CPU with that many threads. I'd make sure you don't have other bottlenecks, like GC, IOPs, network, or "microbursts" where your load is actually fluctuating be

Re: High IO and poor read performance on 3.11.2 cassandra cluster

2018-09-11 Thread Elliott Sims
A few reasons I can think of offhand why your test setup might not see problems from large readahead: Your sstables are <4MB or your reads are typically <4MB from the end of the file Your queries tend to use the 4MB of data anyways Your dataset is small enough that most of it fits in the VM cache,

Re: Cassandra: Inconsistent data on reads (LOCAL_QUORUM)

2018-10-12 Thread Elliott Sims
I'll second that - we had some weird inconsistent reads for a long time that we finally tracked to a small number of clients with significant clock skew. Make very sure all your client (not just C*) machines have tightly-synced clocks. On Fri, Oct 12, 2018 at 7:40 PM maitrayee shah wrote: > We

Re: How to set num tokens on live node

2018-11-01 Thread Elliott Sims
As far as I know, it's not possible to change it live. You have to create a new "datacenter" with new hosts using the new num_tokens value, then switch everything to use the new DC and tear down the old. On Thu, Nov 1, 2018 at 6:16 PM Goutham reddy wrote: > Hi team, > Can someone help me out I

Re: Data storage space unbalance issue

2018-11-28 Thread Elliott Sims
I think you answered your own question, sort of. When you expand a cluster, it copies the appropriate rows to the new node(s) but doesn't automatically remove them from the old nodes. When you ran cleanup on datacenter1, it cleared out those old extra copies. I would suggest running a repair fir

Re: Data storage space unbalance issue

2018-12-03 Thread Elliott Sims
8, 2018, 8:05 PM Eunsu Kim Thank you for your response. > > I will run repair from datacenter2 with your advice. Do I have to run > repair on every node in datacenter2? > > There is no snapshot when checked with nodetool listsnaphosts. > > Thank you. > > On 29 Nov 2018, a

Re: High GC pauses leading to client seeing impact

2019-02-11 Thread Elliott Sims
I would strongly suggest you consider an upgrade to 3.11.x. I found it decreased space needed by about 30% in addition to significantly lowering GC. As a first step, though, why not just revert to CMS for now if that was working ok for you? Then you can convert one host for diagnosis/tuning so t

Re: Restore a table with dropped columns to a new cluster fails

2019-02-19 Thread Elliott Sims
When a snapshot is taken, it includes a "schema.cql" file. That should be sufficient to restore whatever you need to restore. I'd argue that neither automatically resurrecting a dropped table nor silently failing to restore it is a good behavior, so it's not unreasonable to have the user re-creat

Re: Garbage Collector

2019-03-19 Thread Elliott Sims
I use G1, and I think it's actually the default now for newer Cassandra versions. For G1, I've done very little custom config/tuning. I increased heap to 16GB (out of 64GB physical), but most of the rest is at or near default. For the most part, it's been "feed it more RAM, and it works" compare

Re: Five Questions for Cassandra Users

2019-03-28 Thread Elliott Sims
1. Do the same people where you work operate the cluster and write the code to develop the application? Mostly. Ops vs dev, although there's some overlap 2. Do you have a metrics stack that allows you to see graphs of various metrics with all the nodes displayed together? Yes, Prom

Re: Optimal Heap Size Cassandra Configuration

2019-05-20 Thread Elliott Sims
It's not really something that can be easily calculated based on write rate, but more something you have to find empirically and adjust periodically. Generally speaking, I'd start by running "nodetool gcstats" or similar and just see what the GC pause stats look like. If it's not pausing much or f

Re: How to delete huge partition in cassandra 3.0.13

2019-08-12 Thread Elliott Sims
It may also be worth upgrading to Cassandra 3.11.4. There's some changes in 3.6+ that significantly reduce heap pressure from very large partitions. On Mon, Aug 12, 2019 at 9:13 AM Gabriel Giussi wrote: > I've found a huge partion (~9GB) in my cassandra cluster because I'm > loosing 3 nodes rec

