you may use: nodetool upgradesstables -a keyspace_name table_name
it will re-write this table's sstable files to current version, while
re-writing, will evit droppable tombstones (expired + gc_grace_seconds
(default 10 days) ), if partition cross different files, they will still be
kept, but most
it will re-write this table's sstable files to current version, while
> re-writing, will evit droppable tombstones (expired + gc_grace_seconds
> (default 10 days) ), if partition cross different files, they will still
> be kept, but most droppable tombstones gone and size reduced.
Nice tip
I have just this been told that my first statement is inaccurate:
If 'upgradesstable' is run as a routine operation, you might forget about
> it and suffer consequences. 'upgradesstable' is not only doing the
> compaction.
I should probably have checked upgradesstable closely before making this
Hi All,
I ran nodetool cfstats (v2.0.14) on a keyspace and found that there are a
few large partitions. I assume that since "Compacted partition maximum
bytes": 802187438 (~800 MB) and since
"Compacted partition mean bytes": 100465 (~100 KB), it means that most
partitions are in okay size and only
system.log should show you some warnings about wide rows. Do a grep on
system.log for 'Writing large partition' The message could be different
for the c* version you're using though. Plus, this doesn't show you all of
the large partitions.
There is a nice tool that analyzes sstables and can sho
Thanks Ali!
I use a 13 months TTL on this table. I guess I need to remodel this table.
And I'll definitely try this tool.
On Tue, Apr 3, 2018 at 1:28 AM, Ali Hubail wrote:
> system.log should show you some warnings about wide rows. Do a grep on
> system.log for 'Writing large partition' The m
Hi James and Jon,
Thank you very much for your advice, I will go through the article.
By the way,is there any official documentation for instructing the detail of
nodetool command,the web pages in datastax are just brief instruction.
Best Regards,
倪项菲/ David Ni
Virtue Intelligent N
Correct. Note that both triggers and CDC aren't widely used yet so be sure
to test.
On 28 March 2018 at 13:02, Earl Lapus wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 28, 2018 at 8:39 AM, Jeff Jirsa wrote:
>> CDC may also work for newer versions, but it’ll happen after the mutation
>> is applied
>> --
>> Jeff J
Setting auto_bootstrap on seed nodes is unnecessary and irrelevant. If the
node is a seed it will ignore auto_bootstrap and it *will not* bootstrap.
On 28 March 2018 at 15:49, Ali Hubail wrote:
> "it seems that we still need to keep bootstrap false?"
> Could you shed some light on what would h