interesting jeff, thank you. ok so this is regarding new data merging with
old data, what about old sstables that were suddenly merged on many nodes
(as if i ran alter table to size tiered)? i do not have the sstables
themselfs now, but it is definitly something that happened, one day we had
See inline
Rahul Singh
Chief Executive Officer
m 202.905.2818
Anant Corporation
1010 Wisconsin Ave NW, Suite 250
Washington, D.C. 20007
We build and manage digital business technology platforms.
On Dec 9, 2018, 2:02 PM -0500, Devaki, Srinivas , wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> Have a couple of questions re
If you use collections such as a map you could get by with just
upserts. A collection in a column gives you the ability to have “flexible”
schema for your “documents” as in mongo while the regular fields can act as
“records” as in a more
Traditional table.
Rahul Singh
Chief Executive Officer
Agree with JEFF in twcs. Also look
At for reference. Good ideas for a
queue on Cassandra.
Rahul Singh
Chief Executive Officer
m 202.905.2818
Anant Corporation
1010 Wisconsin Ave NW, Suite 250
Washington, D.C. 20007
We build and manage digital business t