On Fri, Sep 23, 2022 at 8:39 PM Bowen Song via user <
user@cassandra.apache.org> wrote:
> What's your definition of "sync"? Streaming all the existing data to the
> new DC? or the time lag between a write request is completed in one DC and
> the other DC?
> The former can be estimated based on a
Correction -- It has been brought to my attention that there are no plans
for 5.0 yet so Java 17 support might be added sooner in the next 4.x
release if it's ready. Cheers!
> There is no support for Java 17 yet. The plan is to add it in Cassandra
> 5.0 [1].
> [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira
It looks like you have replication factor of 3 and total data size of
1.43 GB per node. That's very small amount of data. Assuming the
bottleneck is the network, not CPU or disk, and your 50 Mbps bandwidth
is between each pair of servers across the two DCs (i.e. not the total
bandwidth availabl
Hulloa all,
I started a decommission. Node load was 1.08TiB. After 6 or so hours the load
is at 1.12TiB. Shouldn't it be DECREASING?
No, decommission does not decrease the load, as it only streams the data
to other nodes, but doesn't remove them locally. However, decommission
also shouldn't increase the load either. I can't offer an explanation
for the load increase in your case.
On 26/09/2022 15:03, Marc Hoppins wrote: