Hi there,
I'm experimenting using cassandra and have run across an error message
which I need a little more information on.
The use case I'm experimenting with is a series of document updates
(documents being an arbitrary map of key value pairs), I would like to find
the latest document updates a
ear to me if your "id" column is the KEY or just a regular
> column with secondary index.
> queries that have IN on non primary key columns isn't supported yet. not
> sure if that answers your question.
> On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 7:12 AM, David Savage wrote:
PM, Laing, Michael
> I have no problem doing this w 2.0.5 - what version of C* are you using?
> Or maybe I don't understand your data model... attach 'creates' if you
> don't mind.
> ml
> On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 9:24 AM, David Savage wrote:
) VALUES (1,'test',{'count':'1'});
INSERT INTO test.documents(id,group,data) VALUES (2,'test',{'count':'2'});
SELECT id,data FROM test.documents WHERE group='test' AND id IN (0,1,2);
Thanks for your help.
Kind regards,
artition key.
> ml
> On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 10:40 AM, David Savage wrote:
>> Nope, upgraded to 2.0.5 and still get the same problem, I actually
>> simplified the problem a little in my first post, there's a composite
>> primary key involved as I ne
is no range key - and you can specify = on
> key1 and = or IN on key2 (but not a range).
> Anyway that's what I remember! Hope it helps.
> ml
> On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 11:27 AM, David Savage wrote:
>> Great that works, thx! I probably would have nev
Hi Michael,
Thanks for the feedback, all makes sense.
If anyone wants me to raise a jira ticket for docs on (key1, key2) vs
((key1,key2)) and their implications, or fixing that if block in
SelectStatement, let me know - though for the if block possibly best if
that jira is raised by a C* expert s