Re: Cassandra didn't order data according to clustering order

2018-07-15 Thread Aaron Ploetz
It also helps to think about it with the token values of the partition key in place. Assume I have a table "users_by_dept" keyed like this: PRIMARY KEY ((department),username). Querying that table with the token function on the partition key looks like this: SELECT token(department),department,u

Re: Question about hector api documentation

2016-06-25 Thread Aaron Ploetz
I used to be surprised that people still ask about Hector here; and that questions here on Hector always seem to mirror new Hector questions on Stack Overflow. The problem (I think), is that places like Edureka! are still charging people $300 for a Cassandra training class, where they still active

Re: Openstack and Cassandra

2016-12-22 Thread Aaron Ploetz
Shalom, We (Target) have been challenged by our management team to leverage OpenStack whenever possible, and that includes Cassandra. I was against it at first, but we have done some stress testing with it and had application teams try it out. So far, there haven't been any issues. A good use c

Re: Detect Repair is finish

2015-06-22 Thread Aaron Ploetz
active streams for you: while true; do date; diff <(nodetool -h localhost netstats) <(sleep 5 && nodetool -h localhost netstats); done Hope this helps, Aaron Ploetz On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 8:40 AM, Jean Tremblay <> wrote: > Hi, > >

Re: Cassandra crashes when using offheap_objects for memtable_allocation_type

2020-06-02 Thread Aaron Ploetz
I would try running it with memtable_offheap_space_in_mb at the default for sure, but definitely lower than 8GB. With 32GB of RAM, you're already allocating half of that for your heap, and then halving the remainder for off heap memtables. What's left may not be enough for the OS, etc. Giving so

Re: Cassandra crashes when using offheap_objects for memtable_allocation_type

2020-06-02 Thread Aaron Ploetz
primary key ((partition_key, clustering_key)) Also, this primary key definition does not define a partitioning key and a clustering key. It defines a *composite* partition key. If you want it to instantiate both a partition and clustering key, get rid of one set of parens. primary key (partitio

Re: Cassandra timeout during read query

2020-09-14 Thread Aaron Ploetz
Deepak, Can you reply with: 1) The query you are trying to run. 2) The table definition (PRIMARY KEY, specifically). 3) Maybe a little description of what the table is designed to do. 4) How much data you're expecting returned (both # of rows and data size). Thanks, Aaron On Mon, Sep 14, 2020

Re: Use NetworkTopologyStrategy for single data center and add data centers later

2020-12-19 Thread Aaron Ploetz
Yes, you absolutely can (and should) use NetworkTopologyStrategy with a single data center. In fact, I would argue that SimpleStrategy should almost never be used. But that's just me. Thanks, Aaron On Sat, Dec 19, 2020 at 3:21 AM Manu Chadha wrote: > Is it possible to use NetworkTopologyStr

Re: Vulnerability in libthrift library (CVE-2019-0205)

2021-10-05 Thread Aaron Ploetz
In reading the Jira ticket, I see this line: "a server or client may run into an endless loop *when fed with specific input data.*" That seems to suggest that if the cassandra.yaml contains start_rpc: false, you should be ok. On Mon, Oct 4, 2021 at 8:12 PM rammohan ganapavarapu < rammohanga...@g

Re: update cassandra.yaml file on number of cluster nodes

2021-10-18 Thread Aaron Ploetz
When I was at Target, we had a lot of success with Rundeck. It was a quick way to push out changes to hundreds of clusters. On Mon, Oct 18, 2021 at 12:19 PM Yakir Gibraltar wrote: > We manage via Puppet: > > On

Re: Cassandra tarball install and systemd

2022-02-09 Thread Aaron Ploetz
> I am starting Cassandra with $CASSANDRA_HOME/bin/cassandra When starting Cassandra, it accepts a PID file location with the -p flag: $CASSANDRA_HOME/bin/cassandra -p /var/run/cassandra/ Start Cassandra with that, and then the PID file will be there. Assuming of course, that the u

