By "partitions" I assume you refer to "partition keys".
Generally, the more partitions keys, the better. Having more partition keys
means your data generally is spread out more evenly across the cluster,
makes repairs run faster (or so I've heard), makes adding new nodes more
smooth, and makes it
Below is a sample trace for a LOCAL_QUORUM query . I've changed the query
table/col names and actual node IP addresses to IP.1 and IP.coord (for the
co-ordinator node). RF=3 and we have 2 DCs. Don't we expect to see an
"IP.2" since LOCAL_QUORUM requires the co-ordinator to receive at least 2
I am seeing something weird while running repairs.
I am testing 3.0.9 so I am running the repairs manually, node after node,
on a cluster with RF=3. I am using a standard repair command (incremental,
parallel, full range), and I just noticed that the third node detected some
ranges out of sync
Hi Joseph,
The coordinator itself could be one of the replica that holds the data, but
looks like it's not your case.
So you're right the coordinator should have sent a digest request to
another node.
Did you executed this request with cql ? Are you sure you have correctly
set the consistency befo
I meant that pending (and active) AntiEntropySessions are a simple way to check
if a repair is still running on a cluster. Also have a look at Cassandra reaper:
Le Mercredi 21 sept
We’ve talked about two items:
1) ‘%’ as a wildcard in the middle of LIKE pattern.
2) How to escape ‘%’ to be able to find strings with the ‘%’ char with help of
Item #1was resolved as CASSANDRA-12573.
Regarding to item #2: you said the following:
> A possible fix would be:
> 1) con
We have a Cassandra 3.0.8 cluster (recently upgraded from 2.1.15) currently
running in two data centers (13 and 19 nodes, RF3 in both). We are adding a
third data center before decommissioning one of the earlier ones.
Installing Cassandra (3.0.8) goes fine and all the nodes join the cluster
Hello Mikhail
It's more complicated that it seems
LIKE '%%escape' means EQUAL TO '%escape'
LIKE '%escape' means ENDS WITH 'escape'
What's about LIKE '%%%escape'
How should we treat this case ? Replace %% by % at the beginning of the
searched term ??
On Thu, Sep 22, 2016 at 3:31 PM, Mi
Spotifys stopped working on their reaper. Alexander Dejanovski did a pretty
good job to fork it and add incremental repair support.
Check his fork at
On Thu, Sep 22, 2016 at 2:23 PM, Romain Hardouin
> I meant that pending (and active
I had another repair that seems to just hang last night. When I did 'nodetool
tpstats' on nodes, I see the following in the node where I initiated the
AntiEntropySessions 1 1
On all other nodes, I see:
AntiEntropySessions 0 0
When I check
It could be a bug.
Yet I am not very aware of this system_distributed keyspace, but from what
I see, it is using a simple strategy:
root@tlp-cassandra-2:~# echo "DESCRIBE KEYSPACE system_distributed;" |
cqlsh $(hostname -I | awk '{print $1}')
CREATE KEYSPACE system_distributed WITH replication =
As Matija mentioned, my coworker Alexander worked on Reaper. I believe the
branches of most interest would be:
Incremental repairs on Reaper:
UI integration with incremental repairs on Reaper:
I guess that it should be similar to how it is done in SQL for LIKE patterns.
You can introduce an escape character, e.g. ‘\’.
‘%’ - any string
‘\%’ - equal to ‘%’ character
‘\%foo%’ - starts from ‘%foo’
‘%%%escape’ - ends with ’escape’
‘\%%’ - starts from ‘%’
‘\\\%%’ - starts from ‘\%’
@Matija: George wrote that he uses C* 2.0.9, so the Spotify master is OK for
him :-) But you're right about C* >= 2.1, we also use a fork to run it against
our 2.1 clusters.
@George: your repair might be slow and not necessarily stuck. As Alain said,
check the progression of nodetool netsta
Alain, you replied faster, I didn't see your answer :-D
To answer DuyHai's question without introducing new syntax, I'd suggest:
LIKE '%%%escape' means STARTS WITH '%' AND ENDS WITH 'escape'
So the first two %'s are translated to a literal, non-wildcard % and the
third % is a wildcard because it's not doubled.
On Thu, Sep 22, 2016 at 11:40 AM, M
Hi Alain,
Thanks a lot for a helping out!
Some of the basic keyspace / cluster info you requested:
# echo "DESCRIBE KEYSPACE system_distributed;" | cqlsh
CREATE KEYSPACE system_distributed WITH replication = {'class':
'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '3'} AND durable_writes = true;
Thanks!. I was just trying with default cqlsh ; now realize that its only
On 22 Sep 2016 16:16, "Nicolas Douillet" wrote:
> Hi Joseph,
> The coordinator itself could be one of the replica that holds the data,
> but looks like it's not your case.
> So you're right the coordinator should
Oki, have fun :)
Le jeu. 22 sept. 2016 à 18:39, Joseph Tech a écrit :
> Thanks!. I was just trying with default cqlsh ; now realize that its only
> On 22 Sep 2016 16:16, "Nicolas Douillet"
> wrote:
>> Hi Joseph,
>> The coordinator itself could be one of the replica that holds th
Thanks a lot, guys. That is lots of useful info to digest.
In my cassandra.ymal, request_timeout_in_ms is set to
1, streaming_socket_timeout_in_ms is not set hence takes default of 0.
Looks like 2.1x has made quite some improvement on this area. Besides, I
can use incremental repair. So for rig
There are a couple of things that could be happening here:
- There will be time differences between when nodes participating repair
flush, so in write-heavy tables there will always be minor differences
during validation, and those could be accentuated by low resolution merkle
trees, which will aff
Hi Alain,
Our normal user keyspaces have RF3 in all DCs, e.g:
create keyspace reporting with replication = {'class':
'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'DC1': '3', 'DC2': '3', 'DC3': '3'};
Any idea would it be safe to change the system_distributed keyspace to
match this?
On 22 September 2016 at
It is a Cassandra bug. The workaround is to change system_distributed
keyspce replication strategy to something as below:
alter keyspace system_distributed with replication = {'class':
'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'DC1': '3', 'DC2': '3', 'DC3': '3'};
You may see similar problem for other sys
Should there be a maintenance schedule for repair_history? Meaning, a
scheduled nodetool repair and/or deletion schedule? Or is it the intention
that this table just grow for the life of the cluster?
Hi Yabin/Alain,
I changed the replication strategies for system_distributed, system_auth
and system_traces to use NetworkTopologyStrategies and repaired the
affected keyspaces. Now the rebuild process starts up ok without errors.
Thanks a lot for your help!
Best regards,
On 22 September 20
We have c* 2.0.17 cluster with 2 DCs - DC1, DC2. We tried to add new data
center DC3 and ran "nodetool rebuild 'DC1'" and we faced below exception on
few nodes after some data got streamed to new nodes in new data center DC3.
*Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Error whi
We have c* 2.0.17 cluster with 2 DCs - DC1, DC2. We tried to add new data
center DC3 and ran "nodetool rebuild 'DC1'" and we faced below exception on
few nodes after some data got streamed to new nodes in new data center DC3.
*Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Error whi
On behalf of the development community, I'm pleased to announce the
release of YCSB version 0.11.0.
* Support for ArangoDB. This is a new binding.
* Update to Apache Geode (incubating) to improve memory footprint.
* "couchbase" client deprecated in favor of "couchbase2".
* Capability
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