Cass 1.1.11 ran out of memory on me with this exception (see below).
My parameters are 8gig heap, new gen is 1200M.
ERROR [ReadStage:55887] 2013-11-02 23:35:18,419 (line 132) Exception in thread
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap
I have below table in CQL-
create table test (
employee_id text,
employee_name text,
value text,
last_modified_date timeuuid,
primary key (employee_id)
I inserted couple of records in the above table like this which I will be
inserting in our actual use case scenario as
I forgot to mention one of my use case in my previous email - So here is
the complete list of my use case again -
* 1. Give me everything for any of the employee_name? 2. Give me
everything for what has changed in last 5 minutes? 3. Give me the latest
employee_id and value for any of the emp
You cannot query using a field that is not indexed in CQL. You have to
create either secondary index or create index tables and manage those
indexes by yourself and query using those. Since those keys are of high
cardinality, usually the recommendation for this kind of use cases is that
you cr
Post your gc logs
Sent from my iPhone
On Nov 3, 2013, at 6:54 AM, Oleg Dulin wrote:
> Cass 1.1.11 ran out of memory on me with this exception (see below).
> My parameters are 8gig heap, new gen is 1200M.
> ERROR [ReadStage:55887] 2013-11-02 23:35:18,419
> (l
Thanks Hannu. I got your point.. But in my example `employee_id` won't be
larger than `32767`.. So I am thinking of creating an index on these two
columns -
create index employee_name_idx on test (employee_name);
create index last_modified_date_idx on test (last_modified_date);
As the cha
Thanks a lot.
On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 9:43 AM, Markus Jais wrote:
> This one is coming out soon. Looks interesting:
> Beside that , I found the already mentioned docs on the Datastax site to
> be the be
Try increasing column_index_size_in_kb.
A slice query to get some ranges(SliceFromReadCommand) requires to read all
the column indexes for the row, thus could hit OOM if you have a very wide
On Sun, Nov 3, 2013 at 11:54 PM, Oleg Dulin wrote:
> Cass 1.1.11 ran out of memory on me with thi
we are using a 6 node cluster with 3 nodes in each DC with replication
cassandra version :- dse-3.1.1 version
we have to load data into the cluster for every two hrs using Java driver
batch program
presently data size in cluster is 2TB
I want to validate the data loaded.
so using