Re: Multiple C* instances on same machine

2019-09-20 Thread Elliott Sims
A container of some sort gives you better isolation and less risk of a mistake that could cause the instances to conflict in some way. Might be better for balancing resources between them as well, though using cgroups directly can also accomplish that. On Fri, Sep 20, 2019, 8:27 AM Nitan Kainth

Re: SOLR Config on Dev Center

2019-09-25 Thread Elliott Sims
Datastax might be a better resource for this. This mailing list is pretty good about questions that apply to DSE and Apache Cassandra, but the SOLR integration is pretty specific to DSE. On Wed, Sep 25, 2019 at 7:15 PM kumar bharath wrote: > Hi All, > > We are having a 6 node cluster with two d

Re: Multiple compactions to same disk with 3.11.4

2019-10-01 Thread Elliott Sims
There's a concurrent_compactors parameter in cassandra.yml that does exactly what the name says. You may also find compaction_throughput_mb_per_sec useful. On Tue, Oct 1, 2019 at 8:16 AM Matthias Pfau wrote: > Hi there, > we recently upgraded from 2.2 to 3.11.4. > > Unfortunately, we are runnin

Re: snapshots and 'dot' prefixed _index directories

2019-10-01 Thread Elliott Sims
The tar error is because tar also looks for metadata changes. In this case, it's the refcount that's changing and causing the error. I just switched to using bsdtar instead as a workaround. On Tue, Oct 1, 2019, 5:37 PM James A. Robinson wrote: > Hi folks, > > > I took a nodetool snapshot of a

Re: Cassandra Recommended System Settings

2019-10-21 Thread Elliott Sims
Based on my experiences, if you have a new enough kernel I'd strongly suggest switching the TCP scheduler algorithm to BBR. I've found the rest tend to be extremely sensitive to even small amounts of packet loss among cluster members where BBR holds up well. High ulimits for basically everything

Re: Cassandra Recommended System Settings

2019-10-21 Thread Elliott Sims
h higher latency). On Mon, Oct 21, 2019 at 1:53 PM Sergio wrote: > Thanks Elliott! > > How do you know if there is too much RAM used for those settings? > > Which metrics do you keep track of? > > What would you recommend instead? > > Best, > > Sergio > >

Re: Ec2 instance transient network issues caused 500 errors

2019-12-30 Thread Elliott Sims
On the systems side of things, I've found that using the new BBR TCP congestion algorithm results in far better behavior in cases of low to moderate packet loss compared to any of the older strategies. It can't fix totally broken, but it takes good advantage of "usable but lossy". 0.5-2% loss wou

Re: Is there any concern about increasing gc_grace_seconds from 5 days to 8 days?

2020-01-21 Thread Elliott Sims
In addition to extra space, queries can potentially be more expensive because more dead rows and tombstones will need to be scanned. How much of a difference this makes will depend drastically on the schema and access pattern, but I wouldn't expect going from 5 days to 8 to be very noticeable. On

Re: Nodes becoming unresponsive

2020-02-06 Thread Elliott Sims
Async-profiler ( ) flamegraphs can also be a really good tool to figure out the exact callgraph that's leading to the futex_wait, both in and out of the JVM.

Re: Hints replays very slow in one DC

2020-02-27 Thread Elliott Sims
I definitely saw a noticeable decrease in GC activity somewhere between 3.11.0 and 3.11.4. I'm not sure which change did it, but I can't think of any good reason to use 3.11.0 vs 3.11.6. I would enable and look through GC logs (or just the slow-GC entries in the default log) to see if the problem

Re: Multi DC replication between different Cassandra versions

2020-04-17 Thread Elliott Sims
If you're upgrading the whole cluster, I'd recommend going ahead and upgrading all the way to 3.11.6 if possible. In my experience it's been noticeably faster, more reliable, and easier to manage compared to 3.0.x. On Thu, Apr 16, 2020 at 6:37 PM Ashika Umagiliya wrote: > Thank you for the clar

Re: Issues, understanding how CQL works

2020-04-21 Thread Elliott Sims
The short answer is that CQL isn't SQL. It looks a bit like it, but the structure of the data is totally different. Essentially (ignoring secondary indexes, which have some issues in practice and I think are generally not recommended) the only way to look the data up is by the partition key. Any

