Coming back on this thread, we are proud to announce we opened a Swiss
BigData UserGroup.
Next meetup is July 16, with topic "NoSQL Storage: War Stories and
Best Practices".
Hope to meet you there !
2012/5/17 Sasha Dolgy :
> All,
> A year ago I made
Hi all,
I found out a small typo in cassandra.yaml, which can confuse
inattentive copy-paster. Here is the patch.
Index: conf/cassandra.yaml
--- conf/cassandra.yaml (revision 1101465)
+++ conf/cassandra.yaml (working copy)
@@ -8
Kill -9 (SIGKILL) is the worst signal to use. It has the advantage to
kill quickly the process, but no shutdown hook are called. You should
better kill -15 (SIGTERM, which is the default).
2011/7/26 mcasandra :
> I need to write cassandra start/stop script. Currently I run "cassandra" to
> start
I suppose what you are looking for is an example of interacting with a
java app.
You should have a look at the high(er) level client hector
You should find what you are looking for there.
If you are looking for a tomcat (and .war) example, you should send an
Seems like you have already a Cassandra instance running, so the second
instance cannot open the same port twice.
I would suggest you to kill all instances of Cassandra and start it again.
2011/8/3 Nilabja Banerjee
> try to use *grep* command to check the port where your cassandra was
> runni
so use netstat to find out which process had opened the port.
2011/8/3 CASSANDRA learner
> Thnks for the reply Nila
> When i did PS command, I could not able to find any process related to
> cassandra. Thts the problem..
> On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 4:12 PM,
When an OutOfMemoryError is thrown, a heap dump file named
java_pid.hprof will be created automatically is you run your java
app with +HeapDumpOnOutMemoryError
2011/8/3 CASSANDRA learner :
> As per subject, Please explain me what is the significance of
> java_pidxxx.hprof
2011/8/3 CASSANDRA learner :
> Hi,
> can you please send me the mailing list address of tomcat
> On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 4:07 PM, Benoit Perroud wrote:
>> I suppose what you are looking for is an example of interacting with a
Hi All,
In a conceptual point of view, I'm wondering what is the pros & cons,
mainly in term of access efficiency, of both approach :
- Grouping row keys together to reduce the number of keys, but having
wider rows (with more columns)
- One object in one row
Let's illustrate with an example :
Or directly what you are looking at (tomcat + cassandra using hector
client) :
2011/8/3 Benoit Perroud :
> 2011/8/3 CASSANDRA learner :
>> Hi,
>> can you please send me the mailing list address of tomcat
2011/8/4 CASSANDRA learner :
> Can you please gimme an example on this using hector client
> On Thu, Aug 4, 2011 at 7:18 AM, Boris Yen wrote:
>> It seems to me that your column name consists of two components. If you
>> have the luxury t
Thanks for your advise. Make sense.
And without sticking to my dummy example, conceptually, what has a
smaller memory footprint : 1M rows of 1 column or 1 row with 1M columns ?
And if the row key and column name are known, is there any performance
difference between both scenarios ?
Based on,
75eece10-bf48-11e0--4d205df954a7 own the majority, so shutdown and
remove the schema* and migration* sstables from both and
2011/8/5 Dikang Gu :
> [default@unknown] describe cluster;
> Cluster Informa
There is no magic number. The best advice is to follow Jonathan's advice.
Aaron Morton
Freelance Cassandra Developer
On 5 Aug 2011, at 08:22, Benoit Pe
Make sure svn is on the PATH.
If you open a terminal (or cmd), running svn command should work.
On 07. 08. 11 23:39, Alvin UW wrote:
It seems svn wasn't installed, but i did install it.
You can apply this query really simply using cassandra and secondary
You will have a CF "TABLE", where row keys are your PK. Just to be sure
of my understanding, your SQL query will either return 1 row or no row,
right ?
3) SliceQuery returns a range of columns for a given key, it m
You should give a look at
This is a rather good starting point for Composites.
2011/8/15 Stephen Pope :
> Hey, is there any documentation or examples of how to use the CompositeType?
> I can't find anything about it on the wiki or the datas
queries start > 10 and end < 100 is not straight forward to modelize,
you should use the value of start as column name, and check on client
side the second condition.
Just for comparison, modeling 10 < value < 100 is rather much easier
if you set your values as column name, or using CompositeType
Hi All,
I started using SSTableSimpleUnsortedWriter to load data, and my data
has a few rows but a lot of column name in each rows.
I call SSTableSimpleUnsortedWriter.newRow every 10'000 columns inserted.
But the time taken to insert columns is increasing as the column
family is increasing. The
Thanks for your answer.
2011/9/2 Sylvain Lebresne :
> On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 10:29 AM, Benoit Perroud wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I started using SSTableSimpleUnsortedWriter to load data, and my data
>> has a few rows but a lot of column name
There is no direct way to do that, but reading a CSV and inserting
rows in Java is really easy.
