We are experiencing following issues with Cassandra on our kubernetes clusters:
@ kubectl exec -it cassandra-cassandra-0 -- tail /var/log/cassandra/debug.log
DEBUG [MessagingService-Outgoing-localhost/] 2017-12-05
09:02:06,560 OutboundTcpConnection.java:545 - Unable to conne
For a project I am working on, I have a use case implying a column holding an
expiration date that has to be updated on a regular basis and filtered using a
slice query.
The table is used to maintain a list of elements to process. First, a list of
candidate is retrieved (with an expiration
Assume I have cluster of 3 nodes (A,B,C). Row x was written with CL=LQ to node
A and B. Before it was written to C, node B crashes. I replaced B and it
bootstrapped data from node C.
Now, row x is missing from C and B. If node A crashes, it will be replaced and
it will bootstrap from either C
You cant ask cassandra to stream from the node with the "most recent data",
because for some rows B may be most recent, and for others C may be most
recent - you'd have to stream from both (which we don't support).
You'll need to repair (and you can repair before you do the replace to
avoid the wi
I don't have any k8 clusters to test with, but do you know how your yaml
translates to cassandra.yaml ? What are the listen/broadcast addresses
being set?
On Tue, Dec 5, 2017 at 6:09 AM, Marek Kadek -T (mkadek - CONSOL PARTNERS
LTD at Cisco) wrote:
> We are experiencing following issues with Ca
I think as Jeff mentioned it sounds like a configuration issue, are you
sure you are using the same configmap/however it's being passed in and just
throwing out ideas, maybe the pods are behind a http proxy and you may have
forgotten to pass in the env vars?
On 6 December 2017 at 08:45, Jeff Jirsa
Or, do a full repair after bootstrapping completes?
On Dec 5, 2017 4:43 PM, "Jeff Jirsa" wrote:
> You cant ask cassandra to stream from the node with the "most recent
> data", because for some rows B may be most recent, and for others C may be
> most recent - you'd have to stream from both (wh
If we have upgraded Cassandra binaries from 2.0 to 2.1 on ALL the nodes but
upgradesstable is still pending, please provide the impact of following
1. Running nodetool repair on one of the nodes while upgradesstables is
still executing on one or more nodes in the cluster.
2. Running