Re: Generating evenly distributed tokens for vnodes

2020-05-27 Thread Elliott Sims
There's also a slightly older mailing list discussion on this subject that goes into detail on this sort of strategy: I've been approximately following it, repeating steps 3-6 for the first host in each "rack(replica, since I hav

Re: Implication of having similar private IPs in two datacenters

2020-06-24 Thread Elliott Sims
The Cassandra documentation doesn't require IPs to be unique among members of a cluster, because it's not a Cassandra limitation. Hosts that want to communicate amongst themselves over the network need non-conflicting IPs, regardless of application. On Wed, Jun 24, 2020 at 5:09 AM manish khandelw

Re: Difference in num_tokens between Cassandra 2 and 3?

2020-08-08 Thread Elliott Sims
I've found there to be some behavior differences in practice as well going from 2.2 to 3.11 with a high token count, but all differences for the better. 3.x seems noticeably less likely to crater or GC-thrash during repairs compared to 2.x, probably due to the sum of small changes rather than any

Re: How to know if we need to increase heap size?

2020-08-20 Thread Elliott Sims
You want to look for full or long GCs in the logs, as well as how much total time it's spending on GCing as a percentage. Probably more the latter, since you're not seeing long pauses with one core pegged and the rest idle. G1 handles oversized heaps well, so it's worth bumping to 20-27GB just to

Re: Enable Ttracing

2020-11-16 Thread Elliott Sims
Tracing fully on rather than sampling will definitely add substantial load, even with shorter TTLs. That's a lot of extra writes. If it's just on for specific sessions, or is enabled but with low sampling, that's not bad in terms of load. On Mon, Nov 16, 2020 at 6:25 AM Shalom Sagges wrote: >

Re: Vastly different disk I/O on different sized aws instances

2020-12-02 Thread Elliott Sims
Is the heap larger on the M5.4x instance? Are you sure it's Cassandra generating the read traffic vs just evicting files read by other systems? In general, I'd call "more RAM means fewer drive reads" a very expected result regardless of the details, especially when it's the difference between fitt

Re: Repairs on table with daily full load

2020-12-17 Thread Elliott Sims
Are you running with RF=3 and QUORUM on both read and write? If so, I think as long as your fill job reports errors and retries you can probably get away without repairing. You can also hedge your bets by doing the data load with ALL, though of course that has an availability tradeoff. Personally,

Re: kill session in cassandra cluster

2021-01-06 Thread Elliott Sims
At least by default, Cassandra has pretty short timeouts. I don't know of a way to kill an in-flight query, but by the time you did it would have timed out anyways. I don't know of any way to stop it from repeating other than tracking down the source and stopping it. On Wed, Jan 6, 2021, 5:41 PM

Re: Node configuration and capacity

2021-01-13 Thread Elliott Sims
1% packet loss can definitely lead to drops. At higher speeds, that's enough to limit TCP throughput to the point that cross-node communication can't keep up. TCP_BBR will do better than other strategies at maintaining high throughput despite single-digit packet loss, but you'll also want to trac

Re: Cassandra on ZFS: disable compression?

2021-01-26 Thread Elliott Sims
The main downside I see is that you're hitting a less-tested codepath. I think very few installations have compression disabled today. On Mon, Jan 25, 2021 at 7:06 AM Lapo Luchini wrote: > Hi, > I'm using a fairly standard install of Cassandra 3.11 on FreeBSD > 12, by default filesystem is

Re: strange behavior of counter tables after losing a node

2021-01-27 Thread Elliott Sims
To start with, maybe update to beta4. There's an absolute massive list of fixes since alpha4. I don't think the alphas are expected to be in a usable/low-bug state necessarily, where beta4 is approaching RC status. On Tue, Jan 26, 2021, 10:44 PM Attila Wind wrote: > Hey All, > > I'm coming bac

Re: Setting DC in different geographical location

2021-01-27 Thread Elliott Sims
TO start, I'd try to figure out what your slowdown is. Surely GCP has far, far more than 17Mbps available. You don't want to cut it close on this, because for stuff like repairs, rebuilds, interruptions, etc you'll want to be able to catch up and not just keep up. Generally speaking, Cassandra def

Re: What Happened To Alternate Storage And Rocksandra?

