Strange behavior of timestamp column

2015-10-05 Thread Daniel Stucky
Hi all, we have a very simple cassandra table that contains just a single row. We have a 3-machine cluster using Cassandra 2.1.8, cqlsh 5.0.1. I do the following: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS scheduler_config (name text, suspended boolean, modified_ts timestamp, last_scheduled_start_ts timestam

Re: Is HEAP_NEWSIZE configuration is no more useful from cassandra 2.1 ?

2015-10-05 Thread Daniel Chia
G1GC still has an Eden size, however, it's strongly recommended *NOT* to set the new gen size G1GC and just let it figure it out based on your target pause time. Thanks, Daniel On Sun, Oct 4, 2015 at 4:11 PM, Tushar Agrawal wrote: > If you are using CMS garbage collector then you still have to

RE: Consistency Issues

2015-10-05 Thread Walsh, Stephen
It did, but a ran it again on one node – that node never recovered. ☹ From: Robert Coli [] Sent: 02 October 2015 21:20 To: Subject: Re: Consistency Issues On Fri, Oct 2, 2015 at 1:32 AM, Walsh, Stephen>> wrote:

Re: Changing schema on multiple nodes while they are isolated

2015-10-05 Thread Stephen Baynes
> Why don’t you simply let the node join the cluster? It will pull new tables and the data automatically. Because there is no guarantee the rest of the cluster is up, or even if there is anything more than a cluster of one at this time. This is a plug in and go environment where the user does not

RE: Changing schema on multiple nodes while they are isolated

2015-10-05 Thread Jacques-Henri Berthemet
Then maybe Cassandra is not the right tool for that, or you need a different data structure. For example you could keep a single table where what used to be your table name is now a part of you partition key. That way any “offline” data will be merged when the nodes join again. If you have confl

Re: Example of JavaBeanColumnMapper

2015-10-05 Thread Alexandre Dutra
Hi Ashish, The components you mention are not part of the Java driver but belong to the Spark Cassandra Connector project , so I guess you will have more comprehensive answers by asking your question on the project's dedicated mailing list

Re: Changing schema on multiple nodes while they are isolated

2015-10-05 Thread Stephen Baynes
Clint Martin's idea of each node creating its own keyspace, but then deciding which to use depending on the state of the cluster is really interesting. I am going to explore that in more detail. Thanks for the good idea. On 3 October 2015 at 00:03, Clint Martin < clintlmar...@coolfiretechnologies

Re: Changing schema on multiple nodes while they are isolated

2015-10-05 Thread Clint Martin
No problem, glad to help. I'd love to see how it works out for you. Clint On Oct 5, 2015 8:12 AM, "Stephen Baynes" wrote: > Clint Martin's idea of each node creating its own keyspace, but then > deciding which to use depending on the state of the cluster is really > interesting. I am going to ex

AW: Strange behavior of timestamp column

2015-10-05 Thread Daniel Stucky
Please forget about this email, there was a long forgotten client running somwhere in our data center that caused this problem. Von: Daniel Stucky [] Gesendet: Montag, 5. Oktober 2015 09:02 An: Betreff: Strange behavior of timestamp colum

[RELEASE] Apache Cassandra 2.1.10 released

2015-10-05 Thread Jake Luciani
The Cassandra team is pleased to announce the release of Apache Cassandra version 2.1.10. Apache Cassandra is a fully distributed database. It is the right choice when you need scalability and high availability without compromising performance. Downloads of source a

[RELEASE] Apache Cassandra 2.2.2 released

2015-10-05 Thread Jake Luciani
The Cassandra team is pleased to announce the release of Apache Cassandra version 2.2.2. Apache Cassandra is a fully distributed database. It is the right choice when you need scalability and high availability without compromising performance. Downloads of source an

Re: Cassandra certification

2015-10-05 Thread Michael Shuler
On 10/02/2015 09:11 PM, Renato Perini wrote: What credibility can have a certification with a non disclosure agreement? Many (most?) technical certifications require signing and NDA agreeing to not disclose the test material. Cisco and RedHat certification tests that I have taken both require

Re: Is HEAP_NEWSIZE configuration is no more useful from cassandra 2.1 ?

2015-10-05 Thread Mark Curtis
Just to add some credibility to not using this setting. I've also seen information on Oracle's blogs too: Hope that helps Mark On 5 October 2015 at 08:59, Daniel Chia wrote: > G1GC still has an Eden size, however, it's strongly

Re: Cassandra Configuration VS Static IPs.

2015-10-05 Thread Eric Stevens
Basically your client just needs a route to talk to the IP being broadcast by each node. We do plenty in EC2 and we use the instance private IP in the broadcast address. If you are doing multi-datacenter in EC2 it gets a little harrier, where you need to use the public IP (but not necessarily ela