Re: Cassandra 1.2.9 cluster with vnodes is heavily unbalanced.

2013-11-11 Thread Francisco Nogueira Calmon Sobral
We also run into the same problem when trying to load data from a 8 node cluster (C* 1.2.1, Vnodes and same rack) into a 9 node cluster (C* 1.2.11, Vnodes and different racks) using sstableloader. We observed that a Key that clearly belonged to 3 nodes (using nodetool getendpoints) has not been

Re: A lot of MUTATION and REQUEST_RESPONSE messages dropped

2013-11-11 Thread srmore
The problem was cross_node_timeout value,I had it set to true and my ntp clocks were not synchronized as a result, some of the requests were dropped. Thanks, Sandeep On Sat, Nov 9, 2013 at 6:02 PM, srmore wrote: > I recently upgraded to 1.2.9 and I am seeing a lot of REQUEST_RESPONSE and > M when setting up internode_compression

2013-11-11 Thread srmore
I might be missing something obvious here, for some reason I cannot seem to get internode_compression = all to work. I am getting the following exception. I am using cassandra 1.2.9 and have snappy-java-1.0.5.jar in my classpath. Google search did not return any useful result, has anyone seen this

RE: when setting up internode_compression

2013-11-11 Thread Christopher Wirt
I had this the other day when we were accidentally provisioned a centos5 machine (instead of 6). Think it relates to the version of glibc. Notice it wants the native binary .so not the .jar So maybe update to a newer version of glibc? Or possibly make sure the .so exists at /usr/tmp/snappy-1.0.

CF backup / restore selected columns

2013-11-11 Thread Turi, Ferenc (GE Power & Water, Non-GE)
Hi, I have a question which I was not able to find the right answer for. What is the best way to backup/restore a set of columns? Let's say we have: CF1(a,b,c,d) - a,b,c,d are columns/ original CF we would like to take backup from CF2(d,e,f,g) - e,f,g are different columns, we would restore dat

Re: Tracing Queries at Cassandra Server

2013-11-11 Thread Srinath Perera
Thanks Takenori! I tried adding that, but I can only see following logs. I am using 1.27, are there new logs added in new ones? DEBUG [Thrift:45] 2013-11-11 08:38:14,525 (line 1347) Schemas are in agreement. DEBUG [Thrift:1317] 2013-11-11 15:07:14,368 (line 15

Re: Cannot restrict PRIMARY KEY part bucket_id by IN relation as a collection is selected by the query

2013-11-11 Thread Aaron Morton
The code just says we cannot support it yet, it may come in the future: // We only support IN for the last name and for compact storage so far // TODO: #3885 allows us to extend to non compact as well, but that remains to be done > Should this be modelled

Re: log info in console

2013-11-11 Thread Aaron Morton
I don’t use eclipse, but take a look at file and check it’s logging to stdout. If you cannot get it working just follow log file. Cheers - Aaron Morton New Zealand @aaronmorton Co-Founder & Principal Consultant Apache Cassandra Consulting

Re: sstableloader in Counter Columns

2013-11-11 Thread Aaron Morton
> After truncating and running sstableloader it was: > > [default@Sessions] get Counters[0]; > => (counter=EVENTS, value=4809758) > => (counter=ITEMS, value=382473) > => (counter=USERS, value=2571674) The expected value was 395930 and you got 382473 instead ? Was there any errors / warnings in th

Re: Getting into Too many open files issues

2013-11-11 Thread Aaron Morton
> Some reason with in less than an hour cassandra node is opening 32768 files > and cassandra is not responding after that. Are you using Levelled Compaction ? Is so what value did you set for min_sstable_size ? The default has changed from 5 to 160. Increasing the file handles is the right t

Re: Duplicate hard link - Cassandra 1.2.9

2013-11-11 Thread Aaron Morton
> With the scrub --no-snapshots option I get: > > java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.RuntimeException: > > /data06/rhq/data/system/schema_keyspaces/system-schema_keyspaces-ic-20-Data.db > (No such file or directory) Can you paste the full error fr

Re: OOM while reading key cache

2013-11-11 Thread Aaron Morton
> -6 machines which 8gb RAM each and three 150GB disks each > -default heap configuration With 8GB the default heap is 2GB, try kicking that up to 4GB and a 600 to 800 MB new heap. I would guess for the data load you have 2GB is not enough. hope that helps. - Aaron Morton Ne

Re: Cass 2.0.0: Extensive memory allocation when row_cache enabled

2013-11-11 Thread Aaron Morton
>> Are you doing large slices or do could you have a lot of tombstones on the >> rows ? > don't really know - how can I monitor that? For tombstones, do you do a lot of deletes ? Also in v2.0.2 cfstats has this Average live cells per slice (last five minutes): 0.0

答复: log info in console

2013-11-11 Thread Boole.Z.Guo (mis.cnsh04.Newegg) 41442
Thanks. Bellow is my log4j.rootLogger=info,stdout # stdout log4j.appender.stdout=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender log4j.appender.stdout.Target=System.out log4j.appender.stdout.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%5p %d{HH:mm

How to configure linux service for Cassandra?

2013-11-11 Thread Boole.Z.Guo (mis.cnsh04.Newegg) 41442
How to configure linux service for Cassandra or start multiple Cassandra nodes from a single node? Thanks very muh! Best Regards, Boole Guo

rcp timeout after using sstableloader

2013-11-11 Thread Turi, Ferenc (GE Power & Water, Non-GE)
Hi, I tried to get experience in creating sstable using my own java code...Everything went ok, but after data loaded using sstableloader I was not able to select from the columnfamily anymore. Cql returned rcp timeout. Do somebody know what could be the reason? / I did not find any warning/erro