2021-03-12 Thread Elliott Sims
I'm not too familiar with the details on what's happened more recently, but I do remember that while Rocksandra was very favorably compared to Cassandra 2.x, the improvements looked fairly similar in nature and magnitude to what Cassandra got from the move to the 3.x sstable format and increased us

Re: Cassandra video tutorials for administrators.

2021-03-17 Thread Elliott Sims
I'm a big fan of this one about LWTs: Not only if you want to understand LWTs, but also to get a better understanding of the sometimes-unintuitive consistency promises made and not made for non-LWT queries. On Tue, Mar 16, 2021 at 11:53 PM wrote: > I k

Re: Huge single-node DCs (?)

2021-04-08 Thread Elliott Sims
I'm not sure I'd suggest building a single DIY Backblaze pod. The SATA port multipliers are a pain both from a supply chain and systems management perspective. Can be worth it when you're amortizing that across a lot of servers and can exert some leverage over wholesale suppliers, but less so for

Re: Soon After Starting c* Process: CPU 100% for java Process

2021-07-01 Thread Elliott Sims
As more general advice, I'd strongly encourage you to update to 3.11.x from 2.2.8. My personal experience is that it's significantly faster and more space-efficient, and the garbage collection behavior under pressure is drastically better. There's also improved tooling for diagnosing performance

Re: Storing user activity logs

2021-07-19 Thread Elliott Sims
Your partition key determines your partition size. Reducing retention sounds like it would help some in your case, but really you'd have to split it up somehow. If it fits your query pattern, you could potentially have a compound key of userid+datetime, or some other time-based split. You could

Re: High memory usage during nodetool repair

2021-08-09 Thread Elliott Sims
Shouldn't cause GCs. You can usually think of heap memory separately from the rest. It's already allocated as far as the OS is concerned, and it doesn't know anything about GC going on inside of that allocation. You can set "-XX:+AlwaysPreTouch" to make sure it's physically allocated on startup.

Re: New Servers - Cassandra 4

2021-08-12 Thread Elliott Sims
Depends on your availability requirements, but in general I'd say if you're going with N replicas, you'd want N failure domains (where one blade chassis is a failure domain). On Tue, Aug 10, 2021 at 11:16 PM Erick Ramirez wrote: > That's 430TB of eggs in the one 4U basket so consider that agains

Re: Migrating Cassandra from 3.11.11 to 4.0.0 vs num_tokens

2021-09-05 Thread Elliott Sims
Won't option 2 in that list potentially cause some pretty severe load imbalance in most cases? The last node with 256 tokens will end up with 16x as much data on it as the 16 token nodes, right? You'd have to mitigate it either by adding 16 new nodes for every one you replace except the last one,

Re: update cassandra.yaml file on number of cluster nodes

2021-10-18 Thread Elliott Sims
Ansible here as well with a similar setup. A play at the end of the playbook that waits until all nodes in the cluster are "UN" before moving on to the next node to change. On Mon, Oct 18, 2021 at 10:01 AM vytenis silgalis wrote: > Yep, also use Ansible with configs living in git here. > > On F

Re: gc throughput

2021-11-17 Thread Elliott Sims
CMS has a higher risk of a long stop-the-world full GC that will cause a burst of timeouts, but if you're not getting that or don't mind if it happens now and then CMS is probably the way to go. It's generally lower-overhead than G1. If you really don't care about latency it might even be worth

Re: Question about num_tokens

2022-03-13 Thread Elliott Sims
More tokens: better data distribution, more expensive repairs, higher probability of a multi-host outage taking some data offline and affecting availability. I think with >100 nodes the repair times and availability improvements make a strong case for 16 tokens even though it means you'll need mo

Re: sstables changing in snapshots

2022-03-23 Thread Elliott Sims
I think this has a much simpler answer: GNU tar interprets inode changes as "changes" as well as block contents. This includes the hardlink count. I actually ended up working around it by using bsdtar, which doesn't interpret hardlink count changes as a change to be concerned about. On Tue, Mar

Re: Topology vs RackDC

2022-06-07 Thread Elliott Sims
In terms of turning it into Ansible, it's going to depend a lot on how you manage the physical layer as well as replication/consistency. Currently, I just use groups per "rack". If you have an API-accessible CMDB you could probably pull the physical location from there and translate that to rack/

Re: Configuration for new(expanding) cluster and new admins.