The "Cassandra Corner" podcast

2022-06-01 Thread Aaron Ploetz
-corner/episodes/ep1---Lakhan-Samani-Authorizer-e1j10hv This podcast is intended to highlight cool use cases for Cassandra and the folks in the Apache Cassandra community who implement them. If you would like to be a guest on the podcast, please reach out to me. Thanks everyone, Aaron

Re: The "Cassandra Corner" podcast

2022-06-01 Thread Aaron Ploetz
t the source of the page, > and it shows this: > > title="The Cassandra Corner" > href="";/> > > … which leads to a 404. Thanks. > > - Max > > On Jun 1, 2022, at 6:55 am, Aaron Ploetz wrote:

Re: Topology vs RackDC

2022-06-02 Thread Aaron Ploetz
Agree with Paulo on this one. If you're running a cluster on K8s, in the cloud, or under some other conditions in which IPs change, the file is going to quickly become a burden. Especially if that cluster has more than just a few nodes. Increasing your cluster from

new Cassandra Corner episode w/ Patrick McFadin

2022-06-22 Thread Aaron Ploetz
Nothing to see here...because well, it's a podcast, right? But I did get to spend some time with Patrick McFadin discussing our favorite database - Apache Cassandra! Listen in as we talk a little about the early days of Cassandra as well as the new, upcoming Cassandra 4.1 release. https://anchor.f

Guardrails in Cassandra 4.1 Alpha

2022-06-23 Thread Aaron Ploetz
So I'm trying to test out the guardrails in 4.1-alpha. I've set allow_filtering_enabled: false, but it doesn't seem to care (I can still use it). > SELECT release_version FROM system.local; release_version - 4.1-alpha1-SNAPSHOT (1 rows) > SELECT * FROM system_views.setting

Re: Guardrails in Cassandra 4.1 Alpha

2022-06-23 Thread Aaron Ploetz
, that particular guardrail isn't applied to system tables, so it > would still allow filtering on the system.local and system_views.settings > tables, but not in stackoverflow.movies. > > I hope this helps. > > On Thu, 23 Jun 2022 at 19:51, Aaron Ploetz wrote: > >> S

The Apache Cassandra(R) Corner Podcast

2022-06-30 Thread Aaron Ploetz
How does open source marketing work and how does it help the Apache Cassandra® project? Listen in as Constantia's Melissa Logan and I talk about open source, Cassandra, and the Data on Kubernetes community. The Apa

Apache Cassandra(R) Corner podcast - Call for guests

2022-07-14 Thread Aaron Ploetz
Just wanted to reach out to the folks on this list. The Apache Cassandra Corner® podcast is all about sharing and discussing some of the great use cases out there, as well as the infrastructure engineering which happens around it. If you are using or supporting Apache Cassandra®, I'd love to have

Denylisting with a composite partition key

2022-10-17 Thread Aaron Ploetz
I have this table definition: CREATE TABLE stackoverflow.weather_sensor_data ( city text, month int, recorded_time timestamp, temp float, PRIMARY KEY ((city, month), recorded_time) ) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (recorded_time DESC) Sample data looks like this: > SELECT * FROM we

Re: Denylisting with a composite partition key

2022-10-17 Thread Aaron Ploetz
> >>,using%20a%20single%20quotation%20mark >> . >> >> and then you can verify the insert by doing >> >> cqlsh> select ks_name, table_nam

Re: Denylisting with a composite partition key

2022-10-19 Thread Aaron Ploetz
Just checking, but for this to work, do I have to mess with these settings in the YAML at all? partition_denylist_enabled: true denylist_reads_enabled: true They're commented out by default. Thanks, Aaron On Mon, Oct 17, 2022 at 4:53 PM Aaron Ploetz wrote: > Thanks for the help

Re: Denylisting with a composite partition key

2022-10-20 Thread Aaron Ploetz
e_partition_denylist will enable for the rest of three > @Jordan > West maybe you can confirm for that? But it's > better to enable for all just to be safe. > I will play by my side and get back to you soon about the composite keys. > > Thanks > Cheng > > On Wed, Oct

