I would like to evaluate if writing to my “own” SSTables files and then do
import into Cassandra
My goal is to beat the performance of traditional CQL INSERTS (yes even with
prepared statements)
I have been trying to find code examples for how to write to SSTables but could
only really find
If you're asking about CQLSSTableWriter to create your own SSTables which
you then load with the sstableloader utility, then it's still pretty much
the same. BUT...
The use-case for that has pretty much evaporated since the fastest way of
bulk loading data (in my opinion 🙂) is using the DataStax B
Hi everyone,
I'm very new to Cassandra. I have, however, some experience with SQL.
I need to extract some information from a Cassandra database that has
the following table definition:
CREATE TABLE tagdata.central (
signalid int,
monthyear int,
fromtime bigint,
totime bigint,
avg decimal,
On Tue, Apr 21, 2020 at 4:16 AM Erick Ramirez
> If you're asking about CQLSSTableWriter to create your own SSTables which
> you then load with the sstableloader utility, then it's still pretty much
> the same. BUT...
> The use-case for that has pretty much evaporated since the fastest wa
The short answer is that CQL isn't SQL. It looks a bit like it, but the
structure of the data is totally different. Essentially (ignoring
secondary indexes, which have some issues in practice and I think are
generally not recommended) the only way to look the data up is by the
partition key. Any
Note that from a performance standpoint, it’s hard to see a reason to care
about releasing the memory unless you are co-tenanting C* with something else
that’s significant in its memory demands, and significant on a schedule
anti-correlated with when C* needs that memory.
If you aren’t doing th
Marc, have you had any exposure to DynamoDB at all? The API approach is
different, but the fundamental concepts are similar. That’s actually a better
reference point to have than an RDBMS, because really it’s a small subset of
usage patterns that would overlap with CQL. If you were, for examp
On Tue, Apr 21, 2020 at 6:20 AM Marc Richter wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm very new to Cassandra. I have, however, some experience with SQL.
The biggest thing to remember is that Cassandra is designed to scale out to
massive clusters - like thousands of instances. To do that, you can't
As I learned the hard way (and has already been implied), design your
tables to support your queries.
We have, for example, 9 tables storing the same data, because users wish to
query in different ways. Could be several more tables (if one was being a
purist), but indexes get us the rest of the wa