2022-06-15 Thread Elliott Sims
If you set a different num_tokens value for new hosts (the value should never be changed on an existing host), the amount of data moved to that host will be proportional to the num_tokens value. So, if the new hosts are set to 32 when they're added to the cluster, those hosts will get twice as muc

Re: Configuration for new(expanding) cluster and new admins.

2022-06-20 Thread Elliott Sims
fect > efficiency if the token figure were the same across all nodes? > > > > *From:* Elliott Sims > *Sent:* Thursday, June 16, 2022 12:24 AM > *To:* > *Subject:* Re: Configuration for new(expanding) cluster and new admins. > > > > EXTERNAL >

Re: Question about num_tokens

2022-08-18 Thread Elliott Sims
am just > concerned that the doc says it is *not recommended for clusters over 50 > nodes*. > > 16 > > Best for heavily elastic clusters which expand and shrink regularly, but > may have issues availability with larger clusters. Not recommended for > clusters over 50 nodes. &

Re: SSSD and Cassandra

2022-12-15 Thread Elliott Sims
If multiple things are dying under load, you'll want to check "dmesg" and see if the oom-killer is getting triggered. Something like "atop" can be good for figuring out what was using all of the memory when it was triggered if the kernel logs don't have enough info. On Thu, Dec 15, 2022 at 12:41

Re: Connection Latency with Cassandra 4.0.x

2023-01-11 Thread Elliott Sims
Consistently 200ms, during the back-and-forth negotiation rather than the handshake? That sounds suspiciously like Nagle interacting with Delayed ACK. On Wed, Jan 11, 2023 at 8:41 AM MyWorld wrote: > Hi all, > We are facing a connection latency of 200ms between API server and db > server during

Re: Changing tokens between datacenters

2023-01-30 Thread Elliott Sims
For dealing with allocate_tokens_for_keyspace in datacenter migrations, I've just created a dummy keyspace in the new DC with the desired topology, then removed it once everything's done. On Mon, Jan 30, 2023 at 3:36 PM Doug Whitfield wrote: > Hi folks, > > In our 3.11 deployments we are using t

Re: Cassandra on SLES 15?

2023-03-09 Thread Elliott Sims via user
A quick search shows SLES 15 provides Java 11 (java-11-openjdk), which is just fine for Cassandra 4.x. On Wed, Mar 8, 2023 at 2:56 PM Eric Ferrenbach <> wrote: > We are running Cassandra 4.0.7. > > We are preparing to migrate our nodes from Centos to SUSE Linux.


2023-04-12 Thread Elliott Sims via user
A few weeks ago, we rolled out TLS among hosts in our clusters (running 4.0.7). More recently we also rolled out TLS between Cassandra clients and the cluster. Today, we started seeing a lot of dropped actions in one cluster that correlate with warnings like this: WARN [epollEventLoopGroup-5-31


2023-04-12 Thread Elliott Sims via user
r. On Wed, Apr 12, 2023 at 11:36 AM Elliott Sims wrote: > A few weeks ago, we rolled out TLS among hosts in our clusters (running > 4.0.7). More recently we also rolled out TLS between Cassandra clients and > the cluster. Today, we started seeing a lot of dropped actions in one >

Re: Cassandra p95 latencies

2023-08-14 Thread Elliott Sims via user
1. Check for Nagle/delayed-ack, but probably nodelay is getting set by the driver so it shouldn't be a problem. 2. Check for network latency (just regular old ping among hosts, during traffic) 3. Check your GC metrics and see if garbage collections line up with outliers. Some tuning can help th