But you may want have a look at the new bulk loading tool,
sstableloader, described here :
Small detail, it seems you still write email at the incubator ML
The workaround for 0.7 is calling get_slice and count on client side.
It's heavier, sure, but you will then be able to set start column
2011/9/19 Tharindu Mathew :
> Thanks Aaron and Jake for the replies.
> Any chance of a possible workaround to use for Cassandra 0.7?
> On Mon, Se
On the sstableloader config, make sure you have the seed set and rpc_address
and rpc_port pointing to your cassandra instance (
2011/9/23 Thamizh
> Hi All,
> I am using bulk-loading to upload data(from lab02) to multi-node cluster of
> 3 machines(lab02,lab03 & lab04) with sigle eth
You could directly use secondary indexes on the other fields instead
of handling yourself your indexes :
Define your global id (can be UUID), and have columns loginName, email
etc with a secondary index. Retrieval will then be fast.
2011/11/7 Felix Sprick :
> Hallo,
> We are implementing a Cass
I wonder if you have already discussed about ByteBuffer.allocateDirect
alternative to JNA memory allocation ?
If so, do someone mind send me a pointer ?
Thanks !
> On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 5:54 AM, Benoit Perroud wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I wonder if you have already discussed about ByteBuffer.allocateDirect
>> alternative to JNA memory allocation ?
>> If so, do someone mind send me a pointer ?
You may want to add 29991231 instead of appending.
Le lundi 28 novembre 2011, Piavlo a écrit :
> Anyone can help with this?
> Thanks
> On 11/24/2011 11:55 AM, Piavlo wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We need help with choosing correct tokens for ByteOrderedPartitioner
>> Originally the key where suppo
With Composite Column Name, you can even have column composed of sore
(int) and userid (uuid or whatever). Empty column value to avoid
repeating user UUID.
2011/12/22 R. Verlangen :
> I would suggest you to create a CF with a single row (or multiple for
> historical data) with a date as key (utf8
The isolation is guarantee locally to the node.
If two client are reading / writing to the same node, the one that
read will not see partial mutations.
2012/2/21 Allen Servedio :
> Hi,
> I saw that row level isolation was added in the beta of Cassandra 1.1 and I
> have the following question: gi
The simpliest modeling you could have is using the keyword as key, a
timestamp/time UUID as column name and the tweetid as value
-> cf['keyword']['timestamp'] = tweetid
then you do a range query to get all tweetid sorted by time (you may
want them in reverse order) and you can limit to the number
2012/3/18 Tharindu Mathew :
> Hi,
> It seems that [1] is broken. Wonder if it exists somewhere else?
> [1] -
> --
> Regards,
> Tha
Sounds like a race condition in the off heap caching while calling
Do you use cache ? What is your use case when you encounter this error
? Are you able to reproduce it ?
2012/3/22 Maciej Miklas :
> Hi *,
> My Cassandra installation runs on flowing system:
> Linux with Kernel
Hi All,
Thanks a lot for the release.
I just upgraded my 1.1-beta1 to 1.1-beta2, and I get the following error :
INFO 10:56:17,089 Opening
(74 bytes)
INFO 10:56:17,092 Opening
orry for any inconvenience.
> --
> Sylvain
> On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 12:57 PM, Benoit Perroud wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Thanks a lot for the release.
>> I just upgraded my 1.1-beta1 to 1.1-beta2, and I get the following error :
>> INFO 10:56
Hi All,
I'm experiencing the following errors while bulk loading data into a cluster
ERROR [Thread-23] 2012-04-05 09:58:12,252
(line 139) Fatal exception in thread Thread[Thread-23,5,main]
java.lang.RuntimeException: Insufficient disk space to flush
Le 7 avril 2012 14:37, Jeffrey Fass a écrit :
> unsubscribe
sent from my Nokia 3210
Le 27 avril 2012 19:20, Ramkumar Vaidyanathan (PDF)
a écrit :
> unsubscribe
> The information in this email and any attachments to it may be confidential
> and/or privileged. Unless you are the intended recipient (or authorized to
> receive
big buffer size will use more Heap memory at creation of the tables.
Not sure impact on server side, but shouldn't be a big difference. I
personally use 512Mb.
2012/4/28 sj.climber :
> Can anyone comment on best practices for setting the buffer size used by
> SSTableSimpleUnsortedWriter? I'm
!! Without any guarantee. I know it works but I never used this in production !!
You can copy the sstables (renaming them accordingly) and call nodetool refresh.
Don't forget to create your column family CF2 before.
2012/5/1 Oleg Proudnikov :
> Hello,
> Is it possible to create an exact repli
I would just try to copy instead of moving first, and dropping the old
CF or the not needed snapshot if necessary when everything is ok.
2012/5/1 Oleg Proudnikov :
> Benoit Perroud> writes:
>> You can copy the sstables (renaming them accordingly) and
Hi All,
I'm bulk loading (a lot of) data from Hadoop into Cassandra 1.0.x. The
provided CFOutputFormat is not the best case here, I wanted to use the
bulk loading feature. I know 1.1 comes with a BulkOutputFormat but I
wanted to propose a simple enhancement to SSTableSimpleUnsortedWriter
that coul
You may want to upgrade all your nodes to 1.1.
The streaming process connect to every living nodes of the cluster
(you can explicitely diable some nodes), so all nodes need to speak
2012/5/7 Pieter Callewaert :
> Hi,
> I’m trying to upgrade our bulk load process in our testing env.
+1 !
2012/5/17 Sasha Dolgy :
> All,
> A year ago I made a simple query to see if there were any users based in and
> around Zurich, Switzerland or the Alps region, interested in participating
> in some form of Cassandra User Group / Meetup. At the time, 1-2 replies
> happened. I didn't do mu
Hi ML,
I wonder if someone has already experiment some kind of unique index
on a column family key.
Let's go for a short example : the key is the username. What happens
if 2 users want to signup at the same time with the same username ?
So has someone already addressed this "pattern" in Cassandr
rite, then both nodes think the key belongs to them.
So my idea of writing a lock is not well suitable...
Does anyone have another idea to share regarding this topic ?
Kind regards,
2011/1/13 Oleg Anastasyev :
> Benoit Perroud> writes:
>> My
We use name of (european) cities for "logical" functionnalities :
- berlin01, berlin02, berlin03 part are mysql cluster,
- zurich1 and zurich2 are AD,
- roma01, roma02, and so on are Cassanrda cluster for the Roma project
- and so on.
We found this way a good tradeoff.
ulimit -n returns you unlimited ?
2010/3/28 James Golick :
> unlimited
> On Sat, Mar 27, 2010 at 12:09 PM, Chris Goffinet wrote:
>> what's the ulimit set to?
>> -Chris
>> On Mar 27, 2010, at 10:29 AM, James Golick wrote:
>> Hey,
>> I put our first cluster in to production (writing but no
I got the same error when the nodes are using lot of I/O, i.e during compaction.
2010/3/28 Eric Yu :
> I have not restart my nodes.
> OK, may be I should give 0.6 a try.
> On Sun, Mar 28, 2010 at 9:53 AM, Jonathan Ellis wrote:
>> It means that a MessagingService socket closed unexpectedly.
A way to read all the db without having an OOM is to limit the amount
of rows to be returned, and to iterate over the query, the starting
key being the last returned key. Note that doing that way the first
key of the next iteration is the same as the last key of the preivous
The warning
It exists other tools than jhat to browse a heap dump, which stream
the heap dump instead of loading it full in memory like jhat do.
Kind regards,
2010/4/3 Weijun Li :
> I'm running a test to write 30 million columns (700bytes each) to Cassandra:
> the process ran smoothly for about 20mi
> Thank you Benoit. I did a search but couldn't find any that you mentioned.
> Both jhat and netbean load entire map file int memory. Do you know the name
> of the tools that requires less memory to view map file?
> Thanks,
> -Weijun
> On Sat, Apr 3, 2010 at 12:55 AM, Benoi
Nice work.
I guess just a small mistake :
the second should be
And I would suggest to add a small part on making the thrift interface
listening on more than localhost.
Kind regards,
2010/4/3 Benjamin Black :
> Just added this to the wiki as it seemed a ver
2010/4/3 Anty :
> Does anyone have solve the problem?I encounter the same error too.
> On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 12:12 AM, Benoit Perroud wrote:
>> I got the same error when the nodes are using lot of I/O, i.e during
>> compaction.
>> 201
One point in using several keyspaces is that replication factor is per keyspace.
If you have a part of your application which generate a lot of data
whoss can be lost (some non critical logs?), then a dedicated keyspace
with a smaller replication factor can be a good thing.
Kind regards,
I understand the question more like : Is there already a lib which
help to get rid of writing hardcoded and hard to maintain lines like :
MyClass data;
String[] myFields = {"name", "label", ...}
List columns;
for (String field : myFields) {
if (field == "name") {
columns.add(new Column(
"orthogonal" means "go to the opposite direction, but without going
back". Including "transaction" in Cassandra needs to turn 90 degrees
the design of Cassandra.
Kind regards,
2010/4/24 dir dir :
>>Transactions are orthogonal to the design of Cassandra
> Sorry, Would you want to tell
>>the design of Cassandra
> I do not understand what is the meaning of "needs to turn 90 degrees"??
> Thank you.
> On Sun, Apr 25, 2010 at 12:30 AM, Benoit Perroud wrote:
>> "orthogonal" means "go to the opposite direct
Ok in this particular context it means no dependencies.
Thanks for your precision.
Kind regards,
2010/4/24 Jonathan Ellis :
> On Sat, Apr 24, 2010 at 12:44 PM, Benoit Perroud wrote:
>> "orthogonal" means "90 degrees". Two lines are orthogonal if the
58 matches
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