Re: Denylisting with a composite partition key

2022-10-21 Thread Aaron Ploetz
general) explanation is here > > > So... the short answer is, I get back my previous answer. My apologies! It's > not recommended to directly insert rows i

Re: Denylisting with a composite partition key

2022-10-25 Thread Aaron Ploetz
everything is working. Thanks again, Cheng! Aaron On Fri, Oct 21, 2022 at 9:48 AM Aaron Ploetz wrote: > Awesome. Thank you, Cheng! I’ll give this a shot and let you know. > > Thanks, > > Aaron > > > On Oct 21, 2022, at 12:45 AM, Cheng Wang wrote: > >  > Hi

Re: [DISCUSS] Formation of Apache Cassandra Publicity & Marketing Group

2023-01-26 Thread Aaron Ploetz
> > We are going to have our first gathering next Wednesday at 8AM PT I'd like to help out, too, if you wouldn't mind forwarding that meeting on to me. Thanks, Aaron

Re: Cleanup

2023-02-16 Thread Aaron Ploetz
So if I remember right, setting compaction_throughput_per_mb to zero effectively disables throttling, which means cleanup and compaction will run as fast as the instance will allow. For normal use, I'd recommend capping that at 8 or 16. Aaron On Thu, Feb 16, 2023 at 9:43 AM Marc Hoppins wrote:

Accord and elector selection

2023-03-01 Thread Aaron Ploetz
Under the premise of an Accord transaction, how does replica/elector selection happen? Does it choose replicas based on the partition keys? Or is there another way? Thanks! Aaron

Re: Reads not returning data after adding node

2023-04-03 Thread Aaron Ploetz
The time it takes to stream data off of a node varies by network, cloud region, and other factors. So it's not unheard of for it to take a bit to finish. Just thought I'd mention that auto_bootstrap is true by default. So if you're not setting it, the node should bootstrap as long as it's not a

Re: Reads not returning data after adding node

2023-04-03 Thread Aaron Ploetz
that? > > Re the racks. I just asked that question on this list and the answer was > that adding the new nodes as rack4, rack5 and rack6 is fine. They are all > on separate physical racks. Is that ok? > > On Mon, Apr 3, 2023 at 5:16 PM Aaron Ploetz wrote: > >> The time it

Re: Cassandra 5 & Support for JDK 17

2023-08-22 Thread Aaron Ploetz
Hello Sean, Cassandra 5.0 is indeed intended to run on Java 17. In fact, I just tried running 5.0-alpha , and it does indeed run on Java 17.0.8. There is a Jira ticket out there for tracking Java 17 issues with 5.0: CASSANDRA-16895

Re: Upgrade from C* 3 to C* 4 per datacenter

2023-10-26 Thread Aaron Ploetz
Just a heads-up, but there have been issues (at least one) reported when upgrading a multi-DC cluster from 3.x to 4.x when the cluster uses node-to-node SSL/TLS encryption. This is largely attributed to the fact that the secure port in 4.x changes to 9142, whereas in 3.x it continues to run on 9042

Re: storage engine series

2024-04-30 Thread Aaron Ploetz
Nice! This sounds awesome, Jon. On Mon, Apr 29, 2024 at 6:25 PM Jon Haddad wrote: > Hey everyone, > > I'm doing a 4 week YouTube series on the C* storage engine. My first > video was last week where I gave an overview into some of the storage > engine internals [1]. > > The next 3 weeks are loo

Re: Recommend Cassandra consultant

2024-09-27 Thread Aaron Ploetz
Casting a second vote for Jon Haddad. You can reach out to him on LinkedIn: Thanks, Aaron On Fri, Sep 27, 2024 at 3:57 AM guo Maxwell wrote: > I want to at Jon Haddad 😁 > > Bowen Song via user 于2024年9月27日周五 16:39写道: > >> Hello Jeff, >> >> I'm not